This page contains direct links to all the
published or scholarly material on this site which has been
placed online so far. Further material in extract form is
elsewhere on the site, in the appropriate places.
TRITHEMIUS (Trittenheim, Johann von), De
scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, 1494. (Excerpt only)
HOOPER, John, The Seconde Booke of Tertullian unto his wyf,
1550. Complete.
Irenæus PHILOPOLIS, A true Christian subject under an heathen prince: or
Tertullian's plea for allegeance
[extr. from his Apologeticus. With a transl.]. With a brief application to the citizens of London,
written by a member of the House of commons [signing himself Irenæus Philopolis. Madan 1244].
[Oxford] 1642, 4o. Repr. 1643. Latin/English extracts.
(Details from Bodleian online catalogue). Oxford: Printed by Henry Hall, 1643 [2], 6 p.
Wing T789.
BETTY, Joseph, Tertullian's
Prescription against Hereticks. Oxford (1722) pp. 1-87
TRAVERSARIUS, A., Ambrosii Traversarii ... Latinae
Epistolae in libros XXV, ed. L. Mehus, 2 vols (1759)
DALRYMPLE, Sir David, (Lord Hailes), The Address of Q. Sept. Tertullian, To Scapula Tertullus,
Proconsul of Africa. Tr. by Sir David Dalrymple (1790)
DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall, An Introduction to the
Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics.
Together with an Account of Polyglot Bibles, Polyglot Psalters, Hebrew Bibles,
Greek Bibles and Greek Testaments, the Greek Fathers and the Latin Fathers,
4th edition, London (1827) pp. 207-210
- MIGNE, J.P. Patrologia Latina, 1844.
Excerpt De codicibus also in
- KAYE, John (Bishop of Bristol/Lincoln), The
Ecclesiastical History of the Second and Third Centuries, Illustrated from
the Writings of Tertullian (1845). Third edition.
- CHEVALLIER, Rev. Temple, A
translation ... of the Apology of Tertullian. London: Rivington
(1851). Second edition.
- OEHLER, Franciscus, Q.S.F. Tertulliani opera omnia,
Leipzig, 1851-1854, 3 vols (editio maior).
- CASPARI, C.P., Altercatio Heracliani laici cum Germinio episcopo sirmiensi.
In: Kirchenhistorische anecdota: : nebst neuen Ausgaben patristischer und
kirchlich-mittelalterlicher Schriften, vol. 1: Lateinische Schriften : die
Texte und die Anmerkungen [only volume published]. Oslo, Christiania
: Malling (1883) pp. 133-147
- (Various), Opera Tertulliani, Corpus Scriptorum
Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum Volume 20 (A. Reifferscheid
and G. Wissowa, Vienna, 1890).
- REEVE, W.,
The Apology of Tertullian, tr. and annotated by W. Reeve; and the Meditations of the emperor Marcus Aurelius
tr. by J. Collier. pp. xvi. 270. [1889.]
Series: Ancient and modern library of theological literature 31. Tertullian portion online.
(Reprint of Tertullian portion of: The apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minutius Felix, in defence of the Christian religion, with the commonitory of
Vincentius Lirinensis concerning the primitive rule of faith, tr.: with notes [&c.] by W. Reeves.
London 1709. 2 vols. ; 8o. Reprinted in a second edition 1716/1717).
- BINDLEY, T. Herbert, The
Apology of Tertullian for the Christians.
Translated with Introduction, Analysis, and Appendix
containing the Letters of Pliny and Trajan
respecting the Christians. London & Oxford: Parker (1890).
Online complete.
- KROYMANN, Emil, Quaestiones
Tertullianeae Criticae (1893). In PDF form (7Mb).
- BINDLEY, T. Herbert, The Epistle of the Gallican Churches : Lugdunum and
Vienna - with an appendix containing Tertullian's Address to Martyrs and The
Passion of St. Perpetua. Translated with introduction and notes. SPCK, London (1900)
- D'ALES, Adhemar, La Théologie de Tertullian, 3e ed. (1905).
pp.221-3 (On the
Inspiration of Scripture) online. Also in
pp. 474-8 (On fasting)
- LUPTON, J.M., Q.S.F.Tertullian De
Baptismo, 1908. (excerpt only)
- Ernst von DOBSCHÜTZ, Das Decretum Gelasianum De Libris
Recipiendis et non Recipiendis, in Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der
Altchristlichen Literatur, Leipzing (1912) 38, part 4. Latin
text only. Also in

- Karl A. Heinrich KELLNER, Bibliothek der Kirchenväter
Tertullians Ausgewählte Schriften ins Deutsche Übersetzt. Kempten
(1912/1915). Online complete.
- BINDLEY, T.H., Tertullian.
On the Testimony of the Soul and on The "Prescription" of
Heretics, SPCK (1914). Complete.
Septimi Florentis Tertulliani. Apologeticus. Cambridge
(1917). Preface and translation online.
- JAMES, M.R., The
Wanderings and Homes of Manuscripts, SPCK 1919. Complete.
- SOUTER, Alexander, Tertullian's
Treatises concerning Prayer, concerning Baptism, SPCK
(1919). Online complete.
- SOUTER, Alexander, Tertullian: The Resurrection of
the Flesh, SPCK 1922. Extract
of introduction.
- De LABRIOLLE, Pierre, History
and Literature of Christianity from Tertullian to Boethius.
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul (1924). Tertullian portion
- ROBERTS, R.E., The
Theology of Tertullian, Epworth Press, London (1924).
279pp. Complete text online.
- JAMES, M.R., Two Ancient English Scholars : St Aldhelm and
William of Malmesbury, Glasgow, 1931. Complete 33pp online.
- MANITIUS, Max, Handschriften antiker
Autoren in mittelalterlichen Bibliothekskcatalogen, 67 Beiheft zum Zentralblatt
für Bibliothekswesen, Leipzig 1935, pp.151-153.
- WILLIAMS, A. Lukyn, Adversus Judaeos:
A bird's-eye view of Christian Apologiae until the Renaissance.
Cambridge University Press
(1935). (This excerpt is pp. 43-52).
- LIDDELL, J.R., 'Leland's' Lists of Manuscripts in Lincolnshire
Monasteries, English Historical Review 54 (1939) pp. 88-95
- ALTANER, Berthold, Patrology:
+ Berthold ALTANER, Patrologie: Leben, Schriften und Lehre der
Kirchenvater. 7th ed. Freiburg-Basel-Wien: Herder (1966). pp.148-163.
+ Berthold ALTANER, Précis de Patrologie. Traduit par l'abbé Marcel
GRANDCLAUDON. Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin): éditions Salvator (1941).
pp. 126-138 (Tertullien).
+ Berthold ALTANER, Patrology. Translated by Hilda C. GRAEF.
Freiburg: Herder / Edinburgh-London: Nelson (1960). Based on 5th
German edition. pp. 166-182
+ (Versions in Spanish & Italian)
- GERLO, Aloïs, De pallio, kritische uitgave met
vertaling en commentaar door Aloïs Gerlo /
Publisher: Wetteren : Uitgeverij De Meester, 1940.
Description: 2 v. in 1 ; 25 cm. Notes:
"Bibliographie": v. 2, p. [5]-10. Contents:
deel I. Inleiding, tekst en vertaling.--deel II.
Commentaar. Latin text only.
- EVANS, E., Tertullian's Treatise against Praxeas
(1948) Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani adversus
Praxean liber : Tertullian's treatise against Praxeas.
The text edited, with an introduction, translation, and
commentary by Ernest Evans. pp. viii. 342. S.P.C.K.:
London, 1948. 8o. (Ref. from BL catalogue). Latin text with
apparatus. English
translation. By permission of SPCK.
- EVANS, E., Tertullian's
Tract on the Prayer. London: SPCK (1953). Online complete.
- CLAESSON, Gösta, Q. S. Florentis Tertulliani. Libellum de pudicitia.
praefatione, interpretatione, adnotationibus instructum edidit Gösta
Claesson. Unpublished, but ca. 1950-55. By permission of the
family. English
translation online.
- DEKKERS, E. + others, Corpus Christianorum Series Latina,
Vols I and II, Turnhout, 1954.
- EVANS, E., Tertullian's
Treatise on the Incarnation. London:SPCK (1956). By
permission of SPCK. Online complete.
- DIERCKS, G. F., Tertulliani De Oratione et De
Virginibus Velandis Libelli, Stromata Patristica et Mediaevalia IV
(1956), Antwerp. Latin text only.
- BECKER, C., Tertullian : Apologeticum (1961). Text only online.
- EVANS, E., Tertullian's Homily on Baptism
(1964): Tertullian's Homily on Baptism ... Edited with an
introduction, translation and commentary by Ernest Evans.
pp. xl. 122. S.P.C.K.: London. Complete. By permission of SPCK.
- BARNES, Timothy D. Tertullian: A Historical and Literary Study. Rev. ed.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985 (1971 1st edn). 320 pages, 2 page ancient author index, 10
page subject/name index, 22 page bibliography and 1 page chronological table.
An sample excerpt (pp.107-112) is
- RILEY, M.T., Q. S. Fl. Tertulliani Adversus
Text, Translation, and Commentary, Diss. Stanford
University (1971). 189pp. Available from UMI
microfilms. Complete. By permission of the author.
- EVANS, Ernest, Tertullian Adversus Marcionem, (Oxford, 1972). Latin Edition and translation.
Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1972. ISBN 0-19-826807-6 2 volumes: xxiii, 658 p. 21 cm
- J.H.WASZINK & J.C.M. VAN WINDEN, Tertullianus De
Idololatria, E.J.Brill, Leiden/New York 1987, (in series
Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, Volume I.), pp7-8
- Quintus Septimius Tertullianus. De spectaculis. bei
die Spiele. Lateinisch/deutsch von Karl Wilhelm WEEBER. Stuttgart (Reclam) 1988. Latin text only.
- Karla POLLMANN, Das
Carmen adversus Marcionitas: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar.
[Hypomnemata 96] Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, Göttingen 1991. Latin text and apparatus online.
I have added some notes on most of these (and on some others which are not online)
on the bibliography
page, where items are in name order. In date order:
M. HAUPT, Analecta XIX (On De Pallio 5, De Spectaculis
10), Hermes. Zeitschrift für Classische Philologie 1 (1866) pp. 259-261
M. HAUPT, Varia (On Ad Martyras 1); Coniectanea (On De Sodoma 5,
14), Hermes. Zeitschrift für Classische Philologie 5 (1871) pp. 191, 316
M. HAUPT, Coniectanea (On Ad Nationes i, 7 & De Cultu Feminarum ii,
11), Hermes. Zeitschrift für Classische Philologie 8 (1874) pp. 247-8
Gaston BOISSIER, Le traite du manteau de
Tertullien, Revue des Deux Mondes 94.5 (1889) pp. 50-78
Charles BLOUNT, A
quotation from Tertullian, The Month: A Catholic Magazine and
Review, 80 (1894) pp. 361-372
Oliver Farrar EMERSON, A parallel between the Middle English poem 'Patience' and an early Latin poem attributed to
Tertullian, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 10 (New series, vol. 3) (1895) pp. 242-248
Anton DECKER, Die Hildebold'sche Manuskriptensammlung des Kölner Domes,
Festschrift der 43. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner. Bonn
(1895). pp. 215-253. with 2 plates.
Tertullien-Ueberlieferung in Italien, Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen
Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 138 (1897 or 1898) 3rd booklet
(34 pages). also in
Kritische Vorarbeiten für den III. und IV. Band
der neuen Tertullian-Ausgabe, Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen
Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 143 (1901), Band
6 (39 pages)
also in
A.J. MASON, Tertullian and Purgatory, JTS 3 (1902), pp. 598-601.
Joseph B. MAYOR, A puritan and a broad churchman in the second
century, The Expositor, 6th Series, vol. 5 (1902) pp. 401-409
J. F. BETHUNE-BAKER, Tertullian's use of substantia, natura, and
persona, Journal of Theological Studies 4 (1903) pp. 440-442
H. BOEHMER, Eine bisher nicht
beachtete Handschrift des Apologeticus Tertullians, Theologische
Literaturzeitung 23 (1903), col. 645. also in
F. X. FUNK, Tertullien et l'Agape (Apol. 39) :
Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique 5 (1904) pp. 5-15.
A. MIODONSKI, "O świadectwie duszy" Tertulliana.
(Tertullian de testimonio animae): Eos
10 (1904) 117-121.
F. X. FUNK, La question de l'agape - un dernier
mot, Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique 7 (1906) pp. 5-15.
Alexander SOUTER, A tenth-century
fragment of Tertullian's Apology, Journal of Theological Studies, 8 (1907), 297-300.
Pierre DE LABRIOLLE, Vestiges d''apocryphes dans le De Paenitentia deTertullien xii, 9,
Bulletin d'ancienne littérature et d'archéologie
chrétiennes 1 (1911) pp. 127-8. Also in
A. PUECH, Julien
et Tertullien, Didaskaleion 1 (1912)
J. P. WALTZING, Les trois
principaux manuscrits de L'Apologetique De Tertullien, in Le Musee Belge XVI
(1912), pp181-240.(pp181-187 only online) also in
G.A.T. DAVIES, Tertullian and the Pliny-Trajan
correspondence, Journal of Theological Studies 14 (1913) pp. 407-414
Gordon J. LAING, Tertullian
and the Pagan Cults, Transactions and Proceedings of the American
Philological Association 44 (1913) pp. xxxv-xxxvii (NB: NOT
C. H. TURNER, Tertullianea,
Journal of Theological Studies 14 (1913) pp. 556-564
P. DE LABRIOLLE, Tertullien a-t-il connu une version latine de la Bible?, Bulletin d'ancienne littérature et d'archaeologie chrétiennes (1914) pp. 210-213
F. DI CAPUA, Tertulliano, Apologetico, 47,
6, Didaskaleion 3 (1914) pp. 65-68
Adolf HARNACK, Tertullians
Bibliothek christlicher Schriften, Sitzungsberichte der Königlich
Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 10 (1914) pp. 303-334.
James MOFFATT, Aristotle and
Tertullian, Journal of Theological Studies 17 (1916) pp.170-71.
Dom André WILMART, Memoires
de la societe academique d'agriculture, des sciences, arts et belles-lettres du department
de l'aube, tome 81 (1917), p167. also in
Dom André WILMART, Un
manuscrit de Tertullien retrouve, Academie des
inscriptions et belles-lettres : comptes rendus des seances de l'annee 1920,
p380ff. also in
- Adhemar D'ALES, Tertullien
Recherches de science religieuse, 11 (1921), p.98 also in
- E. AMANN, L'Ange du Baptême dans
Tertullien, Revue des sciences religieuses 1 (1921) pp. 208-221.
- Rodney ROBINSON, The Inventory of
Niccolo Niccoli, Classical Philology 16 (1921), pp.251-255.
- Alexander SOUTER, A supposed fragment of
the lost codex Fuldensis of Tertullian, Journal of Theological Studies, 22 (1921),
- Alexander SOUTER, The 'Acta
Pauli' etc.
in Tertullian, Journal of Theological Studies 25 (1923-4), p.292
F. H. COLSON, Tertullian on Luke VI. Two examples of literary and rhetorical criticism in the Fathers : JThSt 25 (1924) 364-377.
- Adhemar D'ALES, Tertullien
De Baptismo V, Recherches de Science Religieuse, 14 (1924)
p.292. Also in
- A. W. REED, John Clement and his books, The Library,
4th series, vol. VI (1926), pp.329-339
- A. D. NOCK, Pagan Baptisms
in Tertullian,
Journal of Theological Studies 28 (1927), pp. 289-90.
- Hugo KOCH, Zu Ps.-Tertullian De execrandis gentium
diis, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 78 (1929) pp. 220-221.
- J. W. Ph. BORLEFFS, Tertullian und Lucrez (Apol.
8), Philologische Wochenschrift 52 (1932) pp. 350-351
- Jérôme CARCOPINO, Survivances par substitution des sacrifices d'enfants dans l'Afrique
romaine, Revue de l'Histoire des Religions 103 (1932) pp. 592-599
- J. W. Ph. BORLEFFS, Zur
Luxemburger Tertullianhandschrift, in Mnemosyne, Series III, vol 2 (1935), pp299-308.
also in
- Adhemar D'ALES, Tertullien
chez Bède?, Recherches de Science Religieuse 27 (1937) p. 620.
also in
- A. BOURGERY, Le problème de l'Institutum
Neronianum, Latomus 2 (1938) pp. 106-111
- J. W. Ph. BORLEFFS, La valeur du
Codex Trecensis de Tertullien pour la critique de texte dans le traite
De Baptismo, Vigiliae Christianae 2 (1948) pp. 185-200. also in
- J. W. Ph. BORLEFFS, Een nieuw handschrift van Tertullianus
(De Patientia en De Paenitentia),
Handelingen van het Een et Twintigste Nederlands Philologen-Congres (1950), p.27.
Also in
- J. W. Ph. BORLEFFS, Un nouveau manuscrit de Tertullien,
Christianae 5, 1951, pp.65-79.
- G. I. LIEFTINCK, Un fragment de De Spectaculis de Tertullien provenant d'un
manuscrit du neuvieme siecle, in Vigiliae Christianae 5 (1951) pp
193-203. Also in
- C. MOHRMANN, Saint
Jérôme et Saint Augustin sur Tertullien, Vigiliae Christianae
5 (1951), pp.111-2.
Also in
- G. De PLINVAL, Tertullien et le scandale de la Couronne.
Mélanges Joseph de Ghellinck vol 1. Gembloux (1951) pp. 183-188.
- Dom E. DEKKERS, Note sur les
fragments recemment decouverts de Tertullien, in Sacris Erudiri 4 (1952)
pp372-383.also in

- E. EVANS, Second Thoughts on Tertullian against
Praxeas, Studia Patristica 3.1 (1961) pp. 196-199.
- R. P. C. HANSON, Notes on
Tertullian's Interpretation of Scripture, Journal of Theological
Studies, New Series 22 (1961), pp.273-9.
- Claudio MORESCHINI, Prolegomena
ad una futura edizione dell'Adversus Marcionem di Tertulliano,
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, series 2, vol. 35 (1966) pp. 293-308.
- Claudio MORESCHINI, Prolegomena ad una nuova edizione
dell'Adversus Marcionem di Tertulliano (continuaz., continuazione
e fine), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, series 2, vol. 36 (1967) pp. 93-102, pp.235-244.
- Csaba Csapodi, Bibliotheca Corviniana: The library of Matthias Corvinus
of Hungary, Shannon: Irish University Press (1969). (Extracts)
- W. H. C. FREND,
Review of Tertullien et la conversion de la culture antique by Jean-Claude
Fredouille, Paris, Etudes Augustiniennes, 1972, in Journal of Theological Studies, New
Series, 24 (1973), pp. 249-251
- D. POWELL, Tertullianists
and Cataphrygians, Vigiliae Christianae 29 (1975), pp.33-54.
- Robert D. SIDER, Credo Quia
Absurdum?, Classical World 73
(1980), pp.417-9. √
- R. W. HUNT, The Need for a Guide to the Editors of
Patristic Texts in the 16th Century, Studia Patristica XVII Part I
(1982), pp.365-371.
- Rodney THOMSON, Identifiable books from the
pre-Conquest library of Malmesbury Abbey, Anglo-Saxon England 10 (1982), 1-19, with
11-13 relating to a Tertullian.
(Excerpt only) √
- Marie TURCAN, Être femme selon Tertullien,
Vita Latina 119 (Sept. 1990), pp.15-21
also in
- Paul MCKECHNIE, Tertullian's De Pallio and life in
Roman Carthage, Prudentia 24.2 (1992), pp.44-66. √
- Petr KITZLER, Some Comments on the Czech Tertullian scholarship,
Sborník prací Filozofické
fakulty Brněnské univerzity, N 8 (2003) pp. 47-51.
- Thomas HEYNE, Tertullian and Medicine, Studia Patristica 50.
ANCL: Cowper JSL 4/5,
Davidson Athenaeum.
Mayor, Apologeticum: Evelyn-White
CR 32;
Various: Thornell, Colombo, Marra, Nock, Borleffs: Callewaert
&c. BACL 1
also in
Lupton De Baptismo: Souter
JTS 11;
Becker Apologeticum: Evans
CR NS 6;
Diercks De Oratione: Bardon
REA50; Courcelle
REL26; Evans
CR63; Morel
RHE43; Préaux
Evans De Baptismo: Braun
Latomus 24; Botte,
BTh 10/11; Frend
CR NS 15;
Evans De Oratione: Chadwick
JThS NS 5; Greenslade
CR NS 5; Musurillo
Latomus 13;
Refoulé, De Praescriptione: Evans
JThS NS 9;
Evans Adversus Praxean: Birch
JThS NS 1; Birch
Speculum 24; Botte
BTh 6; Chirat RSR25
; Gonsette NRTh 72;
Manson CR64;
Quispel Latomus
Waszink VChr 7; Wedeck
Evans Adversus Marcionem: Braun
Latomus 33; Burghardt
ThS 33; Greenslade
JThS NS 24; Hall Th76; Hockey
RHE68; Louth JEH24;
Moreschini RSR10;
Augustinus 18;
Evans De Resurrectione Carnis: Hockey
Gerlo De Pallio: Souter
Quacquarelli Ad Scapulam: Evans
CR NS 7;
CCSL I: Chadwick
JThS NS 3; Evans
O'Malley Tertullian and the Bible: Evans
Gnomon 40;
Barnes Tertullian: Frend
CR 24; Matthews, JTS
NS 24; Momigliano,
JRS 66; Sider AJP 95;
Osborn Tertullian: First Theologian of the West: BMCR 00.05.12
These are articles which I happened to find interesting for some
other reason and placed online also.