Running Microsoft Freelancer on Windows 7

Freelancer worked best on Windows XP SP3. It did not work at all on
Vista. But it does work on Windows 7, and on Windows 8, and Windows
8.1. Just install it
normally from the CDROM and play it as normal. However, there is a tweak
that has recently become necessary.
Starting secdrv.sys on Win7, or Win8.1
In September 2015, Microsoft security update KB3086255 prevented Freelancer
from running. When you double-click on the icon, instead of running, you
get a dialog box with "Access denied" and "Please login with administrator
privileges and try again".
What the update did was to stop a service that the game relies on. It
"basically disables secdrv.sys which is an anti-piracy copy protection that is
used by many games developers and some other software companies. The driver,
secdrv.sys, is used by games which use Macrovision SafeDisc. Without the driver,
games with SafeDisc protection would be unable to play on Windows." See
this link for details. The driver was basically a security hole, and
so Microsoft have acted to stop it running.
Microsoft provide a workaround. Secdrv.sys is still there, so you can
manually start and stop it.
Here is the Microsoft
Support note for KB3086255.
To run Freelancer:
- Press the Start Button.
- Type cmd in the box at the bottom - "Search Programmes and Files".
The menu will change, and cmd.exe will appear at the top.
- Right click on the cmd.exe menu entry, and choose "Run as
administrator". A command prompt will open.
- Now enter the following commands. Note that the space before
"demand" is essential.
sc config secdrv start= demand
sc start secdrv
- You will now be able to run Freelancer. Just leave the command
window open.
- When you are finished, stop secdrv:
sc stop secdrv
Probably rebooting will reset this.
Running Freelancer on Win10
The SECDRV.SYS problem affects Windows 10 as well. Unfortunately
Secdrv.sys is not supplied with Windows 10 at all. Supposedly it isn't
possible even to run it. However there seems to be some question about
This link ("")
suggests that if you use the secdrv.sys from Windows 8.1, and sign
it, then it will run. (Note that I have not tested any of the following)
A workaround is to copy secdrv.sys
from a windows 8 / 8.1 machine, self
sign the driver, and enter into
testsigning boot mode. You can
do this manually or use 3rd party
programs to do it.
First copy
secdrv.sys from a windows 8 machine
to c:\windows\system32\drivers. You
can also download it
here. Same file as the one I
got from a vanilla windows 8.1
install v md5
Then self sign the driver. You
can use a program Driver Signature
Enforcement Overrider to do this:
Or read about doing it yourself
here. You will also need to
make the certificate.
Then enable TESTSIGNING boot mode
by opening an admin command prompt
and typing: bcdedit -set testsigning
Now safedisc games should work.
You will get an annoying
watermark in testsigning mode. You
can remove it using
this program. Or read about
removing it manually
I tested secdrv.sys and the above
programs in Windows 10 Pro x64 and
confirms that it does work.
It sounds rather flaky to me. Just another reason not to update to
Windows 10.
Freelancer Mod Manager
It is possible to install the Freelancer Mod Manager, but requires a bit of
ingenuity. You will quickly find, if you just try to install, that it
installs, but none of the mods will activate. They all give an error in
FMM if you try. Worse, you will find that when you start Freelancer, your
main menu screen is missing a lot of its bitmaps; if you proceed to a saved
game, that the navmap is blank, and that if you try to leave the station you
saved at, Freelancer crashes.
Installing flmminstaller_v1.31.exe
Get the download from the web. Then right-click on it, and select
Properties. Click the Compatibility tab. Then:
- Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for " and choose
"Windows XP Service Pack 3".
- Check the "Run this program as administrator" box.
- Choose "Apply" and "OK".
- Then reopen the Properties | Compatibility and check it "stuck".
Then you can double-click the flmminstaller_v1.31.exe file, and
install it.
Running Freelancer Mod Manager
Don't even think about running this except with the same settings as above.
So, find the actual executable -- not a shortcut -- on the Start | All
Programs | Freelancer Mod Manager and right click the Freelancer Mod Manager
Then do the same as for the installer:
- Check "Run this program in compatibility mode for " and choose
"Windows XP Service Pack 3".
- Check the "Run this program as administrator" box.
Then, and only then, run Freelancer Mod Manager. It should work
fine. I turned on the "battleship encounters".
Changing permissions
I found that I had to change permissions to "full control" for all
users on the following directories:
- c:\freelancer (or wherever you installed it in the end)
- C:\Freelancer Mod Manager (or wherever you installed that)
- C:\users\<your username>\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer.
Right click on the directory in Explorer, choose Properties, then the
Security tab. Look at "Authenticated users" and hit
"Edit" if necessary to give it "Full control" over the
directory. Likewise with "Users (<yourpc>\Users)".
If you do all this, and you're in the New York system near Planet Manhattan,
you should run into battleship and cruiser patrols almost straightaway.
I got into a lot of trouble with this. Even uninstalling Freelancer and
reinstalling it did not fix it. I ended up deinstalling FLMM and FL,
removing all nasty-looking references to "freelancer" from the
registry, doing a search on the hard disk and ditto, rebooting, and finally
installing FL to a new directory. It works fine from c:\freelancer.
What about your saved games? These are all in c:\users\<your
username>\My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts\SinglePlayer\ as
*.fl. Keep a copy of the directory before you fiddle, I suggest.
Copying the contents back on a new install gave me back my old saved games.

Constructive feedback is welcomed to Roger
Written 29th October 2011.
This page has been online since 29th October 2011.
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