Series of English Translations

There are a number of series of translations of the Fathers. As the
first of the Latin fathers, the following series contain at least one volume of
Tertullian. For the latest translation of any work of Tertullian, see the entry for the
individual work. The following series are of interest.
- Oxford Early Christian Texts
For the latest translations and most extensive
critical notes, this series should be consulted, where
available. These contain detailed introductions,
providing information on the major critical problems of
date, authorship, manuscripts, content, editions and
translations. The Latin is on the left-hand page - the
English on the right. Extensive footnotes are provided.
Oxford University Press.
- Ancient Christian Writers (ACW)
Clear and detailed introductions, extensive notes, fresh
translations. Published by Paulist Press (New
York and Mahwah), in more than 50 volumes. These can be ordered from Amazon.
- Fathers of the Church
Close to 100 volumes, published by the Catholic
University of America. Brief notes, but little discussion
of modern problems. Good, fresh translations.
- Loeb Classical Library
Also with a WWW
site. Includes a volume of Tertullian, containing the
Apologeticum and De Spectaculis,
translated by T.R.Glover with a version of Oehler's text.
(The same volume contains the Octavius of Minucius
Felix.). Brief notes, but readilly available.
This page has been online since 11th December 1999.
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