Early Editions, Translations & Studies
(1450 - 1850)

This page holds information about the printed editions,
starting from the invention of printing, up until the arrival of
the first modern
critical editions. It was originally based on Migne
1. I have indicated whether I have
checked personally the information with the edition itself.
Naturally there are many I haven't looked at.
I've also included all items listed in COPAC
on 8/8/2, up to and including 1600.
Editions about which I know more than the catalogue entry are
given separate linked pages.
After the invention of printing, there was half a century of
experiment. Books produced in this period (before 1500) are known
as incunables, from the Latin in cunabula, in the
There are a number of these for Tertullian, all of the Apologeticum alone.
According to the IISTC5, there are in fact only two unique editions - that
printed by Benalius, and that by Scinzenzeler. Each of these does appear
in a volume by itself.
The other editions listed are editions of the works of Lactantius, to which the
Apologeticum appears as an appendix. (This continues a trend which is also visible
in some of the late manuscripts of Lactantius, e.g. Balliol 79 which contains both
also).4. The pages of the Apologeticum in these
editions seems to be a direct print or rebinding of the unique editions. However they
are listed here, and the extent to which these statements have been checked personally
is indicated.
Pre-1493 :
ISTC no.
it00117000. Hain 15443 : Apologeticus, Venice, Bernardinus Benalius. In folio. The
volume is undated but has traditionally been assigned to 1483 (e.g. Migne), the
date at which Benalius began printing. However there is no evidence for this.
- Listed in the IISTC. Details: Cataloguing source: Goff T117. UK copies: BL IB.22421, Aberdeen University Library, Cambridge University Library,
Norwich Public Library (online),
Oxford Bodleian;
copies also in US, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain,
Portugal, Prague and Turku Akad.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q.Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus aduersus gentes. --
Publisher: Ven. per B. Benalium [1494?] --
Description: Folio --
References: BMC. IB 22421 (V, p.376)
- A copy is listed in the British Library (Details from Copac):
Title Details: Begin. [Sig. a ii recto, preceded by the Tabula:] Q. Septimii
Florentis Tertulliani apologeticus adversus gentes, etc. [Sig. c 7 recto:]
Sermo pulcherrimus de vita eterna, etc. MS. notes. -- Publisher: Venetiis :
Impressum per B. Benalium, [1485?] -- Physical Desc.: fol. -- Notes: 19
leaves; without titlepage or pagination. Sig. a-b in sixes, sig. c eight
leaves. -- Classmark: IB.22421
- From a dealer catalogue:
Tertullian, Quintus Septimus Florens: Apologeticus adversus gentes. Venedig,
Benalius 1494, Fol. (20) Bl. (Impressum Bl. 19a). Pbd. 19. Jahrh. - <Bestellnr. B16311> DEM
10920,- Hain 15443 - Goff T-117 - BM STC Ital. Books 666 - Wolff, Inc. 757 "Das einzige Werk dieses Kirchenvaters, das im XV. Jahrhundert gedruckt wurde"
(Baer). Seltener Druck, auf keiner deutschen Auktion 1950 - 1989. Wahrscheinlich die erste von nur zwei Einzelausgaben des 15. Jahrhunderts,
von Reichling (ca. 1490) datiert (die andere 1493 bei Scinzenzeler in Mailand erschienen). Einbandbezug teils stärker beschabt, im Unterrand
einzelne Wurmlöcher und im Schnitt Feuchtigkeitsränder. £4061.07 [May
2004, but unsold for 2 years then; still unsold in September 2005]
- A copy is listed at Aberdeen as possibly 1494 (Hain 15443, BM/V/p.376;
Mitchell 104) (Details from Copac).
Note that Norwich copy is online (see below) but is in fact a 1497 Lactantius, with the Benalius bound at
the end. I have checked that the pages in it are identical to those in the Cambridge copy, and they are.
Copies I have seen:
- The Norwich Public Library copy, which is bound
below with Lactantius (1497). A complete photographic copy of the Tertullian portion is online.
- Cambridge University Library. Contains only the Apologeticum.
Some pages are online. 20 folios. Note that no date is given.
- Folio 1r - blank
- Folio 1v - lists the
chapter titles given in the text for some chapters.
- Folio 2r - First page of
the Apologeticum text.
- Folio 19r - Finis.
Start of Sermo pulcherrimus.
- Folio 20r - End of Sermo.
Other online copies:
Other Notes I have seen this edition offered for sale at $1800.
A copy of this existed at the start of the 18th century which contained a
collation of the now lost (or possibly unidentified) manuscript owned by Filippo
Beroaldo. It was held in the library of E.S.Cyprianus: cf. Bibliotheca
Cyprianica...Editio auctior, Lipsiae (1733), p.9: "Tertulliani
apologeticus castigatus notis MSS. ex codice Philippi Beroaldi. Venetis
per Benalium 1480". (Petitmengin 2004, p.81 and n.77). It's current
whereabouts are unknown.
Bibliography on Benalius Not checked:
On Benalius there is an article in the excellent Dizionario biografico degli
italiani, vol. 8, pp. 165-7.
Now online, with English translation.
Also in BMC (Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century now in the British Museum
[British Library], London, 1963-85), V, pp. xlviii (very little)
1493 :
ISTC no. it00116900
: Apologeticus, printed Mediolani
per Uldericum Scinzinzeler. Listed in Illustrated
Incunable Short Title Catalogue CD. Printed Milan;
Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 4th December 1493. Format: Folio.
Catalogue source: IGI. Bibliography: HR 15444,
Pellechet MS 11035, CIBN T-89, IGI 9485. Copies (List from ISTC):
UK=Canterbury Cathedral(in Mendham collection, owned by Law Society but on
deposit in the Cathedral), France=Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
(imperfect), Italy=Florence (Laur) Milano (N) Modena (Est) Naples
(N) Rome (Biblioteca dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana) Venice (Sen).
Not checked. I have placed online some notes about Scinzenzeler.
I have now seen the Canterbury copy (29/8/2002). Size is NOT folio, as per
the ISTC, but
quarto. Size: 220mm x 155 mm. Quaternions: a(8)b(8)c(8)d(6). 30
folios. A lter hand has written folio numbers at the foot of each folio,
starting at 300 on folio a, and ending with 329. f.300 is blank both
sides; f.329r ends half way down with the text:
Impressum Mediolani magistrum Vldericum Scinzinzeler.
An extra (original) leaf is at either end as a guard-leaf. The binding
is goatskin, and 18/19th century, with a Law Society book plate inside the front
cover. The font is very like that of the Benalius - even down to the
hand-written Greek, e.g. on f.314r. However a comparison indicates the
text has been reset. Spaces are left for illuminated initials, as with the
Benalius. The text is quite abbreviated, but not in the same places always
as the Benalius. I was unable to find differences of wording in a cursory
Additional Note: This is apparently a reprint of Benalius - the same
text (source: A.-G. HAMMAN, L'Épopée du livre,
Paris (1985), p. 160).
Update: The Canterbury copy was offered for sale at Sothebys in June 2013, with an online
It was unsold; but bought afterwards by the Bavarian State Library in Munich.
An image of the first page was displayed. The catalogue read:
ULRICUS SCINZENZELER, 4 DECEMBER 1493. Estimate: 6,000 - 8,000 GBP.
Chancery folio (220 x 154mm.), 30 leaves (first leaf blank), a-c8 d6, 35
lines, roman letter, one 9-line initial space and numerous 2-line initial
spaces with printed guides, modern red morocco by the Cockerell Bindery with
remains of old calf binding and binder's note pasted at end, modern brown
buckram folding box, later manuscript foliation at foot (indicating it was
once bound with other works, before the previous calf binding), retaining
old endleaves from Sammelband (with watermark "Limosin │Fin" datable to
Paris in the later eighteenth century), all margins cut close, last leaf
with small tear at head.
Provenance: probably William Roscoe, sale, Liverpool, 19 August 1816,
lot 585, noted in Mendham's copy of the Roscoe sale catalogue; Law Society,
armorial bookplate.
Literature: HR 15444; GW M45647; IGI 9485.
Catalogue Note: ... One of only two incunable editions of Tertullian,
the other printed in Venice not after 1494 (BMC v 376). Rare. ISTC records
ten copies, of which only three are located outside Italy (the other edition
survives in about 100 copies). It seems plausible, given the rarity, that
this is William Roscoe's copy, as Mendham owned a copy of Roscoe's sale
catalogue and had marked this lot (he also bought his Complutensian Polyglot
Bible from the Roscoe sale; see lot 15). However, the recent binding retains
no earlier marks of provenance.
Reprints of Incunables
These are all combined with the works of Lactantius. In some cases (e.g. 1497), it appears that they are not so much
reprints as spare copies rebound into the new edition.
1494 :
Lactantius and Apologeticus, printed Venetiis,
cura et expensiis nobilis viri Domini Octaviani Scoti
Modoetiensis, 1494, by Bouctum Locatellum. Not checked. From Migne.
Additional Note: This is apparently not a reprint but a fresh edition
(source: A.-G. HAMMAN, L'Épopée du livre, Paris
(1985), p. 160). I have not yet seen a copy, but naturally will try to
obtain photographs.
A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Lactantii Firmiani de diuinis institutionibus libri septem. Eiusdem de ira dei ad Donatu.
De opificio dei & formatione hominis [&c.]. Ite Tertuliani Apolegeticus aduersus getes.
Publisher: Ven. cura O. Scoti, per B. Locatellum 1494.X.11
Description : Folio
Reference: BMC. IB 22912 (V, p.443)
A copy is listed in the British Library (Details from Copac):
classmark IB 22912.
Also listed by Bryce :
1494 Venezia : cura et expensis Octaviani Scoti Modoetiensis. Bonetus Locatellus. [+] DI, ID, OD, RD, acEDI, TA.
This does not list as included the Sermo de vita aeterna of the Benalius edition. The [+] indicates
personal inspection by Dr. Bryce.
- Also listed at Durham (Details from Copac):
Lactantii Firmiani De diuinis institutionibus libri septem. Eiusdem de Ira
dei ad Donatu[m]. De opificio dei [et] formatione hominis ad
Demetrianu[m]. Carmina eiusdem de foenice [et] de die resurrectio[n]is
dominicae. Nephitomon eiusde[m]. Ite[m] Tertuliani Apolegeticus aduersus
ge[n]tes perqua[m] diligentissime castigati ac nuper impressi /
Lactantius, ca.240-ca.320. [Venice] : [Octauianus Scotus ... per Bonetum
Locatellum], [1494]. Physical Desc.: 90 leaves (2o) -- "De
resurrectione Christi ..." has been wrongly ascribed to Lactantius, in
fact by Venantius Fortunatus (RLIN, ISTC).
- Here is the Illustrated ISTC (2nd edition) entry:
Author: |
Lucius Coelius Firmianus
Title: |
Opera |
Imprint: |
Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 11 Oct. 1494
Format: |
Folio |
Notes: |
De divinis institutionibus; De ira dei; De opificio dei vel de
formatione hominis; De phoenice carmen. Epitome divinarum
institutionum [cap. LVI-LXXIII]. Venantius Fortunatus: De
resurrectione Christi. Tertullianus: Apologeticus adversus gentes
Goff L12
H 9817*; Pellechet Ms 6994 (6946); CIBN L-12; Arnoult 947;
Polain, Belgique 2424; IDL 2872; IBE 3421; IGI 5629; IBP 3343;
2022; Voullième,
Berlin 4185,5; Sack, Freiburg 2206; Walsh 2314, 2315; Rhodes, Oxford
Colleges 1071; Sheppard 4213; Proctor 5056; BMC V 443; BSB-Ink L-11
Locations: |
Isles: |
BL, IB.22912; Cambridge, Queens' College; Durham UL; Holkham; Leeds UL
(deposited by Ripon CL); London, Lambeth Palace, Wellcome Institute;
Maidstone, Kent Archives; Oxford Bodley, New College; Dublin, Trinity
College |
USA: |
BYUL; ChL; DarCL; HarvCL; Harv(M)L; InUL; JCBL; LC; RUL; USoCalL;
WatkL; YUL (2)
Belgium: |
Univ. copy destroyed
France: |
BN; Troyes BM
Germany: |
i.Br. UB; Heidelberg UB; München
BSB (2); Tübingen
Italy/Vatican: |
Cons; Belluno Loll; Bergamo C (3); Bologna C; Chiavari Soc Econ;
Firenze N; Gallarate Aloisianum; Genova Capp (imperfect); Genova U;
Milano Ambr; Milano N (2); Napoli N; Novara Sem; Orvieto C; Palermo N
(2); Parma Pal; Pavia U; Poppi C; Roma Coll Int franc; Roma Cors
(48.C.17); Rovigo Acc Conc (2); San Dona' Casagrande; Siena C; Torino
N (2); Venezia C; Vicenza C; Vaticano BAV (3) |
Netherlands: |
UB 201
Spain/Portugal: |
BN, March; Sevilla BU; Valladolid Agustinos
European: |
1497 :
Lactantius, and Apologeticus. Checked. Not in Migne.
The Apologeticum portion is listed in IISTC as an example of the it00117000. This is in fact
correct - I have compared the Tertullian portion against a photocopy
of the First edition and they are identical.
However the combination does appear to be an edition, as it is listed in a recent
bibliography of Lactantius as such. Perhaps the printer had access to
'spare' sheets of the editio princeps and added them to his own work to make the
- Norwich City Library. No title page
(incunables don't
have them, I gather), but note and date in recent hand on
fly-leaf. Folio numbers in recent pencil. Edition rebound
after 1994 fire/flood. Photographic copy online.
- Folios 1r-7r contain chapter-by-chapter contents for
the works of Lactantius.
- f7v and f8r blank.
- f8v contains a dedicatory letter : Ioannis
Andreae episcopi Aleriensis ad Paulum secundum
Venetum pontificum maximum epistola... ending
with date of Rome, 1470AD.
- The Lactantius ends on folio 138r, and is followed by
Impressum Venetiis per Simonem Beuilaqua
papiensem. Anno incarnationis dni
M.ccc.l.xxxxvii. De quarto Aprilis followed by a
printers 'testcard' of letters.
- f138v-140r are blank.
- f140v contains the subjects of the work, with the
chapter numbers against it (more than one chapter per
subject, sometimes).
- f141r-159r contain the Apologeticum, beginning with
the words Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani
Apologeticus adversus gentes.
- f158r has FINIS followed by Impressum Venetiis
per Bernardinum Benalium and then continues with
Item sermo pulcherrimus de vita eterna. Caput
xlvii which starts with the words Sicut
dicit Augustinus. Beata est vita....
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Lactantii Firmiani De diuinis institutionibus aduersus gentes [&c. Ed. by J. Andreas].
Publisher: Ven. per S. Beuilaqua 1497.IV.4
Description: Folio.
Reference: BMC. IB 23967 (V, p.522)
Editor name: Andreas, Joannes bp. of Aleria
- Also listed by Bryce :
1497 Venezia : Giovanni Antonio ANDREA. Simon Bevilaqua. [+] DI, ID, OD, AP, RD, acEDI, TA, TS ;
Bünemann says = 1470 Roma.
- Listed in the IISTC, no. il00013000
as "A page-for-page reprint of the 1493 edition of V. Benalius (Goff
L11)". That Vincentius Benalius brought out a 1493 Lactantius,
without the Apologeticum, is interesting. The ISTC entry does not
include the Apologeticum.
1500 : Apologeticus, printed in Paris by Jo.
Petit, in quarto, possibly with Lactantius. Not checked
- Details from Migne: Parisiis, ap. Jo. Petit. 4o.
Tertulliani Apologeticus, cum Lactantio, si conjecturae fidere licet.
- Not listed in Bryce.
- Not listed in the Bodleian online catalogue
1502: [Lactantius, Chrysostom, Apologeticum]. Venice, in folio Not checked
- Listed in Migne as folio, Venice, 1502, but no indication of contents.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: [Habes] i hoc volumine lector optime diuina [Lactan]tii Firmiani opera ...
Habes etiã J. Chry. de Eucha. quãdã expositiones (interpræte H. Donato) & i eadem
materia Lau. Vall. sermone. habes Phi. adhortatione<> ad Theodo
& aduersus gentes Tertuliani Apologeticon.
Publisher: Ven. 1502.
Description: Folio.
Other names: Donatus, Hieronymus; John st, Chrysostom Lat. hom. in 1 Cor.
- Not listed by Bryce.
- Listed in the Catalogue of the Travers Collection at Sussex University
(these details from p.23 of the printed catalogue. I am told there is
only one annotation against the Tertullian, probably something about
Tacitus.) :
36. LACTANTIUS, Lucius Coelius Firmianus
Opera; [& other works by other authors. 2 parts]. Edited by Ioannes Petrus Valerianus Bellunensis.
Venetiis, mira arte & diligentia Ioannis de tridino cognominati Tacuinus, (3 Jan. (9 Jan.) 1502.)
fol ADAMS L 12 ff (8), (160): (22). Isaac 12662 or 12662a. Woodcut of St. John signed b.M., initial capitals. SANDER 3758.
Leaf A1a (text fol.I) printed in red and black.
fol (155) Ioannis Chrystostomi ... Pauli ad Corinthios ... enarratio ...
(158b) Sermo Laurentii Vallae de mysterio Eucharistiae.
(159b) Adhortatio Philippi ad quendam theodosium iudaeum ...
[P2] Tertullian: Apologeticus adversus gentes, colophon incorrectly printed as 152.
This copy has 18 lines on titlepage agreeing with British Library copy 3623.cc.4.
308mm early vellum with blind fillets, rebacked in calf with gilt decoration. First and last leaves reinforced.
a. early marginalia in Greek and Latin
b. later 16th cent. ms notes
c. inscription (overlaid): Pauli Mauri gramatici de s.Vitale (?) Xonae ...
d. ex Olschki, Florence, 148, 1971, 126.
Tacuino reprinted the works in 1509.
- Listed in Indice SBN:
Autore: | Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus |
Titolo: | Habes in hoc volumine lector optime diuina Lactantii Firmiani opera
perquam accurate castigata: graeco integro adiuncto: ... Eiusdem Neophythomon. Carmende phoenice. Carmen de resur. Domini.
Habes etiam Ioan. Chry. de Eucha. quandam expositionem & in eandem materiam Lau. Vall. sermonem.
habes Phi. adhortationem ad Theodo. & aduersus gentes Tertul. Apologeticon |
Descrizione fisica: |
VIII, CLX, XXII c. ; 2o. |
Note Generali: |
A cura di Giovan Pierio Valeriano Bolzani, il cui nome appare a c. V8v. - Marca (V487)
sul front. - Altro colophon a c. V8v. che reca la data: 1502 die iii Ianuarii. - Got. ;
gr. ; rom. - Segn.: p8A-V8a-c6d4. - Iniziali xil. - C. A1r. stampata in rosso e nero. |
Numeri: |
Impronta - .5u* a-i7 r:mi reph (3) 1502 (R) |
Nomi: |
+ Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus |
+ Ioannes : Chrysostomus <santo> | |
+ Valeriano Bolzani, Giovan Pierio <1477-1558> | |
+ Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens | |
+ Valla, Lorenzo <1406-1457> | |
+ [Editore] Tacuino, Giovanni | |
Localizzazioni: |
+ RM0267 - Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele II - Roma - RM - 1 esemplare. |
+ MI0190 - Biblioteca delle Facolta' di giurisprudenza, lettere e filosofia dell'Universita' degli studi di Milano - Bibl. Fac. di Giurisprudenza Lettere e Filosofia - Univ. Milano - Milano - MI - un esemplare | |
+ RM0267 - Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele II - Bibl. Nazionale Centrale "Vittorio Emanuele II" di Roma - Roma - RM - 1 esemplare. | |
- Listed in the Wellcome Library (Details from Copac):
Habes in hoc volumine lector optime diuina Lactantii Firmiani opera perquam
accurate castigata: graeco integro adiuncto. Quod in aliis cum mancum, tum
corruptum invenitur. Eiusdem Neophytomon. Carmen de phoenice. Carmen de
Resurrectione Domini. Habes etiam Joannis Chrysostomi de Eucharistia quandam
expositionem et in eandem materiam Laurentii Vallae sermonem. Habes Philippi
adhortationes ad Theodorum, et adversus gentes Tertuliani Apologeticon /
[Lactantius] -- Publisher: Venetiis : J. Tacuinus de Tridino, 1502 --
Physical Desc.: 160, 22 leaves : ill. col ; (fol.) -- Notes: Colophon (verso
of leaf CLX): "Diuina opera Lactantii Firmiani ...impressa Venetiis
mira arte & diligentia Ioannes de Tridino cognominati Tacuinus finiunt.
MCCCCCII die iii Ianuarii dominante inclyto principe Leonardo
Lauredano"; Engraved title vignette, col. (device of Giovanni Tacuino)
Initials; "Q. Septimi Florentis Tertuliani apologeticus adversus
gentes: xxii leaves at end" -- On t.p. 'Sum Magistri Stephani Sprugel',
who has written many marginal notes, as well as an Index on 4 leaves at the
end, in a 16th-cent. hand.
- Listed in the British Library (Details from Copac):
shelfmark 3623.cc.4.
Lactantius, Apologeticum.
Venice, folio Not checked
- Listed by Migne.
- Also listed by Bryce, but not marked as personally verified, nor is there a list of contents :
1509 Venezia : Divina Opera, ed. Aulus Ianus PARRHASIUS. Ioannes de Tridino, cognomento
- A copy is listed in the BSB
- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
(Bavarian State Library): Titel: : Apologeticus adversus gentes;
Ort: Venetia; Jahr: 1509; Signatur: Res/2 P.lat. 415#Beibd.2
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Habes in hoc volumine ... diuina Lactantii Firmiani opera nuper per
I. Parrhasiu castigata. Eiusdem Epitome [&c]. Habes et Ioa. Chry. de
eucha. & L. Vall. sermone. habes Phi. adhortatione ad Theodo. & aduersus gentes
Tertul. Apologetico. [Sig. a-d only, comprising] Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus aduersus gentes (cu sermone pulcherrimo de æterna
Publisher: Ven. 1509 Description: (fol.) Notes: [Cropped].
- From a dealer catalogue [August 2004 -- unsold in September 2005]
Opera [...] Joan. Chry. De Eucha. quandam expositionem, et in eadem materiam
Lau. Vall. sermonem [...] Phi. Adhortationem ad Theodo. et adversus gentes.
Tertul. Apologetico. Lactantius Firmianus: [Chrysostom, John:] [Valla,
Lorenzo:] [Tertullian:] (Parrasio, Aulo Giano, ed.:)
Book Description: (sig. V2v:) [..] Venetiis [Venice], mira arte et
diligentia Ioannis de Tridino cognomento Tacuini [..] 3 Jan. 1509.
(dedication on verso of title-page dated 1510). First edition thus? Folio,
193 leaves ([i] CLIII CLX CLXIIII CLV-CLIX XXII [xi]). Second leaf with
running title and large woodcut ornamental initial in red. Title-page with
words in two sizes of type-face (not found elsewhere) and woodcut vignette
of John the Baptist. Title-page rehinged. Bound in contemporary limp vellum.
Post-incunable edition of a collection of early Christian writings. It may
be a reprint of an edition of Venice, 1502, although that book carries the
name of a different editor; in this edition, it is claimed for the first
time that the text of Lactantius (c.240-c.320) has been corrected by the
important literary scholar Aulo Giano Parrasio (1490-1534). This collection
appeared a number of times later in the sixteenth century, and Parrasios
version of Lactantius was used for the Aldine edition of 1515. Graesse IV
Price: £ 1950.00
- From a dealer catalogue [July 2006]
In-4 p., p. pergamena coeva con unghie, tit. ms. al dorso, 12 cc.nn., CLIX,XXII cc.num., testo in caratteri romani e greci. Al frontesp. grande
vignetta xilografata che raffigura S. Giovanni Battista con le iniziali ""B M"" (Benedetto Montagna?) inquadrato in un bordo a fondo crible';
ornato da grandi e belle iniziali a motivi floreali su fondo nero, oltre a una grande iniziale (cm. 6,5x6,5), sempre a motivi floreali e con due
putti, stampata in rosso. Al verso della c. CLX ""Diuina opera Lactantii Firmiani... impressa Venetiis mira arte & diligentia Ioannis de tridino
cognomento Tacuini finiunt M.ccccc.ix. die iii Ianuarii"". Segue ""Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus adversus gentes"" che termina
alla c. XXII con la data ""... impressum Venetiis anno domini M.D.I.X. die nono Nouembris..."".
L'opera contiene: ""Divinarum Institutionum adversus gentes (in 7 libri) - De ira Dei - De opificio Dei uel formatione hominis - Epitome - Carmen de
Phoenice - Carmen de resurrectione Domini - Expositio Io. Chrysostomi - Sermo Laurentii Vallae de mysterio Eucharistiae"".
Cfr. Sander,3758: ""Reimpression de l'edition 1502"". Graesse,IV,66: ""Cette edition contient deja' plusieurs corrections
attribuees a' Taccius et a' Aldus. Aussi les passages grecs y ont ete publies pour la premiere fois correctement"".
Esemplare molto ben conservato.
Price: EUR 5000 [July 2006]
1509 :
Lactantius, Apologeticum, Chrysostom, Lorenzo Valla etc :
Paris, quarto. checked:
- Listed by Migne.
- In the British Library. checked My notes :
Lactantius, Apologeticum, Chrysostom, Lorenzo Valla etc.
IEHAN PETIT, Venundatur in Vico Divi
Iacobi Sub Leone Argenteo, Paris, quarto. Apologeticum is in 46
chapters on folios.CXCI v-CCXV v, followed by an index of
chapters on CCXV v- CCXVI r. Ends with 'In Bellouisu
Impressi. Anno D. M.CCCCC ix. Die vero xii mensu September. Checked
I need to recheck this edition, and ensure it is the same as the Bryce volume. Also to check its
text and size. There are 2 1509's listed for the BL: C.38.f.11. and
480.f.18. I do not have notes on which this is.
- Also listed by Bryce, but not marked as personally verified, nor is there a list of contents :
1509 : Paris : 4° : Lepida Lactantii Firmiani opera accurate graeco adiuncto
castigata, ed. Ægidius MASERIUS. In Bellouisu pro Iohanne
- Also listed at the Biblioteca
Abbaziale Fondo Antico, Parrocchia di Santo Stefano, Casalmaggiore (CR):
TERTULLIANUS, Quintus Septimius Apologeticum adversus gentes cum sermone pulcherrimo de aeterna vita
Venetiis, arte ... Ioanis Tacuini, 1509. XXII c. 29 cm. E' unito a: LACTANTIUS, [Opere varie]
1511, Venice, folio. (Migne) Not checked
- From Migne. Lactantius & Tertullian.
- Not listed in Bryce.
- Not listed in the Bodleian online catalogue
1513 :
Lactantius, etc, Apologeticum
Paris, quarto. (Migne) Not checked
- Listed in Migne as quarto, Paris, 1513.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Lepida Lactantij Firmiani opera accurate græco adiuncto castigata: eiusdem Nephythomon [&c. Ed. by A. Maserius].
Publisher: Paris, 1513
Description: 4°
- Also listed by Bryce :
1513 : Paris : 4° : Lepida Lactantii Firmiani Opera, ed. Ægidius MASERIUS. Iohannes Petit. [+] DI, ID, OD,
- Is this the same as the volume listed in the IISTC? (I need to
check this). Imprint: Paris: Nicolas Desprez, for Jean Petit, 24 Dec. 1513
Title: Opera. Comm: Aegidius Delphus; Format: 4°; General+Production: The date has been
misinterpreted as 1500 (cf. Moreau); Cataloguing Source:
BSB-Ink; Bibliography: HC 9819; Moreau II 637; Adams L14; BSB-Ink L-13; Locations:
Isles: Cambridge UL; Germany:
München BSB; München UB; ISTC
No: il00013200.
1513, Florence, octavo by Phil. Juntin. (Migne) Not checked However Bryce lists it as one of
those he has inspected, and according to his list it does not in fact contain any Tertullian.
- Migne: Cum Lactantio iterum iterumque prodiit Tertulliani Apologeticon:...
1513, ...; Florent. 8o, ap. Phil. Junt.
Juntinae exempla seorsum etiam reperias. Vid. Cat. Bibl. Pinell. PP. lat.,
n. 684.
- A copy is listed at Durham (Details from Copac):
Tertulliani Apologeticus adversus gentes. -- Publisher: [Impressum
Florentiae] : [sumptibus Philippi de Giunta Florentini], [Anno 1513] --
Physical Desc.: 47 leaves (8o) -- Location: Palace Green Library.
- A copy is listed at the British Library (Details from Copac):
Title Details: Q. Sptimi florentis Tertuliani Apologæticus adversus gentes.
-- Edition:[Another edition.], Apologeticus aduersus Gentes. --
Publisher:Florentiæ : Sumptibus Philippi de Giunta, 1513. -- Physical
Desc.: 8o.
- A copy is listed in the catalogue of Canterbury Cathedral library.
47 leaves: 12mo. [Colophon:] Florentiae: sumptibus Philippi de
Giuntam 1513. Acquired at the Pinelli auction (1789). Not
1515 :
Lactantius, Apologeticum. Venice.
- Migne: Printed Venetiis in oedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri,
in April 1515. Includes Jerome's life of Tertullian, and a list
of chapters. "In fronte: TERTULLIANUS. Praemittuntur praeter
Jo. Bapt. Egnatii Ven. ad Gasp. Contarenum Patricium Venet. et philosophum
praecipuum epist. dedicatoriam, Hieronymi vita Tertulliani, et capitum
tabula." Dedicated to Gasp. Contarenus, Patricium Venet. Not checked
- Adams L16 (Cambridge copies: CUL, Trinity, Jesus).
- Also listed at Brigham Young University, and displayed on their
website, from which these images are taken.
URLs: "http://library.byu.edu/~aldine/32Lactantius.html",
and also at "http://www.lib.byu.edu/~aldine/32Lactantius.html"
from which the following information is extracted. This is no. 32 in their
collection of Aldine editions, and is a Lactantius and Apologeticus, 8° ;
348, 48 leaves; 150 x 95mm, printed by the Aldine press, and was "the
first book produced by the Aldine Press after the death of its founder,
Aldus Manutius. It is particularly important to the history of printing
because its preface contains the first public announcement of the death of
Aldus, which had occurred on 6 February 1515". Some images of
the volume were also online: 3
- Two copies are listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani diuinarum instituionum libri septem [&c. Followed by] Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus aduersus gentes.
Publisher: Ven. 1515. --
Description: <[2 pt.].> ; (80).
- Also listed by Bryce :
1515 : Venezia : 8° : L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani [Opera],
ed. Aldus MANUTIUS and Johannes Baptista EGNATIUS.
in ædibus Aldi et Andreæ soceri. + DI, ID, OD, acEDI, AP, RD, PD, TA.
- Listed by Copac at Birmingham
(Physical Desc.: 16cm), Liverpool (Adams L16 - not regarded as a
separate work from the Lactantius of 1515 -; Ren. I, 165, no. 3. Bound with,
and probably printed and published with, Lactantius, 1515.), Durham
(Physical Desc.: [4], 48 leaves (8o)), British Library.
- Listed twice by Copac at Glasgow:
the first (Sp Coll BD2-h.27) as 12mo, for some reason; the second (Sp Coll
Hunterian Bd.3.8) as '1 v (8vo)'.
- Listed twice by Copac at
Manchester: First copy (Deansgate/228) has brief details. The second
(Deansgate/Christie Coll. /34 a 16):
L. C. Lactantii Firmiani divinarum institutionum libri septem : De ira Dei,
liber I. De opificio Dei, liber I. Epitome in libros suos liber acephalos.
Phoenix. Carmen de dominica resurrectione. (Interpretatio dictionum
Graecarum, quae in Lactantio reperiuntur ... recensente ... M. Musuro.) -
(Tertullianus) -- Venetiis : in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, 1515 -- 2
pts. [in 1 vol.] (8vo.) -- Edited by J. B. Egnatius.
- Listed by Copac at Magdalen
College, Oxford:
Lactantius, ca. 240-ca. 320 -- L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Diuinarum
institutionum libri septem : De ira Dei, liber I. De opificio Dei, liber I.
Epitome in libros suos liber acephalos. Phoenix. Carmen de dominica
Resurrectione -- Publisher: Venetiis : In aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri,
mense Aprili. M.D.XV -- Physical Desc.: [16], 348, [12], [4], 48 leaves ; 80
-- Notes: Aldus' mark on t.p. and on first and last pages of the appended
Tertullianus; Diuinarum institutionum libri septem; I4 signed as H4; L4 as
K4; "Interpretatio dictionum Graecarum quae in Lactantio reperiuntur
... recensente emendanteque Marco Musuro" (8 l.) and "Carmen de
passione Domini" (2 l.) follow l. 348; Preface by G.B. Egnazio,
addressed to Antoni Trivulzio, is a eulogy for Aldo Manuzio (d. Feb. 6,
1515); Signatures: aa-bb8 a-z8 A-Y8; The Tertullianus was not issued
separately, and in the reprint of the Lactantius, 1535, the Tertullianus is
included in the register at the end; With: Tertullianus. Venetiis : In
aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, mense Aprili M.D.XV. -- Manuzio, Aldo, 1449
or 1450-1515
- From a dealer catalogue (September 2005):
TERTULLIEN (Tertullian): Apologeticus adversus gentes. Venise, in Aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri, avril 1515. In-8 (164 x 95 mm), demi-velin mouchete, plats de cartonnage a bulles, tranches dorees et
ciselees (rel. debut XVIIIe), (4), 48 f., grande marque des Alde au titre et au verso du dernier feuillet. Premiere edition aldine, editee
par G.B. Egnatius. (Adams, L-16. 'Bibliotheca Aldina, Wittock', n°28. Brunet, III, 736. Renouard, p. 70). Ex-libris 'Giovanni Matteo Romano'
manuscrit. Bon exemplaire. Price: EUR 1300.00
Early Collected Editions
The early editors attempted to print whatever they could find.
It is worth noting that they did not always bother to print
things that were hard to read; we know they had access to the Codex Agobardinus, since it is marked
up with printer's page numbers, but
the Ad Nationes, contained only in that codex, was not
printed by anyone until Gothofried. In 1500 many manuscripts were
extant which are now lost, which makes the early editions very
valuable as a witness to text-variants unknown today. Generally
the text will have notes, which list the variant reading of a
given codex if it wasn't used, and from this some estimation of
that manuscript can be obtained. (see manuscripts).
1521 :
Adams T405.
Online in PDF here! (CUL,
Emmanuel (Spieringk bdg)). Basle,
edited by Beatus Rhenanus of Selestadt, printed by Froben. Far
and away the most sumptuous of the editions, with fine
engravings, broad margins, etc. There is a list of contents on
the reverse of the title page. Each text is preceded by an Argumentum but
is otherwise largely devoid of notes, with the exception of De Corona,
and 6 brief notes on Ad martyras. Text critical notes appear
extensively in the margins (but are progressively transferred into Annotationes
in the subsequent editions of 1528 and 1539), mainly concerned with manuscript
variants and conjectures.
Rhenanus had access to two manuscripts; the Paterniacensis (from
Payerne/Paeterlingen) and the Hirsaugiensis (from Hirsau
in Lower Germany, now lost). He mentions the Gorze and Fulda codices (both
also lost), but says he couldn't get hold of them
2 This copy in CUL. Checked
. Online: Title Page(f1r),
Reverse of Title Page (f.1v).
I have seen this offered for $1400.
Opera / Q. Septimii Florentis Tertvlliani inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores
primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus, per
Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem è tenebris eruta atque à situ pro uirili
uindicata, adiectis singulorum librorum argumentis & alicubi coniecturis,
quibus uetustissimus autor nonnihil illustratur ; Quorum catalogum proxima
pagina reperies Seueuro Pertinace, & Antonino Caracalla, ualde uicinus
Apostolorum temporibus, circi annu[m] a Christo passo CLX. Quare boni
co[n]sulenda sunt, huius scripta, si alicubi uarient a receptis horum temporum
dogmatis, cum omneis synodos antecesserit, Apostolicis illis exceptis, quarum in
Actis Lucas commeminit. Gaude lector, & hunc tibi rarum ac nouum thesaurum
para, ac Vale...Basileae : Apud Io. Frobenivm, Mense Ivlio An. M. D. XXI.
- From a correspondent (June 2016), noting this
Swiss site:
Description: [36] Bl., 614 S. ; 34 cm. Language: Latin.
Bibliographical reference: VD16 T 559, Adams T 405. Owner of original
copy ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Rar 1135 q. Persistent link:
http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-13349 Entire Book as PDF: [231.69 mb]
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Opera, per B. Rhenanum è tenebris eruta, adiectis singulorum librorum argumetis & alicubi coniecturis.
Publisher: Basil. 1521
Description: Folio
- Copac lists the following copies: British
Library C.190.C.11 (Physical Desc.: [28],615,[69]p (2o); 31cm) -- Newcastle
(Physical Desc.:[28], 615, [69] p : ill ; 33 cm -- Notes: Imprint from
colophon; Signatures: a6b8a-z, A-Z, Aa-Dd6Ee8Ff-Ii6Kk10) -- Wellcome
Library (Physical Desc.: [14] leaves, 615 p., [34] l : t.p. &
prelim. leaf with woodcut border, woodcut caps., & ornaments ; (fol.);
Notes: Historiated woodcut initials; printed marginalia; Imprint from
colophon; Numerous errors in paginations; Printer's device on p. [616] &
on verso of last leaf; Signatures: a6, b8, a-z, A-Z, Aa-Dd6, Ee8, Gg-Ii6,
Kk*10; Title within ornamental border by Ambrosius Holbein; lst leaf of
dedication within border by Hans Franck; lst page of text within border by
Hans Holbein the Younger) -- Durham (Title page, inscription of
Thomas Peake, 17th century. Verso of final leaf, inscription "Liber N.
Cartwriti ..." ?18th century // With some worm damage; slight damage to
text. Some ms. annotations ?17th century // Binding: half goatskin, cloth
sides, binder's stamp of J.W. Menzies, dated 1925) -- Aberdeen.
- Copy listed in the catalogue of Canterbury Cathedral library.
- From a dealer catalogue:
Tertullian, Quintus Septimus Florens: Opera per Beatum
Rhenanum (edita). ; Basel, Froben 1521, Fol. (28), 615, (69) S. mit
1 Holzschnitt-Titelbordüre von Ambr. Holbein und 2
Metallschnitt-Bordüren nach Hans Holbein d. J., von J. Faber
geschnitten. Blindgepr. Lederband der Zeit über Holzdeckeln mit 2
Messingschließen und Stehkanten-Beschlägen - VD16 T559 -
Adams T-405 - Holbein Ausst. Basel Nr. 124, 366-67, 352 Erste
Ausgabe der sämtlichen Werke Tertullians. Mit den 2 schönen
Bordüren von H. Holbein d. J. "Geschichte des Tantalus",
"Cebestafel A" in Metallschnitt, große Initiale "S" sowie die
Titelbrordüre von Ambr. Holbein, erstere und letztere im Basler
Katalog abgebildet. In den Deckeln wenig sichtbare Wurmspuren,
Fehlstellen im Bezug teilweise ergänzt, Rücken passend restauriert,
vorderes Gelenk innen verstärkt. Schönes, breitrandiges Exemplar,
einzelne Blatt am Schnitt wasserrandig.
£ 2262.50 [May 2004, but unsold for at least a year then; still unsold in
September 2005]
- From a dealer advert [May 2004]:
Opera. Inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi per Beatum Rhenanum. TERTULLIANUS, Quintus Septimius Florens.
Book Description: Folio. Mit breiter Titelholzschnittbordüre (Hofleben-
Einfassung) von Ambrosius Holbein, 2 Metallschnitteinfassungen von Jacob
Faber nach Hans Holbein d. J. (für Widmungsbrief auf Bl. A2 und die
Cebestafel auf S. 1), grosser Druckermarke von Urs Graf, erstmals
umrahmt von Metallschnittleisten Jacob Fabers (Heitz-Bernoulli 31),
kleinerer Druckermarke auf Schlussblatt verso sowie mit einigen grossen
und vielen kleineren figurativen Holzschnitt-Initialen. [14] Bl., 615,
[1] S., [34] Bl. Schweinslederband d. Z. über 4 erhabenen Bünden, mit
Rollen- und Plattenstempeln, zwei intakten Schliessen (untere Ecke des
Vorder- und obere des Hinterdeckels beschädigt). Basel, Johann Froben,
Juli 1521. Editio princeps der Werke Tertullians (150/160-230), der
älteste und einer der bedeutendsten lateinischen Kirchenschriftsteller
und Schöpfer der lateinischen Kirchensprache. Die auf Vorschlag von
Erasmus von Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547) besorgte Edition "gehört zu
seinen bedeutendsten Herausgeber-Leistungen" (Frank Hieronymus). Der aus
dem elsässischen Schlettstadt stammende Beatus Rhenanus (latinisiert für
Beat Bild) hatte wiederholt in verschiedenen oberdeutschen Bibliotheken
Manuskripte von bis dahin verschollen geglaubten Schriften aus dem
Altertum bzw. Mittelalter aufgefunden. Da die Texte oft verderbt waren,
erstellte er jeweils eine lesbare Version. Hier, wie in vergleichbaren
anderen Editionen, hat Rhenanus nicht nur den Text wiederhergestellt,
sondern auch im Dedikationsbrief und in einer "Admonitio ad lectorem"
zugleich eine Einführung in die theologische Gedankenwelt von Tertullian
gegeben. Zudem fügte er zahlreiche Kommentare hinzu. Dem heute recht
selten gewordenen Druck von 1521 war ein grosser Erfolg beschieden, so
dass Froben dieses Buch 1528 und 1539 erneut druckte. Als Buchschmuck
verwendete Froben zwei neue Metallschnitte nach Hans Holbein d. J. als
Texteinfassungen sowie als Titelbordüre die erstmals im Juni 1518 von
Froben gedruckte "Hofleben-Einfassung" (Imago vitae aulicae), die zu den
besten Holzschnitten von Ambrosius Holbein (1494-1519) gehört. Die
beiden nach Hans Holbein d.J. von Jacob Faber geschnittenen Bordüren
bestehen aus jeweils vier Leisten und illustrieren die Geschicht des
Tantalus und zeigen die allegorische Darstellung des menschlichen Lebens
nach den antiken Autor Cebes (sogenannte Cebestafel, hier in der Fassung
A), in dem ein Gemälde allegorisch beschrieben wird. Die kleineren und
grösseren Initialen mit biblischen und heidnischen Szenen entstammen
u.a. einem Alphabet Hans Holbeins, das ab 1510 bei Froben erschienen
war. - Wenige Bl. mit schmalem Wasserrand im Fusssteg, durchgehende
Marginalien von zwei Händen sowie einer Widmung auf Bl. 615 (Johannes
Bussmann) und auf Spiegel von Hermann Wiggering an Petrus Vincentio,
datiert 1550. - Titel mit wenigen Wurmlöchern und kurzen Wurmgängen im
Kopf- und Fusssteg (zwei alt hinterlegt). VD 16 T-559; Adams T-405;
Hieronymus, Oberrhein. Buchillustr. II, 375-376; Butsch I, 48 und 52;
Ebert 22563. Editio princeps of the works of Quintus Septimus Florens
Tertullianus from Carthage, published as one of his chief works as
editor and on Erasmus' suggestion by the Alsace born humanist Beatus
Rhenanus (1485-1547). Rhenanus had access to two manuscripts, both now
lost; the Paterniacensis (from Payerne in Switzerland) and the
Hirsaugiensis (from Hirsau in Lower Germany). He mentions the Gorze and
Fulda codices (both also lost), but says in the preface that he couldn't
get hold of them. - Few leaves with narrow waterstain in lower margin,
16th century marginalia throughout. The book is adorned with the so-
called "Court life border" (Imago vitae aulicae) by Ambrosius Holbein -
first used by Froben in June 1518 - and two new metal c.
Price: £ 1725.56 [May 2004]
- From a dealer catalogue:
The editio princeps edited by the famous humanist scholar Beatus Rhenanus from Sélestat.
TERTULLIANUS, Quintus Septiuius Florens. Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani inter Latinos ecclesiae
scriptores primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim divus Cyprianus, per Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem è tenebris eruta
atque a situ pro virili vindicata, adiectis singulorum librorum argumentis & alicubi coniecturis, quibus vetustissimus autor nonnihil
illustratur. Quorum catalogum proxima pagina reperies.
Basel, Johannes Froben, July 1521. Folio. Contemporary blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards with several floral rolls around a
centrepiece consisting of 4 rolls next to each other, ribbed spine with title written in ink, both original clasps and catches still present.
The printed text of the title within a magnificent allegorical woodcut frame of 240x175mm.; the beginning of the dedication and the beginning
of the text of the first work in woodcut border consisting of 4 different allegorical woodcut blocks; many very nice woodcut initials.
Johannes Froben's printer's device on p. 616 (in woodcut border of 4 blocks) and on the verso of the last leaf. (28), 616, (68) pp.
Very important editio princeps of the collected works of the famous 'Doctor of the Church' Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus (ca. 160 -
240 AD), edited by the well-known humanist and friend of Erasmus, Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547). Apart from some editions of the Apologeticus
adversus gentes (the first ed. in 1483), this is the first time that the works of Tertullian were printed and came available to the
scholarly world. A second edition of Tertulian's Opera was published by Froben in
1528 and 1539. [...]
After his return from Paris where he studied and worked from 1503 till 1507, Beatus Rhenanus led the life of an independent scholar. For the
first 20 years Basel was the centre of his activities, while from 1527 till his death in 1547 he lived in his native Sélestat. Among the
printing firms of Basel - Froben in the first place - Beatus quickly secured a privileged position, especially after the arrival of Erasmus
in Basel in 1514. Soon a relationship developed between them that was bound to intensify Beatus' contacts with the press of Johann Froben.
Until 1519 Beatus appears even to have lived in Froben's house. It was also on Erasmus' suggestion that he edited Tertullianus (the present
work), as his last major contribution to Patristic studies.
p. (1)r: Title.
p. (2): Contents.
p. (3)-(9): Dedicatory letter by Beatus Rhenanus to bishop Stanislaus Turzus of Olmutz, dated Basel, 1 July 1521.
p. (10)-(11): Vita of Tertullianus by Beatus Rhenanus.
p. (12)-(28): Admonitio ad lectorem de quibusdam Tertulliani dogmatis.
p. 1-12: De patientia. This is one of the most spiritual of Tertullian's compositions. It is a sermon preached to himself. His experience as a
priest has taught him the need of patience every time he confronted pettiness not less than pride, frivolity not less than idolatry.
p. 13-33: De carne Christi. Tertullian's principal contribution to the Christological problem of the time: Was the flesh of Christ born of the
Virgin and human in its nature?
p. 34-84: De resurrectione carnis. Tertullian wrote this treatise in fulfillment of the intention expressed in the De carne Christi, against
those who allowed that the soul would rise again, but refused resurrection to the flesh on account of its worthlessness
p. 85-105: De praescriptionibus Haereticorum. This treatise originated in the desire to emphasize the doctrinal stability of the African Church
in the face of some fresh tendency towards Gnosticism in general and the views of Marcion especially.
p. 106-112: Adversus omneis haereses, seu potius de haeresibus.
p. 113-141: Adversus Judaeos.This treatise was occasioned by a dispute between a Christian and a heathen converted, not to Christianity but to
Judaism. Practically, the question between them was the exclusion or not of gentiles from the promises of God.
p. 142-336: Adversus Marcionem. Lib. I-V. Tertullian wants to find the true church among the Montanists. To him 'the new prophecy' was now the
highest authority, the Paraclete the sole guide unto all truth.
p. 337-360: Adversus Hermogenes. This treatise against the heretical teacher contains two beautiful passages: the eulogy of wisdom and the
description of the development of cosmical order out of chaos.
p. 361-377: Adversus Valentinianos. It is not so much a refutation as a satire, claiming no originality but being a faithful reflection of the
teaching of Justin, Miltiades, Irenaeus and Proculus.
p. 377-407: Adversus Praxean. In opposition to Praxeas, Tertullian was the first who, in the controversy against the Monarchians, introduced
prominently the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
p. 408-426: De corona militis. Usually counted the first treatise which indicates traces of Montanism. Opinions were divided as to the soldier's
conduct. Some blamed him as rash, as eager to die, etc., some as bringing trouble on the Christian name about a mere matter of dress.
Tertullian turns furiously upon his decriers.
p. 427-431: Ad martyres. One of his important apologetic works, depicting man and women in prison, visited and relieved by the brethren,
exhorted to unity, and prepared by fasting and prayer for the death which should be a victory for the church.
p. 432-444: De poenitentia.Repentance of sin before baptism, and true repentance had its limit in the fear of God. The aim of repentance was
the salvation of man through the abolition of sin.
p. 445-458: De virginibus velandis. The veiling of virgins was a burning question among Christians at Carthage. Tertullian approved the practice
to go everywhere veiled, in the streets as well in the churches.
p. 458-463: De habitu muliebri.
p. 464-472: De cultu foeminarum.Tertullian saw the luxury and extravagance of the women of the time and this work is among the efforts
to recall Christian women to the Christian way of life.
p. 472-484: Ad uxorem suam. Lib. I-II. In this treatise addressed to his wife which he hoped might be profitable to her and to other women
'belonging to God', Tertullian argues strongly against second marriages.
p. 484-497: De fuga in persecutione. May Christians flee from persecution or not? A few years before Tertullian had conceded that
flight was 'better', but now he thought differently. Montanistic severity has laid its spell upon him. The work deals with the two modes
by which the timid and doubtful sought to evade persecution: flight and
P. 497-501: Ad Scapulam. Against the African proconsul Scapula who authorized the persecution of Christians to which this work refers.
Scapula was a fierce opponent of the Christians, and permitted his fanaticism to override his sense of justice.
p. 502-507: De exhortatione castiditatis. Urging upon men to avoid a second marriage.Tertullian did so in language declaratory of views far
more exaggerated than he did for women in his Ad uxorem.
p. 507-527: De monogamia. The treatise in which Tertullian is the most bitter on the subject of marriage. He claims for his part and for his
party alone that they were guided by the Parclete. From Him they had received their teaching on monogamy.
p. 528-537: De pallio. This treatise, intentionally extravagant, is a vindication of the philosopher's mantle (pallium) ridiculed by the
people of Carthage. It might be called a juridical plea, couched in witty and forensic language.
p. 538-588: Apologeticus adversus gentes. This Apology - the greatest of his works - is a cry for bare justice, addressed to the rulers and
magistrates of Carthage.
p. 589-614: Beatus Rhenanus, Definitiones ecclesiasticorum dogmatum.
p. 615: Errata.
p. 616: Froben's printer's device.
p. (1)-(67): Index, composed by Conrad Pellicanus.
p. (68): Froben's printer's device.
Good copy.- (Binding rubbed; some wormholes mainly in
the outer margins of the last part; erased ownership's entry on title). VD16,
T559; Adams T405; Contemporaries of Erasmus I, p. 104-9.
Bookseller: Antiquariaat
FORUM BV (t'Goy-Houten, UT, Netherlands).
Bookseller Inventory # 64SH4E5NT60T
Price: €3,500.00
[July 2004; still for sale July 2006]
From a dealer catalogue:
Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens: Opera inter latinos ecclesiae
scriptores primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus
Cyprianus, per Beatum Rhenanum ... Book Description: Basel, Johann Froben,
1521., 1521. Folio. 14 n.n. Bl., 615 S., 1 n.n. S., 34 n.n. Bl. Index. Mit
Holzschnitttitel von Ambrosius Holbein und 2 Metallschnitteinfassungen nach Hans
Holbein von Jakob Faber sowie 2 Holzschnittdruckermarken und
Holzschnittinitialen nach Hans Holbein. Schweinslederband der Zeit über
Holzdeckeln mit Roll- und Plattenstempelverzierungen. VD16 T 559. - Adams T 405.
- Erste Ausgabe von Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547) besorgt. Auf Grund von
Abschriften der Werke von Tertullian (ca. 150-230 n.Chr.) in verschiedenen
deutschen Bibliotheken zusammengestellt. Rhenanus verglich bei seiner Arbeit
mehrere Exemplare, um daraus einen lesbaren Text zu schaffen. Von den von ihm
verwendeten Abschriften hat sich keine erhalten. Rhenanus stellte dem Werk eine
Biographie vor und kommentierte es. Der Index wurde von Konrad Pelikan
zusammengestellt. - Exemplar mit handschriftlichem Besitzervermerk "L.
Burckhardt" auf dem Innendeckel. Stellenweise mit zeitgenössischen
Annotationen und Unterstreichungen. Etwas gebräunt. Stellenweise mit Wurmlöchern.
Einbandschliessen ausgerissen. Mit kleiner Fehlstelle im Deckelbezug am unteren
Kapital. Einbanddeckel fleckig. Bookseller Inventory # 30474DB. Bookseller: EOS
Buchantiquariat Benz. (Zurich)
Price: £ 1380.33 [July 2006]
From a dealer catalogue:
Book Description: Johann Froben, Basel, 1521., 1521. Schweinslederband der Zeit
über Holzdeckeln mit Roll- und Plattenstempelverzierungen. 4 n.n. Bl., 615 S.,
1 n.n. S., 34 n.n. Bl. Index. Mit Holzschnitttitel von Ambrosius Holbein und 2
Metallschnitteinfassungen nach Hans Holbein von Jakob Faber sowie 2
Holzschnittdruckermarken und Holzschnittinitialen nach Hans Holbein. Folio. VD16
T 559. - Adams T 405. - Erste Ausgabe von Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547) besorgt.
Auf Grund von Abschriften der Werke von Tertullian (ca. 150-230 n.Chr.) in
verschiedenen deutschen Bibliotheken zusammengestellt. Rhenanus verglich bei
seiner Arbeit mehrere Exemplare, um daraus einen lesbaren Text zu schaffen. Von
den von ihm verwendeten Abschriften hat sich keine erhalten. Rhenanus stellte
dem Werk eine Biographie vor und kommentierte es. Der Index wurde von Konrad
Pelikan zusammengestellt. - Exemplar mit handschriftlichem Besitzervermerk
"L. Burckhardt" auf dem Innendeckel. Stellenweise mit zeitgenössischen
Annotationen und Unterstreichungen. Etwas gebräunt. Stellenweise mit Wurmlöchern.
Einbandschliessen ausgerissen. Mit kleiner Fehlstelle im Deckelbezug am unteren
Kapital. Einbanddeckel fleckig. Bookseller Inventory # 30474. Bookseller: Daniel
Thierstein. (Bern)
Price: £ 1466.88
[July 2006]
1521 : Venice. Q. Septimi Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus adversus
gentes. Not in Migne. Not checked.
- Copac lists an "Q. Septimii
Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus aduersus gentes." at the British
Library. Classmark: 1602/18.
- A copy is listed at Birmingham (Details from Copac):
Title Details: Q. Septimi Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus adversus gentes
Publisher: [Venetiis : arte & diligentia Ioannis de Tridino cognomente
Tacuini, 1521]
Physical Desc.: 32cm
Classmark: q 15.T47.
1525 : Basle, reprint of 1521 edition, by Froben. PL1
38A. Not checked [Does this really exist?]
1525 :
Lactantius, Apologeticum. Folio. Paris, 1525. (This seems like another incunable reprint). Not checked
- Not in Migne.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: [Fleuron] Diuina opera [Fleuron] L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani,
Diuinarum institutionum libri vii [&c.].
Q. Septimii Flore. Tertul. Apologeticus aduersus getes.
Item Sermo de vita æterna [&c. Ed. by J. Tacuinus].
Publisher: Paris, 1525
Description: Folio
- Two copies are listed in the British Library (Details from Copac):
Q. Septimii Flore. Tertul. Apologeticus aduersus getes. -- ff. xxviii. --
Classmark: 1602/419 and 1572/122. Diuina opera L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani
... Q. Septimii Flore. Tertul. Apologeticus aduersus getes, etc. Parisijs :
Apud Ioannem Paruum, 1525. 2 pt. fol.
- Also an issue listed by Bryce :
1525 : Paris : Divina Opera L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani.
[ed. Johannes Aulus PARRHASIUS?] Jehan Petit. [+] DI, ID, OD, acEDI, AP, RD, TA, TS.
: 2nd Edition : Adams T406
(CUL, Queens(bdg), St.Johns(Reynes bdg)). Basle, reprint of 1521 edition,
printed by Froben. (According to Migne, the British Museum
catalogue, vol II, erroneously records a copy of this as having
notes by Junius). This edition has two additional prefaces placed
between the table of contents (identical in appearance, etc, to
that in the 1521 edition) and the preface to the 1521 edition. Rhenanus also
added at the front some hasty notes of some length on the first treatise, De
patientia, and more briefly on some other treatises. The first seven
treatises then have no additional material, except that De resurrectione
carnis had two explicationes (the first was omitted from the 1539
edition, the second abridged) and De praescriptione was followed by 11
text-critical notes; for the others, Rhenanus inserted some annotationes.
There are some 31 annotationes in all, occupying 4 pages. Marginal notes
are expanded on those in the 1521 edition with historical material, sometimes
repeated in the annotationes. However Rhenanus would have preferred to
continue to place conjectures in the margin, but says he had not enough space
(p.556) (Maluissemus nostras coniecturas in marginibus chartarum apponere,
sed cum longiuscule essent, non est uisa sufficere exiguitas spatii breuioris).
Not based on any new manuscript witness; the Ad lectorem tells us he
hoped to obtain a manuscript from Gorze (see 1539), and an otherwise unknown one
from Treves containing De spectaculis, which he supposed to be in two
books, but these he could not obtain (Exspectabam avide ex Mediomatricis
Gorziensem codicem et a Treviris Spectaculorum libros, sed frustra).
The edition was undertaken, according to the preface, at the demand of readers: Interim
propter aemulos secundam aeditionem parare compulsus est Frobenius, studiosis
ubique gentium Tertullianum flagitantibus. The treatises are published
in the same order as in 1521. PL1 38A &
n.1. Checked.
Online: Title page (fol.
1r). 692 pages. Other copies listed but not checked at; British
Library; Oxford Colleges: New College.
- Thomas Cranmer's copy. Present whereabouts
unknown, but described as follows in the 1967 Catalog 949 by New York
dealers Stechert-Hafner, Inc., p.32: (photocopy of both pages below sent to me by
Pierre Petitmengin)
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury's Copy.
967 -----, Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani . . . Latin,
with side-notes in Italic type (stain affecting extreme edge of top margin);
4to, old calf, with ties, sides panelled in gilt & blind, gilt Royal
Arms in center (worn, rebacked, backstrip defective). Basle, Frobenius,
The title page, which carries the British Museum stamp worded
"'Duplicate for Sale, 1769", is signed at the head by Archbishop
Cranmer, and at the foot by [John, Lord] Lumley.
There are a number of marginal annotations in ink (a few letters have
been shaved by the binder), which we find by careful comparison with
authentic documents in the Record Office, London, [In particular with a long
holograph letter by Cranmer to Henry VIII in 1541, reporting on visits he
has paid to the Queen (Catherine Howard)] to be undoubtedly in the
handwriting of Cranmer himself. He has also underscored many passages in the
text, a number of them being the subject of the marginalia. The text is
otherwise entirely clean and sound, except for slight marginal worming at
the end.
Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556)
is remembered in particular as Archbishop of Canterbury during the Reign
of Henry VIII and for the part he played in the revision of the Second
Prayer Book of Edward VI (1552). He promulgated the 42 Articles of Religion
(later reduced to 39) in 1552; was committed to the Tower of London for
sedition, 1553; was cited to appear before the Pope in 1555, but refused to
recognize Papal jurisdiction; and was condemned for heresy, degraded and
burned at the stake in 1556.
John, Lord Lumley (1534-1609) owned a large library and every volume (as
this copy of Tertullian) bears his signature on the title page. He inherited
the library of his father - Henry Fitzalan, 12th Earl of Arundel
(1511-15S0), which contained many books from the library of Thomas Cranmer.
On Lumley's death his library was bought by James I, and eventually passed
into the old Royal Library, which George II gave to the British Museum.
The same volume is also described by David G. Selwyn, The library of
Thomas Cranmer, Oxford: The Oxford Bibliographical Society (1996), p.76:
284. Tertullian, Quintus Septimius Florens. Opera. Ed. B.
Rhenanus. Basle: in officina Frobeniana, 1528 (Mar.). Fol. BMGB853
Adams T406.
n.l. {not listed at the British Library}
?L867 TC (possibly also L
copy) Formerly at Ince Blundell School, Hightown, Nr. Liverpool (Burbidge in
CLRC 2, p. 350), but not traced since subsequent dispersal of the
books from that school and from Ince Blundell Hall. Some of the Ince
books were bought by a Southport bookseller in the 1960s, but it is not
known whether this was among them or disposed of earlier. Some Ince
books were sold at Christie's in 1970, but this was not among them.
[Not seen. No information about provenance history, binding or MS
notes.] TC also had the 1545 Basle ed. and possibly other eds.
See Appendix D, §66.1.
- From Niagara
University, USA
AUTHOR: Tertullian, ca. 160-ca. 230. Rhenanus, Beatus, 1485-1547. TITLE: Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertvlliani: inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores
primi, sine quoru lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus PUBLISHER: Basileae: [In officina Frobeniana], DATE:
- Aberdeen (Details from Copac):
Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores
primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus,
per Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem e tenebris eruta atque a situ pro virili
vindicata, adiectis singulorum librorum argumentis, & nullibi non
coniecturis, ac nuper annotationibus fusioribus superadditis, quibus
vetustissimus autor non solum emendatur, sed & illustratur atque
exponitur. Quorum catalogum proxima pagina reperies ...
Basileae : Froben, 1528
Durham (Details from Copac):
Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertullini inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores
primi, sine quoru[m] lectione nullum diem intermittebat olim diuus
Cyprianus, per Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem e tenebris eruta atq[ue] a
situ pro uirili uindicata, adiectis singuloru[m] librorum argumentis, &
nullibi non coniecturis, ac nuper annotationibus fusioribus superadditis,
quibus uetustissimus autor no[n] solu[m] emendatur, sed & illustratur
atq[ue] exponitur. Quorum catalogum proxima pagina reperies ...
Publisher: Basileae : [in officina Frobeniana], 1528
Physical Desc.: [20], 692, [24] p. (2o)
Notes: Reprint of the 1521 Basel edition with the addition of two letters of
Rhenaus dated 1521 and 1528, and the Vita of Tertullian. In place of the
Definitiones acclesiasticorum dogmatum of Gennadius, this edition has the
anonymous Amonitio ad lectorem de qvidvsdam Tertvlliani dogmatis, later
attributed to Rhenanus (p. 680-92)
Binding: quarter vellum over wooden boards. Vellum with blind tools, spine
painted grey, clasps (clasp on front board), ?German, 16th century
British Library (Details from Copac):
pp. 692. ; fol.
From a dealer
TERTULLIEN (Quintus Septimius Florens) Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani inter latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi, sine quoru lectione
nullum diem intermittebat olim divus Cyprianus, per Beatum Rhenanum Selestadiensem è tenebris eruta atq. à situ pro virili vindicata, adiectis
singuloru librorum argumentis, & nullibi non conjecturiis, ac nuper annotationibus superioribus superadditis, quibus vetustissimus autor no solu
emendatur, sed & illustratur atq. exponitur. Bâle, Froben, 1528.
1 vol. in-folio, vélin, dos orné de filets à l'encre noire. Reliure du XIXe
s. Belles lettrines historiées, (10) ff., 692 pp., (11) ff. Signatures : AA6
BB4 [a-z]6 [A-Z]6 [Aa-Ll]6 Mm4 [a-b]6 Nombreuses annotations manuscrites dans les marges, Manque le dernier f. blanc. Large mouillure ancienne dans
la partie inférieure du volume (sans gravité)
8,500.00 FF. 1,295.82 Euros
Seconde édition, rare et recherchée, du Tertullien de Beatus Rhenanus. L'humaniste de Sélestat avait donné l'édition princeps des oeuvres de
Tertullien quelques années plus tôt (1521), grâce à deux manuscrits (l'un
provenant de l'abbaye de Payerne, l'autre du monastère de Hirsau) qu'il avait découverts lors de ses pérégrinations. Le livre eut beaucoup de succès
et B. Rhenanus dut entreprendre une autre édition (celle-ci), comportant de
nombreuses corrections.
Beatus Rhenanus (Sélestat, 1485-1547) fut l'un des plus grands humanistes de
son temps. Lié avec la plupart des savants contemporains (Lefèvre d'Etaples,
S. Brant, Peutinger, Zwingle, S. Münster), et ami d'Erasme, il corrigea et édita les oeuvres de ce dernier. Sa bibliothèque personnelle entière est
conservée de nos jours dans sa ville natale.
Adams, T406 ; Graesse VII, 69.
1529 : German translation of Ad Martyras and Ad Scapulam. Not in
Migne. Not checked.
- British Library (Details from Copac):
"Das buch Quinti Septimii Florentis Tertulliani an die martyrer. Das
buch Tertulliani an Scapulam Stetpfleger der statt Carthago".
Classmark: 4520.e.4.
- From a dealer catalogue:
Tertullianus / Justini / Cyprianus / Traiani.- Außzug etlicher fürnemmern
buecher/Capiteln/und sendbrieff Quina Septiniinflorentis Tertulliani/Justini/Cypriani-plinij/und des Roemischen keisers Traiani/von
dem Handel der Christen/: wie das nachfolgend platt anzeigt. Das drit teil: Das buch Quinti Septinii Florentis Tertulliani/an die martyrer. Das buch
Tertulliani an Scapulam Stretpfleger der statt Carthago. Die fürnempfsten Capitel des buchs Tertulliani/ Apologeticus gnant/das ist ein verantwortung
für die Christen an die Heyden. Das buch Justini des philosophi un martyrs/
an die Heyden/vom waren Gots dienst. Das buch Cecilii Cypriani/an den Demetrianum/das es dorumb übel in der welt zügat/die weil falscher Gots
dienst ist/und nit umb der Christen oder des Evangelii willen. Die Epistlen plinii Secundi/und Traiani des keisers/vom handel der Christen. Straßburg,
o. Druckvermerk, Anno M.D.XXIX (1529). 4°, priv., späterer, marmor. Pb., (1)
Bl. CCLXXII - CCCXIIII (Bl. 272 - 314 = 42 Bl. bzw. 84 S.), durchgehend schwach wasserrandig, insges. dennoch gutes Ex. - Bestellnr. <730240>
Diese Sammlung von Texten ist 'Dem Ernnesten / Edlen Hartmudt von Cronberg /
seinem lieben Junckern und Gevattern Caspar Hedio' gewidmet. v. Cronberg, geb. 1488, war Reformationsförderer. Caspar Hedio (Heyd), geb. 1494 im
badischen Ettlingen, gest. 1552 in Straßburg und enthält Schriften gegen das
Heidentum v. 1.
Price: EUR 275.00. [Was £191.56, May 2004]
1535 :
Octavo, Venice.
Reprint of Aldine Lactantius / Apologeticum, Venice. Adams
L22 (Trinity) ff.328, 47. Not Checked
- Not listed in Migne.
- Three copies listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani diuinarum institutionum libri septem proxime castigate, et aucti
[&c. Followed by] Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus aduersus gentes.
Publisher: Ven. 1535
Description: 8°
- Oxford: Magdalen college (from Copac):
-- Title: L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Diuinarum institutionum libri septem
/ proxime castigati et aucti ; Eiusdem De ira Dei liber I. De opificio Dei
liber I. Epitome in libros suos, liber acephalos. Phoenix. Carmen de
dominica Resurrectione ; Item index in eundem rerum omnium, Tertulliani
Liber apologeticus cum indice.
-- Publisher: Venetiis : In aedibus haeredum Aldi, et Andreae soceri, mense
Martio, M.D.XXXV
-- Physical Desc.: [12], 328, [12], 47, [45] leaves ; 8o
-- Notes: Place and printer from colophon.
- Manchester (from Copac):
-- Title: L. C. Lactantii Firmiani divinarum institutionum libri septem : De
ira Dei, liber I. De opificio Dei, liber I. Epitome in libros suos liber
acephalos. Phoenix. Carmen de dominica resurrectione. (Interpretatio
dictionum Graecarum, quae in Lactantio reperiuntur ... recensente ... M.
Musuro.) - (Tertullianus)
-- Physical Desc.: 8o.
- Aberdeen (from Copac)
- British Library (from Copac):
-- Title: L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Divinarum Institutionum libri septem
proxime castigati, et aucti. Ejusdem De ira Dei liber I. De opificio Dei,
Liber I. Epitome in libros suos, ... Phoenix. Carmen de Dominica
Resurrectione. Item Index ... Tertulliani liber apologeticus cum indice.
[Edited by J. B. Egnatius.]
-- Publisher: Venetiis : In ædibus hæredum Aldi, et Andreæ soceri, 1535.
-- Physical Desc.: 2 pt. ; 8o.
-- Notes: Grolier binding, with the inscription and motto; with the
autograph of J. Grolier on the last page. [I presume this refers to
C.19.b.19 - RPearse]
-- Classmark (4 copies): C.19.b.19. // C.16.f.9. // 1412.c.2. // G.8918.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Author : Lactance
Title : L.C. Lactantii Firmiani Divinarum Institutionum libri septem... / Lactance ; Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullianus Tertullien
Publisher : [Venetiis] : [s.n.] (1535[mars])
Description : 2e partie ; 8°
Notes : V1835. Rel. maroquin vert à l'ancre aldine.
- Also listed by Bryce :
1535 Venezia 8° L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani [Opera], ed. Paulo MANUZIO
& Onorato FASCITELLI, bishop of Isolo. In ædibus Hæredum Aldi, et
Andreæ soceri. [+] DI, ID, OD, acEDI, AP, RD, PD, TA (in Giovanni Baptista
EGNAZIO's edition)
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus - Nikolaus Müller (B.): Divinarvm
Institvtionvm libri septem proxime castigati, et aucti. Eivsdem De ira Dei Liber I. De opificio Dei Liber I. Epitome in libros suos, liber
acephalos. Phoenix. Carmen de dominica resurrectione. Item Index in eundem rerum omnium. Tertvllinani liber apologeticus cum indice.
Venedig: Paulus Manutius, 1535. 8vo. 162 x 98 mm. [12], [4]; 328, [12]; 48; [44] Bll. (incl. Index) = aa8, bb4, *4; a-z8, A-T8, V4; X-Z8, AA-CC8; DD12, EE-HH8 (foll. VV3+4 & CC8 weiß). Mit Holzschnittdruckermarke
Fletcher Nr. 9 auf Titel und am Schluß. Blindgeprägtes Schweinsleder der Zeit auf vier Doppelbünden und Holzdeckeln, zwei Schließen, deren
bewegliche Teile fachmännisch wie stilgerecht ergänzt. Auf dem Vorderdeckel außen eine signierte Rolle mit Salvator "Data est mi|hi
omnia" - David "De frvctv | ventris" - Paulus "Apparvit be|nignitas" - Johannes N M "Ecce agnv | Dei qvi tol" (199 x 15 mm, Haebler I,299,2);
mittig eine Platte mit Kruzifix "Et sicvt Moses exaltavi | serpentem in deserto" (78 x 42 mm, datiert unten mittig auf dem Stein 1556, wohl
identisch mit Haebler II,32,II). darüber oben "Vnivers", unten "Witt 1561". Auf dem Hinterdeckel Auferstehung "Abolita victor rediviv | morte
trivmphat part" (76 x 41 mm, wohl identisch mit Haebler II,32,III) - "Nikolaus Müller gehört zu den bedeutendsten Buchbindern Wittenbergs im
ausgehenden Jahrhundert." Haebler I, S. 301. Er arbeitete u.a. für den Kurfürsten August von Sachsen.
Das Exemplar der Universität zu Wittenberg, die 1502 begründet wurde; zwischen den Jahren 1512 und 1547 war die Schloßbibliothek für sie
zuständig. "Avec une preface de P. Manuce pour Lactance, et une de G.B. Egnatio pour Tertullien. Tres bonne edition, bien superieure a celle de
1515 ..." (Renouard). "Neue Recension von Honoratus Fasitelius aus Manuscripten, alten Ausgaben und bisweilen aus (sehr umsichtiger)
Conjectur. Die Capitelabtheilungen sind hier wieder weggelassen" (Ebert). "Diese Verbesserung [dieser Ausgabe im Vergleich zur vorigen
von 1515] ist aus Handschriften des Klosters Monto Casino geschehen" (Hamberger II, S. 683). Mit einigen Textpassagen in der vierten
griechischen Type, die auf fol. T3r bis V2v. wiederholt und mit lateinischer Übersetzung von Marcus Musurus versehen sind. Fascitellus
(1502-1564) war Benediktiner-Mönch in Monte Cassino; 1551 wurde er von Julius II. zum Bischof von Isola in Calabrien gemacht, er war Teilnehmer
am Tridentinischen Konzil. Seine Laktanz-Ausgabe diente mehreren späteren als Vorlage. Zum Kolophon siehe Fletcher S. 76. Der
Rhetoriklehrer Laktanz (ca. 250 - wohl 325), wohl ein Schüler des Arnobius und von Diokletian nach Nikomedia in Bithynien berufen, legte
303 zu Beginn der diokletianischen Christenverfolgung dies Lehramt nieder und wurde Apologet. Um 315 wurde er von Konstantin als Lehrer des
Crispus nach Gallien (Trier?) berufen. Als Theologe ist Laktanz rückständig, Anhänger chiliastischer Eschatologie, Vertreter eines
dualistischen Welt- und Menschenbildes, dessen Gottesbegriff von der römischen Vorstellung eines 'pater familias' und 'imperator' geprägt
ist. Er ist kein Anhänger der Trinitätslehre: eine vom Gottessohn getrennte dritte Person des Heiligen Geistes ist ihm unbekannt; er
kombiniert jedoch christliches Gedankengut mit platonistisch-gnostischen Einflüssen und zitiert als erster römischer Christ ausgiebig die pagane
Literatur, was er theoretisch in Div. inst. V,1-4 begründet. Sein Anspruch ist literarisch, er möchte die heidnischen Gegner auf ihrem
Niveau erreichen. Als Ciceronianer benutzt er, sowohl polemisch wie aneignend, häufig Vergil, Lukrez, Seneca u.a. - daneben den "Asclepius",
wodurch uns einige von dessen Textpassagen im griechischen Original überliefert sind, und auch 'Offenbarungsliteratur' wie z.B. die
Sibyllen. Das Neue Testament spielt unter seinen Zitaten eine nur untergeordnete Rolle; die klassische griechische Literatur kennt er wohl
bloß mittelbar. Die Dichter werden von ihm nicht, wie durch die früheren Christen, abgelehnt, sondern er rechtfertigt z.B. die Allegorie in Div.
inst. I,5,1 & IV,5,4 als 'officium poetae'. Von der Kirche als Häretiker
eingestuft, entfaltet er erst in der Renaissance als 'Cicero Christianus' seine Wirkung. Das berühmte Kapitel über den Wein "Quod Noe
fuit inventor vini" (II,13) hier auf fol. 68 sq., vgl. Simon: Bacchica, Nr. 389: "Mais le passage le plus savoureux est celui du chapitre XXII
du Livre I, "De falsa religione", celui ou l'auteur commente le droit que le mari avait, a Rome, d'interdire le vin a son epouse." Einband
leicht fleckig, stellenweise leicht berieben. Verfassername von zeitgenössischer Hand auf den Vorderschnitt kalligraphiert.
Besitzerstempel auf vorderem fliegenden Vorsatz recto oben. Innen vereinzelt im weißen Rand minimal stockfleckig, circa vier Seiten etwas
fleckig, wenige saubere Unterstreichungen einer alten Hand; Lage FF wie üblich papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. Ein schönes, frisches Exemplar in
zeitgenössischem Wittenberger Meistereinband. - - - Contemporary German blindstamped pigskin over wooden boards, four raised double-bands, two
clasps, catches renewed, bound by Nikolaus Müller of Wittenberg. Binding slightly rubbed. As usual, quire FF lightly browned due to quality of
paper. From the library of the University of Wittenberg. - The Opera of the Christian apologist Lactantius (?250-?325), the Christian Cicero,
who propagandized in Africa and Italy. He was a pupil of Arnobius and native of the province Africa. He received an appointment as professor
of rhetoric from Diocletian, and spent part of his life at Nicomedia in Bithynia, and when old he was appointed by Constantine to educate the
Prince Crispus in Gaul. His works include 'De opificio Dei', which contains a description of the body and soul of man, and is a sort of
supplement to the fourth book of Cicero's 'De re publica'; 'The Divine Institutes', greatest of all his works, which was written against two
opponents of Christianity and is a comprehensive survey of the arguments then available in favour of the new religion; 'De ira dei', an able
discussion of the problem with which it deals, correcting the false conclusions of the chief philosophical schools. 'De ave Phoenix' is a
medley of heathen and Christian elements, and generally believed genuine. Included is the Liber apologeticus of Tertullian. The edition
is based upon manuscripts found in the Monastic Library of Monte Cassino. With prefaces of Paulus Manutius and his friend, the humanist,
Ioannes Baptist Egnatius. - A very fine copy. Renouard 113,2 - Adams L22 - BM STC 366 - Hamberger II,682 - Ebert 11603 - Brunet III,736.
Price: EUR 7370.00 [May 2004]
- From a dealer catalogue:
Lactantius Firmianus, Lucius Coelius & Quintus Septimus
FlorensTertullianus. Franciscus Asulanus, ed. Divinarum
Institutionum Libri Septem Proxime Castigi, Et Aucti. Eiusdem: De ira
Dei...De opificio Dei...Epitome in libros suos...phoenix. Carmen de dominica
resurrectione. Item Index...Tertulliani liber apologeticus cum indice.
Book Description: Venice: 8vo.150 x 98mm. Heirs of Aldus and Andreas
Torresano. 1535. aa8,bb4,a-z,A-T8,V4,X-Z,AA-CC8, DD12, [conjugate leaves DD
5-8 bound out-of-order in gathering HH] EE-HH8, *4 [usually found at the
front]. [24],328ff=656,[20],[4 blank],47ff=94,[2 blank],[88],[8]pp. 18th c.
Italian vellum, gilt spine, a few small worm holes in spine, edges red,
marbled paste-downs,old owner's name removed from t.p., small hole in t.p.,
a few old stains, some leaves browned [gathering FF as usual], some occ.
marginalia, but the rest in fine clean condition. Aldine anchor device on
t.p. and recto of HH8.(A72 - Z36). Lactantius (fl. 320) an eminent father of
the church, was, as some say, the most eloquent of all ecclesiastical Latin
authors. He formed himself upon Cicero, and wrote in such a pure, smooth,
and natural style, and so much in the taste and manner of the Roman Orator,
that he is generally distinguished as 'the Christian Cicero.' "He well
merits the designation of the "Christian Cicero" bestowed on him
by the humanists, for he exhibits many of the shortcomings as well as the
graces of his master. Among the works of his pen extant, the earliest is the
"De Opificio Dei", written in 303 or 304 during the Diocletian
persecution, and dedicated to a former pupil, a rich Christian named
Demetrianius. The apologetic principles underlying all the works of
Lactantius are well set forth in this treatise, which may be considered as
an introduction to his great work "The Divine Institutions"
(Divinarum Institutionum Libri VII), written between 303 and 311. This the
most important of all the writings of Lactantius is systematic as well as
apologetic and was intended to point out the futility of pagan beliefs and
to establish the reasonableness and truth of Christianity. It was the first
attempt at a systematic exposition of Christian theology in Latin, and
though aimed at certain pamphleteers who were aiding the persecutors by
literary assaults on the Church, the work was planned on a scale
sufficiently broad enough to silence all opponents. The strengths and the
weakness of Lactantius are nowhere better shown than in his work. The beauty
of the style, the choice and aptness of the terminology, cannot hide the
author's lack of grasp on Christian principles and his almost utter
ignorance of Scripture. The "dualistic and panegyrical" passages,
which have been such a puzzle to students of Lactantius, are manifestly not
from his pen, but from that of someone who lived close to his time, probably
a rhetorician of Trier. The "Epitome Divinarium Institutionum",
made by Lactantius himself at the request of a friend named Pentadius, is
much more than a mere abbreviation, rather a more summary treatment of the
subject dealt with in the older work. Another treatise, "De Ira
Dei", directed against the Stoics and Epicureans, is supplementary to
the "Divine Institutions" (II,xvii,5) and deals with
anthropomorphism in its true sense. Knowing the bent of Lactantius's mind it
is not surprising that the only historical work we have from his pen,
"De Mortibus Persecutorum", should have an apologetic character.
In this work, we have an account of the frightful deaths of the principal
persecutors of the Christians, Nero, Dormitian, Decius, Valerian, Aurelian,
and the contemporaries of Lactantius himself, Diocletian, Maximian,
Galerius, and Maximus. This work, not withstanding the manifest bias of the
author, is of prime importance as a source of the last and greatest of the
persecutions, though, somewhat strangely, the style is not so perfect might
be expected. The full text is found in only one manuscript, which bears the
title, "Lucii Caecilii liber ad Donatum Confessorem de Mortibus
Persecutorium". Many attempts have been made to show that the work was
not written by Lactantius; Bookseller Inventory # 18430. Bookseller: Krown
& Spellman, Booksellers (Culver City, CA,
Price: £ 463.11 (July 2006)
1536 : Basle, reprint of 1521 edition, by Froben. PL1 38A. Not checked
[Does this really exist, I wonder?]
: 3rd Edition : Adams T407
(Gonville+Caius(bdg)). Basle, edited by Rhenanus again,
this time using also a collation of the codex Gorziensis. The treatises
are published in the same order as in 1521; however the Adversus omnes
haereses, which the manuscripts all present following De praescriptione
haereticorum and which appears in the 1521 and 1528 editions, is here
silently omitted. Full notes appear for the first time; each treatise has
an Argumentum, then Annotationes, then text. There are some 84
notes, occupying 5½ pages, in a more compact format than in 1528.
Rhenanus repeats his preference for conjectures in the margin (p.380, same text
as 1528). PL1 38A-39D.
edition was also listed by the Spanish Inquisition, on account of some too free
remarks, especially in the Anvers edition of the Index of 1571; the passages ordered suppressed are listed in the
(protestant) Junius edition of
1597 (q.v.). Not
checked Copies listed but not checked at; Oxford Colleges: All Souls,
Balliol, Brasenose, Jesus; Durham University Library. Title
page of Rhenanus' own copy.
Apparently a copy now online complete at the Biblioteca virtual de la Rioja.
- From a dealer catalogue (Aug.2001): TERTULLIANUS, QUINTUS SEPTIMIUS.: Opera. (...)
: Basileae, Froben, 1539. per Beatum Rhenanum Selestadiensem è tenebris
eructa, atque à situ pro virili vindicata, adiectis singuloru librorum
argumentis, & nullibi non coniecturis, ac nuper collatione Gorziensis exemplaris ex Mediomatricibus oblata (..)In-folio,
(10ff.)-766pp-(1bl.)-(15ff.). Demi-chagrin rouge, dos à nerfs, reliure XIXè.(frottée). Il manque la dernière page d'index, avec la marque de
l'éditeur au verso. Première page salie et déchirure en coin sans manque de
texte, sinon exemplaire très frais. Graesse, 69, VII, a. Edition des oeuvres
complètes de Tertullien (vers 160-230); elle est établie par Beatus
Rhenanus, le disciple d'Erasme, et est faite en partie sur deux manuscrits aujourd'hui perdus.Ouvrage orné de très belles lettrines historiées et d'une
illustration en pleine page. Price: EUR 372.00 (approx. US$ 328.57)
- A copy is listed in the online catalogue of Heythrop College, University
of London:
Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginensis, inter Latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi : sine quorum lectione nullum diem intermittebat
olim diuus Cyprianus, per Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem e tenebris eruta, atque à situ pro uirili uindicata, adiectis singulorum librorum argumentis &
nullibi non coniecturis, ac nuper collatione Gorziensis exemplaris ex Mediomatricibus oblata, non solum longè emendatiora facta, uerum etiam pro
re nata nouis ac retexis annotationibus exposita illustrataque. Quorum catalogum proxima pagina reperies. Floruit sub Caess. Seueto Pertinace, &
Antonino Caracalla, ualde uicinus apostolorum temporibus, circa annum à Christo passo
Imprint:- Basileae : Froben, 1539.
Descript.:- [9], 766, [16] p ; 28 cm
Note:- Includes index
Printer's device on the title page & on verso of last leaf
Historiated woodcut initials; printed marginalia
Rhenanus, Beatus, 1485-1547
- Oxford: Balliol College (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginensis, inter
Latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem
intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus / per Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem è
tenebris eruta
-- Publisher: Basileae : [Per Hier. Frobenium et Nic. Episcopium], An. M. D.
XXXIX, mense Martio
-- Physical Desc.: [20], 766, [34] p ; fol
-- First [2] pages after p.766 blank; Printers from colophon; Woodcut
initials, head-pieces
- Durham (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginensis, inter
Latinos ecclesiae scriptores primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem
intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus, per Beatum Rhenanum Seletstadiensem e
tenebris eruta, atq[ue] a situ pro uirili uindicata, adiectis singulorum
libroru[m] argumentis & nullibi non coniecturis, ac nuper collatione
Gorziensis exemplaris ex Mediomatricibus oblata, non solum longe emendatiora
facta, uerum etiam pro re nata nouis ac retexis annotationibus exposita
illustrataque ...
-- Publisher: Basileae : [per Hier. Frobenium et Nic. Episcopium], Mense
Martio. 1539
-- Physical Desc.: [20], 766, [32] p. (2o)
-- Binding: half calf, marbled paper sides, early/mid 19th century
1542 : WITZEL, Georg, 1501-1573. Praeconium
euangelicae gratiae, per Christum filium dei, factae. Per Georgium Wicelium.
Not in Migne. Not checked.
-- Publisher: Moguntiae : ad Diuum Victorem excudebat Franciscus Behem ..., Anno
-- Physical Desc.: 59, [4] leaves. (8o)
-- Notes: Includes Witzel's De libero arbitrio, and a sermon on Matthew 11, 28;
also De ceremoniis antiquae ecclesiae, ex ... Tertulliani libro de corona
-- 2 copies at Durham (Details from Copac).
Copy 2 additional details: Bound in same vol: 6 other tracts by Witzel, and a
catalogue of his writings, 1544-55 -- Fragments: Two fragments from early 16th
c. foreign document used in binding, now kept separately -- Binding: 16th c.
gilt tooled calf bdg, incorporating name F. B. Pollet
1544 : From British Library catalogue (Details from Copac):
"Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani de praescript adversus hæreticos,
Lib. Classmark: 3832.b.45." Not in Migne. Not checked.
1545 : GAGNY-MESNART : 4th Edition
: Adams T408/409 (CUL(defective), Emmanual,
Peterhouse/ Peterhouse). Paris, in folio, edited by Jean Gagney (Gagnaeus), who added 11
works to those he copied from Rhenanus. There seems to be very
little prefatory material in this edition. PL1 39B. Checked
Online: Title Page, Reverse of Title Page.
- From a dealer catalogue:
RHENANUM, Beatum: Tertullian . Opera ; Carola Guillard, Paris 1545.,
Fourth edition; medium size (11-3/4x 16in); decorative tooling on boards, raised
bands; marbled endpps; with Index; 318 pp, 43 pp; lg 1st letters of each section;
many fine ornamental woodcut initials after Ambr. & Hans Holbein; pp 11 from
the frontispiece & pp 300, initials C.G. on of woodcut letter capital D; woodcut
on pp 138 of man holding large circular sphere; brwning in corner to pgs in Index
section from water; front board repaired; rubbing to edges; in GOOD COND.
I have seen this offered for sale at $900.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Opera, per B. Rhenanum è tenebris eruta, adiectis singulorum librorum argumentis,
adnotationibus[que]. Nunc verò ad fidem veteru exemplarium collata & restituta.
Publisher: Par. 1545
Description: Folio
- British Library (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Opera Q. S. F. Tertulliani ... per Beatum Rhenanum ... primum e
tenebris eruta ... adiectis singulorum librorum argumentis,
adnotationibus[que]. Nunc vero denuo ad fidem veteru exemplarium manu
descriptoru collata & restituta. Accesserunt multa, etc. Few MS. notes.
-- Publisher: Parisiis : Apud C. Guillard, 1545.
-- Physical Desc.: pp. 306. ; fol.
-- Notes: This copy bears the notes and erasures of the Inquisitors.
-- Classmark: 3625.f.6.
- Durham (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Opera Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginensis, inter
latinos Ecclesiae scriptores primi, sine quorum lectione nullum diem
intermittebat olim diuus Cyprianus, per Beatum Rhenanum ... eruta, ... Nunc
vero denuo ad fidem veteru[m] exemplarium manu descriptoru[m] collata &
-- Publisher: Parisiis : apud Ioannem Roigny ..., 1545
-- Physical Desc.: [6], 306, [20] leaves (2o)
-- Title page inscription "De usu fratris Henrici Gravij prior
predicatorum Novimagen" i.e.Henricus Gravius, at Nimwegen, 16th century
Woodcut initials hand coloured // Binding: calf, blind panels; rolls of
festoons and scrolls, brass corner edgings, clasps now missing, marks of
chain at top of back cover, France or Netherlands, mid 16th century. Ms.
fragments used as pastedowns now removed. Ms. foredge title. Repaired 20th
century, label of Birdsall and Son, Northampton
- Manchester (Details from Copac):
-- Publisher: Parisiis : Apud Carolam Guillard, sub Sole aureo, uia ad diuum
Iacobum, 1545
-- Physical Desc.: [6], 306, [21] leaves : 1 woodcut (Fol.)
- Oxford: Balliol & Merton colleges (Details from Copac):
-- Publisher: Parisiis. : Apud Carolam Guillard, sub Sole aureo, uia ad
Diuum Iacobum., M.D.XLV
-- Notes: Includes index; Printer's device with initials C.C. and
inscription "C. Guillard" on t.p; Signatures: [dagger]6 a-z8 A-S8
(S8 blank); Woodcut initials, marginal notes
- Aberdeen (Details from Copac):
-- Publisher: Parisiis. Apud Carolam Guillard, sub Sole aureo, via ad diuum
Iacobum. M.D.XLV
: 5th Edition : Adams
T410(St.Johns, Pembroke(bdg), Christ's). Basle, edited by Sigismund
Gelenius, published by Froben. PL1 39C-D. Not checked
I have seen this offered for
sale at $1200 and another copy at $900.
From a dealer catalogue:
Q. Septimii Florentis
Tertulliani...scripta, & plura quam ante, ; TERTULLIAN, Quintus Septimus
Florens. Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani...scripta, & plura quam ante, &
diligentius per industriam bene literatorum aliquot, ad complures veteres e
Gallicanis Germanicisq(ue) bibliothecis conquistos recognita codices, in quibus
praecipuus fuit unus longe incorruptissimus in ultimam usq(ue) petitus
Britanniam: non omissis accuratis Beati Rhenani annotationibus ... Woodcut
colophons on title and on verso od last leaf, head titles. 6 leaves, 909pp., index on
title and on verso of last leaf, head titles. 6 leaves, 909pp., index of 30 leaves.
Folio, cont. blind-tooled calf; spine and hinges mended. Basileae, apud Hier.
Froben, 1550, mense martio. ... Brunet V 729.
Bookseller Inventory # R5164. Bookseller: Argosy
Book Store, ABAA, ILAB (New York, NY, U.S.A.)
Price: £ 728.43 [May 2004, but unsold for 3 years by this time; still on sale
in July 2006, after 5 years]
From a dealer catalogue:
Q. Septimii Florentis Tertvlliani Carthaginensis presbyteri, avtoris antiqvissimi ac doctissimi Scripta, & plura
quam ante, & diligentius per industriam bene literatorum aliquot, ad complures ueteres
e Gallicanis Germanicisq[ue] bibliothecis conquisitos recognita codices : in quibus
praecipuus fuit unus longe incorruptissimus in ultimam usq[ue] petitus Britanniam: non omissis accuratis Beati Rhenani annotationibus.
Catalogum autem aperiet uersa pagina. Accessit & index copiosor. Tertullian[us], Quintus Septimus Florens. Beatus Rhenanus, ed. Sigmund
Gelen, pref. letter. Book Description: Basle: Folio. 320 x 215mm Hieronymus Froben's Heirs & Nicolaus Episcopius, 1550. 6, a-z6, A-3M6. [12],909,[1],[60]pp. Early
blind-ruled calf, over thick boards, rebacked, old label in gilt on red morocco reused on spine; rubbed and edge worn but strong, marbled
endpapers, early owner's note on t.p. signed "John Orchard," light marginal dampstain at foot of first gatherings, else a good copy with
wide margins. Froben devices on t.p. and verso of last leaf, historiated initials. Full-page woodcut of Heaven & Hell on p386. Adams T410. Brunet V,729. Dibdin (4th) I,207 (1521 ed.).
Price: £ 565.99 [May 2005]
- Glasgow (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Scripta, et plura quàm antè, et diligentius per industriam bene
liberatorum aliquot ... recognita ... non omissis accuratis Beati Rhenani
annotationibus ... / [Tertullian]
-- Publisher: Basileae, 1550.
-- Physical Desc.: fol.
- Aberdeen (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginensis presbyteri,
autoris antiquissimi ac doctissimi scripta, & plura quam ante, &
diligentius per industriam bene literatorum aliquot, ad complures veteres e
Gallicanis Germanicisque bibliothecis conquisitos recognita codices, in
quibus praecipuus fuit unus longe incorruptissimus in ultimam usque petitus
Britanniam : non omissis accuratis Beati Rhenani annotationibus. Catalogum
autem aperiet versa pagina. Accessit & index copiosior
-- Publisher: Basileae apud Hier. Froben. et Nic. Episcopium anno M.D.L.
mense Martio
1550 :
To his wife, book 2 (English translation). London, 1550. Not
listed in Migne. Checked. Online
- I have seen the Bodleian copy, which I transcribed, 21/8/3. 140mm
x 85mm. Repaired at the top of all pages, so this may be larger than
original size. Bookplate of C.Inglis, M.D. Leather binding with
gilt inlay. 'Bound by W. Pratt' at the foot on the inside front in v. small
letters inset in the leather. "Hooper 3 guineas" in pencil
inter alia on verso of front guard-leaf. 1+A8B8C8D8+2+1 folios.
The 1 at each end are the guard-leaves -- the last quaternion has two extra
leaves, with text on them. The book is physically tiny, so can hardly
be octavo.
- This copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: [Para.] The seconde booke of Tertullian vnto his wyf, tr. [by J. Hooper].
Publisher: Lond. R.Jugge 1550
Description: 8°
Other names: John Hooper, Bishop of Gloucester
- Birmingham have the following details, from a microfilm of the Bodleian
copy (Details from Copac):
-- Title: The seconde book of Tertullian vnto his wyf, translated into
Englyshe, wherei[n] is co[n]teined most godly cou[n]sel how those that be
vnmaryed, may chose vnto them selfes godly companyons, and so to liue
quyetly in this world and blessedlye in the worlde to come
-- Series: 'Early English books, 1475-1640'; 148:1
-- Publisher: [Imprynted at London : By [N. Hill for] Richarde Jugge,
dwellynge in Paules churche yarde at the sygne of the Byble, M.D.L.] [1550]
-- Physical Desc.: [68] p
-- Notes: A translation, by John Hooper, of Book 2 of: Tertullian. Ad uxorem
// Imprint from colophon; printer's name from STC // Includes: "A
letter directed, vnto a certayne godlye and vertuous wyddowe of London,
wrytten by the husband of a daughter of hers." and "The prologe
and argumente, of this booke, made in Latin by maister beatus Rhenamus,
[..]" // Reproduction of the original in the Bodleian Library //
Signatures: A-D [chi]22
1561 : Liber adversus haereticos. Adams
T418 (CUL, Emmanuel). Paris, de praescriptionibus
adversus haereticos, printed by Andr. Wechelus, in quarto,
with notes by Jo. Quintinus Heduus. PL1 40A. Not checked.
- British Library, 2 copies (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Tertulliani Liber adversus Hæreticos; in quo vir Apostolici pene
temporis, ... definiit, quisnam dicendus est Hæreticus: et ostedit Hæreticos
non esse pro Christianis habendos. ... Hoc utcumque prestare potuit J.
Quintinus Hæduus, etc. MS. notes.
-- Publisher: Parisiis : Apud A. Wechelum, 1561.
-- Physical Desc.: 4o.
(Reprint) : Adams T411 (CUL, Kings). Basle, reprint of 1550 Gelenius edition, printed by Froben in September,
as it says at the end, in the copy in the Plume. Details on
separate page. PL1 40A. Checked. Online: Title Page,
Reverse of Title Page.
- Oxford: Bodleian (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani, ... Scripta, ad complures
veteres à Gallicanis Germanicisq[ue] bibliothecis conquisitos recognita
codices, in quibus præcipuus fuit vnus longè incorruptissimus in vltimam
vsque petitus Britanniam / non omissis accuratis Beati Rhenani
annotationibus. Catalogum autem aperiet versa pagina. Accessit et index
-- Publisher: Basileae : [Froben] ; [Basileae] : [In officina Frobeniana,
per Hier. Frobenium et Nic. Episcopium], M. D. LXII
-- Physical Desc.: [12], 909, [59] p ; fol
-- Notes: Description based on an imperfect copy in the Bodleian Library
which lacks the final leaf. Details of colophon taken from Adams // Errata:
p. 909 // Initials // Printer's device on t.p. containing the name 'Froben';
colophon on final leaf // References: BM STC German, 1455-1600, p. 853 ;
Adams T411
- Aberdeen (Details from Copac):
-- Publisher: Basileae in officina Frobeniana, per Hier. Frobenium et Nic.
Episcopium, mense Septembri M.D.LXII
- British Library (Details from Copac).
1562 : Paris, French translation of De
praescriptio by Aubertus de Maccre. PL1 40B. Not checked
- Leeds (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Defenses contre les heretiques / premierement escrites en Latin
par Q. Septim. Florent. Tertullian, environ l'an 200. Et maintenant mises en
Françoys par Audebert Maceré theologien
-- Publisher: Paris : de l'imprimerie de M. Vascosan, 1562
-- Physical Desc.: 199, [1] p (8vo)
-- Notes: Pages 165-199 comprise "Exposition d'aucuns passages
difficiles des Defenses de Q. Septim. Florent Tertullian, contre les
1563 : Paris, French translation of De
corona by Aubertus de Maccre. PL1 40B. Not checked
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Author : Tertullien, Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus,
Title : De la Couronne du soldat. Liure premirement escrit en Latin par Q. Septim. Florent Tertullian... Et maintenont mis en Francoys par
Audebert Maceré... / Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus Tertullien
Publisher : A Paris : De l' impr. de M. Vascosan (1563)
Description : 93 p. ; 8°
Notes : 30490RES. Ex libris ms. XVIe : Claude Regnault. Demi-rel. basane rouge XIXe.
1564 : Poems Adversus Marcionem / De iudicio Domine. Basle. A copy is listed in the
- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
(Bavarian State Library). Not in Migne. Not checked.
- British Library (Details from Copac, BL):
-- Title: Poetarum veterum Ecclesiasticorũ opera Christiana, et operum
reliquiæ atque fragmenta: ... thesaurus catholicæ et orthodoxæ ecclesiæ
... Collectus ... studio G. F. MS. notes.
-- Editor: FABRICIUS. Georgius. Chemnicensis
-- Publication details: Basiliæ, 1564. 4o.
-- Copac Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani ... adversus Marcionem
libri V.
-- Copac Title: Q.S.F. Tertulliani ... de
Iudicio Domini liber unus. [An edition of the poem of unknown authorship,
"Ad Flavium Felicem de resurrectione mortuorum et de iudicio
-- Classmark: C.76.d.7. // 77.g.22.
1565 : Lambert DANEAU, Traite
de Florent Tertullian docteur treſ-ancien, & voiſin du temps des Apoſtres, enuiron
CLXX. ans apres l'incarnation de Ieſus Chriſt, touchant l'Idolatrie.
1565. (PDF here). Online
complete. The text is mentioned in CTC2002.73, and the only copy exists in the Musée historique de la
Réformation, at Geneva. See
also Irena BACKUS, Le Tertullien de Lambert Daneau dans le contexte religieux du
seizième siècle tardif. I Padri sotto il torchio. Le edizioni
dell'antichità cristiana nei secoli XV-XVI. Atti del Convegno di studi,
Certosa del Galluzo, Firenze, 25-26 giugno 1999, Tavarnuzze (Firenze), SISMEL,
Edizioni del Galluzo (2002), p. 33-52. (Millennio Medievale 35; Atti di convegni
10). (Details CTC2002.73). Daneau was a Calvinist pastor (CTC 2003.66).
1566 : Basle-Paris. Adams
T412 (CUL (II only), Trinity (defective)). Reprint of Gelenius apud
Audoenum Parvum, sub intersignio Lilii aurei, via ad D. Jacobum.
In two volumes octavo by Andreas Wechelus, as indicated at the
end of the book. PL1 40B-C. Not checked, but I have seen the second
volume in Cambridge, so it does exist. Other copies listed in British
Library; Oxford Colleges: Balliol (both volumes).
- Oxford: Balliol (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani, Carthaginensis presbyteri,
autoris antiquissimi ac doctissimi operum, tomus primus [-secundus] : Ad
complures veteres è Gallicanis Germanicísque bibliothecis conquisitos
codices recognitus, in quibus præcipuus fuit vnus longè incorruptissimus
in vltimam vsque petitus Britanniam: non omissis accuratis Beati Rhenani
annotationibus. Catalogum autem aperiet versa pagina. Accessit & index
-- Publisher: Parisiis : Apud Audoënum Paruum, ..., 1566
-- Physical Desc.: 2v., [112], 760, [4] + [64], 751, [1]p ; 80
-- Notes: Colophon (both vols.): Parisiis, Excudebat Andreas Wechelus Anno
Signatures: v.1: aeiou8 2a2e8 a-3a8 3b6 (3b5,6 blank) - v.2:
[alpha]-[delta]8 A-3A8
Sub-title, "Ad ... annotationibus" does not appear in vol. 2
- Durham (Details from Copac):
-- Publisher: Parisiis : apud Audoënum Paruum ..., 1566
-- Notes: Copy Cosin F.5.6-7 has the variant imprint, and printer's device
"Apud Andream Wechelum ...", all other text identical
-- Copies:
-- -- Copy: Cosin F.5.6-7, provenance: Peterhouse pressmark
Ori.C22.V2.C5 ; binding: black goatskin, with gold tools, "Chinese
box" style, early 17th century
-- -- Copy: SR.10.A.3-4, provenance: original location: Routh
1.H.40-41. - Title page vol. 1, inscription, very faded, ?"J
Can..." ?16th/17th century; binding: red goatskin, covers with
gold panels, gold tools, spines with gold tools, ?late 17th/early 18th
- Aberdeen (Details from Copac):
-- Publisher: Parisiis, Apud Audoenum Paruum, sub intersignio Lilii Aurei,
via ad D. Iacobum. 1566
-- Notes: 2nd vol.: imprint: Parisiis, Apud Andream Wechelum. 1566
- British Library - vol. 2 only (Details from Copac):
-- Physical Desc.: pp. 751. ; 8o.
-- Notes: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani ... Operum Tomus Secundus. Copious
MS. notes.
- From a dealer's catalogue:
Q.Septimii Florentis Tertulliani, Carthaginensis presbyteri, autoris
antiquissimi ac doctissimi operum, tomus primus. Beati Rhenani
Annotationibus. Small in-8°. [20] [90] 760 pp. Contemporary full calf.
Gilt, raised spine. Binding very worn. Spine leather at top and bottom
missing. Corners bumped. Vol 1 of this edition of Tertullianus opera, the
first christian apologist. Edited by Beatus Rhenanus. Inside very good copy.
First blanco with old annotations. Publisher: Parisiis, Audoënum Paruum,
1566. Publication Date: 1566. Binding: Hardcover.
£178.12 [July 2006]
1572 : Dilingae, German translation of Praescriptiones
adversus omnes haereses by Laurent Albertus Francus. PL1 40C. Not
1577 : French translations of De Patientia and Ad Martyres.
Not in Migne. Not checked.
- Leeds (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Traictez de Q. Sept. Flo. Tertullian, de la vertu de patience en
affliction, & aux saint martyrs. Avec un discours liminaire sur le mesme
suiect & autres / par F.P.C. Celestin Parisien
-- Publisher: Sens : chez Iean Savine, 1577
-- Physical Desc.: [176] p (12mo)
-- Notes: 'Chants et rondeau a l'honneur de l'immaculée conception de la
vierge Marie. Par F. P. Crespet Celestin': pp.
'F.P.C. Celestin' = Pierre Crespet (1543-1594)
'1579' (see 1583/4) This date for the Pamelius edition of
1583/4 is spurious, but found in Migne and
much older literature. It is based on the date of the dedicatory epistle. PL1
1580 : BARRAEUS - Michael Julianum: Adams
T413. Paris, edited by
Barraeus (Rene Laurens de la Barre). Contains the works of
Tertullian and Arnobius. See attached page for more details. PL1 42A-C. Online: Title page (fol 1r),
Table of contents (fol.1v) Checked I
have seen a copy offered for sale at $300.
1580 : BARRAEUS - William Julianum(another issue):
Adams T414. Paris, edited by
Barraeus (Rene Laurens de la Barre). Contains the works of
Tertullian and Arnobius. See attached page for more details. Not in Migne.
Online: Title page (fol 1r)
- Durham (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Opera Tertulliani et Arnobij quotquot ab interitu vindicari
summorum virorum industria potuerunt, cum veterum exemplarium, tum
recentiorum collatione restituta ... Omnia studio ... Renati Laurentij de la
Barre ...
-- Publisher: Parisiis : apud Guilielmum Iulianum ... [excudebat Petrus le
Voirrier ... ], 1580 [mense Iunio]
-- Physical Desc.: 2 pts in 1v. ([12], 728, [84]; 240, [16]p.) (2o)
-- Notes: The commentary on Psalms in pt 2, ascribed to Arnobius Afer, is
really by Arnobius the younger (NUC)
-- Provenance: Insc. of H. Wayland at base of t.p., late 16th c. -
Peterhouse pressmark Occ.V2.C2.F2.L17 //
Binding: Late 16th c. blind tooled calf centrepiece bdg
- Oxford: Merton College (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Opera Tertulliani et Arnobii quotquot ab interitu vindicari
summorum virorum industria potuerunt : cum veterum exemplarium, tum
recentiorum collatione restituta, locis Scripturæ aucta, & illustrata
commentariis quæ aliâs authoribus subobscuris & difficillimis non
mediocrem lucem afferre potuerunt / Omnia studio et labore Renati Laurentii
de la Barre. Additis indicibus fidissimis & amplissimis
-- Publisher: Parisiis : Apud Guilielmum Iulianum, sub signo Amicitiae propè
Collegium Cameracense., M.D.LXXX
-- Physical Desc.: [12], 728, [84], 240, [16] p ; fol
-- Notes: Colophon reads: Excudebat Petrus le Voirrier regius in
mathematicis typographus, anno salutis humanae M.D.LXXX. mense Iunio; Head-
and tail-pieces, initials, marginal notes; Includes indexes; Opera
Tertvlliani et Arnobii qvotqvot ab interitv vindicari summorvm virorvm
indvstria potvervnt; Printer's device with initials GI, inscription
"Typus amicitiae" and motto "Nil Deus hac nobis maius
concessit in usus" on t.p ; Signatures: a6 a-c6 d4 e6 f-i4 k-z6 A-H6 I4
K-Z6 Aa-Ee6 Ff4 Gg-Zz6 AA6 2A-2V6 2X8; The Commentarii in Psalmos (p. 1-132,
4th group) is by Arnobius the Younger--cf. Migne, PL, v. 53, col. 321; The
works by Arnobius have separate pagination and register.
- British Library (Details from Copac).
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Opera Tertulliani et Arnobii quotquot ab interitu vindi cari summorum virorum industria potuerunt, cum veterum exemplarium, tum
recentiorum collatione restituta, locis Scripturae aucta, et illustrata commentariis. Omnia studio et labore Renati-Laurentii de la Barre /
Publisher : Parisiis : Julianus (1580)
Description : 2° [XI] - 728--240- p.
Notes : 14506RES. Ex libris mss. : Clementis Gilles presbiteri Balmensis. - Cachet "L'Abbé Flottes". Rel. Daim.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Opera Tertulliani et Arnobii... omnia studio et labore Renati Laurentii de la Barre.
Tertullian & Arnobius. Price: £ 174.8 [May 2004] Book Description: Parisiis, apud Michaelem Julianum 1580. Hardcover.
Folio. (12),728,(84),240,(15)pp. Contemporary calf, dry & worn, most of spine missing, stitching weak, binding split in half. Light marginal
- From a dealer catalogue [July 2006]:
Tertulliano (Quintus Septimius Tertullianus Florens), Arnobio (Arnobius), La
Barre Rene Laurent. Opera TERTULLIANI et ARNOBII quotquot ab interitu
vindicari summorum virorum industria potuerunt, cum veterum exemplarium, tum
recentiorum collatione restituta, locis scripturae aucta, & illustrata
commentariis quae aliâs authoribus subobscuris & difficillimis non
mediocrem lucem afferre potuerunt. Omnia studio et labore RENATI LAURENTII
DE LA BARRE. Additis indicibus fidissimis & amplissimis [marca tipogr.],
Parisiis, Apud Michaëlem Iulianum, ad montem divi Hilarij, sub insigni
stellae coronatae. M.D.LXXX [linea], Cum privilegio regis. // [Coloph.]
Excudebat Petrus Voirrier Regius in Mathematicis Typographus, Anno salutis
humanae M.D.LXXX. mense Iunio. Book Description: Julian Michel (Iulianus
Micheles), Le Voirier Pierre, Parigi, 1580. Folio [cm. 32,5 x 22]; pp. 12
n.n. + 728 + 84 n.n. + 240 + 16 n.n. Leg. settecentesca in mezza pergamena
rigida con piatti in carta marmorizzata, cartellino colorato impresso in oro
sul dorso parzialmente scollato; tagli colorati di giallo; piccoli fori di
tarli. Fregi, finalini e capilettera decorati. Pagine leggermente brunite.
Prima ed. francese. Graesse IV, 69. Adams T 413. Bookseller: Studio
Antenore (Roma, Italy)
Price: £ 463.11
[July 2006]
1580 : French translation of De cultu feminarum. Not in
Migne. Not checked.
- Oxford: Bodleian (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Deux traitez / de Florent Tertullian, docteur tres-ancien, et
voisin du temps des Apostres, enuiro[n] CLXX ans apres l'incarnation de
Iesus Christ. L'vn des parures & ornemens: l'autre des habits &
accoustremens des femmes christiennes. Plus vn traité de sainct Cyprian
euesque de Carthage, touchant la discipline & les habits des filles
-- Publisher: A Geneve. : Par Iean de Laon., 1580
-- Physical Desc.: 68, [4] p ; 8o
-- Notes: Final [3] p. blank; Head-piece; initial; ornaments; Signatures:
A-D8 E4; "Traitté de S. Cyprian touchant la discipline & les
habits des filles"--p. 42-68; Translated by Lambert Daneau, identified
on caption title of the second treatise of Tertullian on p. 29; Translation
of: De cultu feminarum. Lambert Daneau, ca. 1530-1595?; Jean de Laon,
1518-ca. 1599 [printer].
- British Library (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Deux Traitez de Florent Tertullian ... L'un des Parures &
ornemens: l'autre des Habits & accoustremens des femmes Chrestiennes
(mis en Fraçois par L. Daneau). Plus un traité de sainct Cyprian ...
touchant la discipline & les habits des filles.
-- Publisher: Genève : J. de Laou, 1580.
-- Physical Desc.: pp. 68. ; 8o.
- From a Second Life Books dealer catalogue [April 2005]:
TEMPS DES APOSTLES, ENUIRO CLXX ANS APRES L'INCARNATION DE JESUS CHRIST. L'un des parures & ornemens: L'autre des habits & accoutremens des
femmes Chrestiennes. Plus un traite de Sainct Cyprian Evesque de Carthage, touchant la discipline & les habits des filles.
Geneva: Jean de Laon, 24 May, 1580. First Genevan Edition. 8vo, pp. 68, [2] leaves. Woodcut ornament on the title-page, decorated with
ornamental initials and tailpieces. Bound in 19th century half calf by Petit, a fine copy. Erdman # 49; BM/STC French p. 127; Chaix, Dufour.
Moeckli, Les imprimes a Geneve, des 1550 a 1600, p. 99; Felice, Lambert Daneau, sa vie et ses oeuvres, pp. 149-150, no, I-II; not in Heltzel;
not in Aresty. A tract on the excessive love of finery by women. "First Genevan Edition (and the first in which the various texts were printed
together) of these translations from the Tertullian (first: Paris, 1565) and Cyprian (first: Orleans, 1566), the author's first published works.
Daneau wants to show in the first two translations (from De cultu foeminarum) that the church fathers (according to 1. Tim.2:9) had
already condemned women's excessive love of finery and passion for licentious clothing and ornaments (cf. I. Maclean, "The Renaissance
Notion of Woman" Cambridge, 1980, pp. 15-16). The translation from Cyprian is addressed to woman in marrying age and gives advice on their
education and conduct in conjugal life. Early texts arguing against licentious clothing as well as advice to women on education and
marriage. Daneau (1530-1595) began his career as a lawyer but after an extended stay in Geneva in 1560, he dedicated his life to theology and
became a prominent leader in the Protestant movement in France. $3,000.00
1582 : German version of De patientia. In
octavo, by Luc. Maio, Smalkalacae. PL1 42C. Not checked
1583 :
PAMELIUS (Sonnius) :
6th Edition :
Paris, folio. Not checked.
edited by Jac. Pamelius
of Bruges, based on Gelenius, plus using 3 Vatican codices; also
1 each from the monasteries of St. Amandus and St. Bavonus, and 1
from John Clement, the Englishman. The book was split into 5
sections. He also printed the fragments, and the poems. Apparently he also
refers to a Greek copy of the works of Tertullian in the library
of Philip II of Spain in the dedicatory epistle(see lost works
page for details). Not checked. According to CTC 84, §15, we owe
the chapter divisions in many of Tertullian's works (such as De corona)
to this edition. Some copies of this were supplied to Plantin in Antwerp,
and published with a fresh title page (see below).
- Migne lists it as a reprint of Pamelius, with additional notes by Andreas Hoyus. (Probably in error).
Also, "Hujus exemplaris apologeticus cum cod. MS. collatus exstabat in
Bibl. Baluziana." PL1 42C-D.
- Oxford Early Books Project list: Corpus, Oriel, Wadham
- Not listed in Bodleian online catalogue.
- Details and images of a copy at in the Sandor Teszler Library at Wofford
College in the USA are online.
- Oxford: Corpus Christi (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Q. Septimij Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginiensis presbyteri,
Opera quæ hactenus reperiri potuerunt omnia / Iam postremum, ad exemplaria
manuscripta collatione facta, quamaccuratiss. recognita, aliquot etiam
libris auctiora; nunc primùm in capita, & certo ordine, habita quantam
fieri potuit temporum ratione, in quinque tomos distincta ; Cum Iacobi
Pamelij Brugensis, ... argumentis & adnotationibus toti operi
interiectis, quibus tum loci obscuriores explicantur, tum quicquid ad
antiquitatem ecclesiasticam spectat, illustratur. Ad eodem Pamelio recèns
adiecta; Tertulliani vita; scripturarum citatarum index locupletiss. aliaque
-- Publisher: Parisiis : Apud Michaelem Sonnium, ... ., M. D. LXXXIII
-- Physical Desc.: 1278 p ; fol.
1584 :
PAMELIUS (Plantin) :
6th Edition :
Antwerp, folio.
Adams T415(Christ's [defective]). Not checked.
This is identical to the 1583, but with a different title page, since Sonnius
supplied Plantin with the copies for sale in Antwerp (according to VOET).
- Migne lists it as Antwerp, reprint of Pamelius by
Plantin in folio. (As he believed there was a 1579 original) He tells us a copy collated by Jo. Mercerius
with the manuscript codices of Agobard was listed in Cat.
Bibl. Leidens. (Lugd. Bat. 716). PL1 42D-43A.
- Adams T415. Cambridge: Christ's College (defective)
- Oxford Early Books Project list: Merton, Pusey, St. Johns
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani ... opera quæ hactenus reperiri potuerunt omnia: iam
postremum recogn., auctiora, cum I. Pamelii argumentis & adnotationibus. Ab eodem adiecta
Tertulliani vita, Scripturarum citatarum index alia['q]; prolegomena.
Publisher: Antu. 1584
Description: Folio
Other names: Jacobus Pamelius, Bishop of Saint-Omer
- Oxford: Merton College (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginiensis presbyteri,
Opera quæ hactenus reperiri potuerunt omnia : iam postremum, ad exemplaria
manuscripta collatione facta, quamaccuratissimè recognita, aliquot etiam
libris auctiora; nunc primùm in capita, & certo ordine, habita quantum
fieri potuit temporum ratione, in quinque tomos distincta / Cum Iacobi
Pamelii Brugensis, theologi, Archidiaconi Audomaropolitani, argumentis &
adnotationibus toti operi interiectis; quibus tum loci obscuriores
explicantur, tum quidquid ad antiquitatem ecclesiasticam spectat,
illustratur. Ab eodem Pamelio recens adiecta; Tertulliani vita; scripturarum
citatarum index locupletiss. aliasq[ue] prolegomena. Catalogum totius operis
inuenies lector post epistolas dedicatorias; & in singulis tomis
praefatiunculas de librorum ordine
-- Publisher: Antuerpiæ : Apud Christophorum Plantinum., M.D.LXXXIIII
-- Physical Desc.: 209, [5], 3-1278 p., [1] folded leaf of plates : ill.
(port.) ; fol
-- Notes: Also issued with imprint date 1583 (cf. Ruelens-De Backer p. 253);
the privilege (p. [210], 1st count) is granted to Michel Sonnius in Paris,
& following it is the statement "Achevé d'imprimer au mois de
iuillet, 1583". The BN records a copy with Sonnius imprint dated 1584.
Each of the five volumes into which the work is divided has divisional
half-t.p.; pagination and register continuous throughout. Head-pieces,
initials, marginal notes. Includes index. Printer's device with motto
"Labore et constantia" on title page. Signatures: [alpha]-[lamda]6
[mu]8 [nu]-pi]6 [rho]8 A-P6 Q4 R-Z6 Aa-Hh6 Ii8 (Ii8 blank) Kk-Zz6 AA-ZZ6
AAa-RRr6 SSs8 (SSs8 blank) TTt-ZZz6 AAA-NNN6 OOO6. Woodcut medallion
portrait of the author on leaf [rho]8v
- Durham (Details from Copac):
-- Physical Desc.: 209, [3], 1278p. (2o)
-- Binding: Late 16th c. blind tooled calf centrepiece bdg
1585 : Paris, a reprint of Pamelius by Mich.
Sonnium. A typographical error in the work gives a date of 1548. PL1
43A-B. Not
1594 : Florimond de
RAEMOND, Erreur populaire de la Papesse Jane.
Bordeaux: S.Millanges (1594). 316 pp, 8o. Contains French translations of
Tertullian, De Corona and Ad Martyras. PL1 43B. Not checked
Reprinted 1599.
1594 : Cologne: Birckmann. "Tres gravissimi": Tertullian, De
praescriptione; Vincent of Lerins, Edmund Campion. 16o. Not in Migne. Not
- British Library (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Tres gravissimi, ... Catholicæ fidei constantiæ, testes.
Tertullianus de præscriptionibus adversus hæreticos, ... J. Pamelii
annotationibus illustratus. Vincentius Lirinensis adversus prophanas omnium
hæreseon novationes, ... annotationibus explicatus. E. Campiani oblati
certaminis in caussa fidei rationes decem, Angliæ Academicis redditæ,
quibus accessit brevis auctoris vita & epistolæ, etc
-- Publisher: Coloniæ Agrippinæ : In officina Birckmannica, 1594.
-- Physical Desc.: pp. 411. ; 16o.
1595 : Junius, De Pallio. Leiden: Plantin.
Edited with notes by Franciscus Junius. Adams
T419(Gonville+Caius). Not
checked Migne is uncertain about the size of the volume, as his
catalogues give two different sizes:
- PL1 43B. -- Lugduni Batavor. ex off. Plantiniana. 4. (Sic in Cat.
Bibl. Leidensis) et 8. (Cat. de la Bibl. du Roi. p. 364. t. I.) Q. Sept.
Flor. Tertulliani Liber de Pallio, ex editione et cum notis Francisci Junii.
- British Library (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani de Pallio liber. Cum notis
Francisci Junii.
-- Publisher: Lugduni Batavorum : Ex officina Plantiniana apud Franciscum
Raphelengium, 1595.
-- Physical Desc.: pp. 73. ; 4o.
-- Notes: Copious MS. notes. Interleaved.
1595 : Florimond de Raemond, Erreur populaire de la Papesse Ieanne.
[By F. de Raemond.], Lyon, 1595. 3 pt. ; 8o. Not in Migne. Not checked.
- British Library (Details from Copac
given above):
-- Publisher: Lyon, 1595.
-- Notes: Each pt. has a distinct titlepage and pagination, but the register
is continuous
1596 : Heidelberg: Commelin press. Folio. Notes from
Rhenanus, Pamelius and Junius. Migne says it is mentioned by Sandius, du
Pin, Cave. PL1 43C. Not
1597 : JUNIUS : Adams
T416(Gonville+Caius, Emmanuel(x2)). Franeker with notes
by Franciscus Junius (François Dujon, a protestant). Referred to in French literature
as the Pamelius-Dujon edition. Mostly a reprint of Pamelius without his notes, but with
those of Rhenanus. Also contains the censure of Rhenanus by the Spanish
Inquisition of 1584. Notable for the appendix containing the collation of
the lost Fulda MS from notes by Modius. See attached page for
more details. PL1 43C-44B. Online: Title page,
Contents 1, Contents 2, Intro to Modius' notes. Checked
Also in British Library.
- Two copies are listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani ... opera quæ adhuc reperiri potuerunt omnia: ex ed. I. Pamelii,
quibus additæ sunt annotationes B. Rhenani: item[que] castigationes ac notæ F. Junii.
Publisher: Franekeræ 1597
Description: <[5 pt.].> ; (fol.)
Other names: Bildius, Beatus; Junius, Franciscus 1545-1602.
- Oxford: Hertford, Magdalen colleges (Details from Copac):
-- Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Carthaginiensis presbyteri,
auctoris antiquissimi Opera quæ adhuc reperiri potuerunt omnia / ex
editione Iacobi Pamelii Brugensis ; Quibus seorsim additæ sunt annotationes
Beati Rhenani Seletstadiensis, auctæ censura Inquisitionis Hispanicæ:
itemq[ue] castigationes ac notæ perspicuæ & breves Francisci Junii
Biturigis, tum ex MSS. fide, & Latini Latinii Viterbiensis, aliorumq[ue]
symbolis comportatæ, tum coniecturis grauissimis atque lectissimis accuratæ
-- Publisher: Franekerae : Excudebat Ægidius Radæus, Ordinum Frisiæ
Typographus., M.D.XCVII
-- Physical Desc.: [4], 655, [1], 310, [2], 127, [1], 88, 59, [1] p ; fol
-- Notes: "Beati Rhenani Seletstadiensis in Q. Septimii Florentis
Tertulliani opera, ... annotationes" has special half title, Opera quæ
adhuc reperiri potuerunt omnia; Signatures: pi1 *1 A-Q6 R2 S-3K6, 2A-22Q4,
3A-3Q4, 4A-4G6 4H2, a-e6 (22Q4 blank)
- Leeds (Details from Copac):
-- Publisher: Franekeræ [Netherlands] : Excudebat Ægidius Radæus ...,
-- Physical Desc.: 5 pts. in 1v ; 31 cm (fol.)
-- Notes: Title vignette (device); Each pt. has separate paging; Includes
quotations in Greek; Errata: [pt. 4], p. 21-23
- Manchester (Details from Copac).
- Aberdeen (Details from Copac).
- British Library (Details from Copac).
- Durham (Details from Copac):
-- Physical Desc.: [4], 655, [1]; [8], 310, [2]; 127, [1]; 88; 59, [1] p.
-- Notes: The notes by Franciscus Junius and Beatus Rhenanus and the indices
all have separate pagination and signatures; Pages 201-218 have been cropped
at the foredge removing extensive manuscript notes in the hand of Martin
Joseph Routh; Binding: half calf, grey paper sides, late 18th/early 19th
- From a dealer catalogue:
Rileg. piena pergamena con piatto anteriore con mancanze. Titolo manoscritto al dorso. H. 31. Pg. 4 nn. - 655. Unito a: OPERA QUAE EXSTANT
SUNT CENSURAE INQUISITIONIS HISPANICAE di Pg. 127 e Pg. 88 - 59 di indici in
greco e latino. ( Graesse vol. VI - Pg. 69)
Price: EUR 750 (July 2006)
1597 : Geneva, reprint of Pamelius. PL1 44C. (Sand, Du Pin,
Cave) Not checked
1598 : Paris: Michel Somnium, reprint of Pamelius.
Migne says it adds notes by Latino Latini, and John Mercer on De Pallio. PL1
44C. Not checked.
- Oxford Early Books Project list: Oxford Colleges: Corpus, Lincoln
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani ... opera quæ hactenus reperiri potuerunt omnia, iam
postremum recogn., auctiora. Cum I. Pamelii argumentis & adnotationibus. Ab eodem adiecta
Tertulliani vita, aliáque prolegomena. Accessere et Loci ex coniectura Latini Latinii restituti,
& erudita in lib. de pallio I. Mercerii commentaria.
Publisher: Par. 1598
Description: Folio
- From a dealer catalogue:
TERTULLIANUS , SEPTIMUS FLORENS. Opera quae hactenus reperiri potuerunt
omnia. Iam postreum ad exemplaris manuscripta collatione facta ... cum
Iacobi Pamelii Erugensis ... argumentis et adnotationibus .... Book
Description: Michaelem Sonnium 1598., Paris, 1598. Folio, pp. 1278, [34];
text partially in double column, wood cut initials and ornaments;
contemporary full calf, upper joint starting, moderate wear at extremities;
a good and reasonably sound copy, unrestored. Early engraved bookplate of
John Marquis of Tweesdale, Earle of Gifford. .... First published in Antwerp
in 1579, Pamelius' edition is of special importance as he used manuscripts
which have since disappeared. OCLC records only the Niedersächsischen
Staats-und Univ. copy; not in Adams.
Price: £ 870.26
[July 2006]
1599 : Heidelberg: Commelin press. Folio. Reprint of Pamelius.
PL1 45A. Not
1599 : Cologne: Arnold Mylium. 12o. Reprint of
De praescriptio and notes from the Pamelius edition. PL1 45A. Not checked
1599 : French translations of De corona and Ad Martyras
- second edition of 1594 (for Cor.) and 1597 (for Mart.) Migne adds, "Ad calcem tract. ejusdem de
Antichristo et Antipapissa Johanna." PL1 45B. Not
checked. (See 1594 edition for details of Raemond).
- From an email sent to me by Cédric Monget who has
examined the Bordeaux copy:
RAEMOND (Florimond de), L'Anti-Christ, et
l'Anti-Papesse... Edition seconde reveüe, corrigee, et de beaucoup augmentee
par l'Autheur., 1 vol., in-4°, pièces limin. + 485 ff + table, A Paris, chez
Abel l'Angelier, 1599.
+ [Locations: Bordeaux BM (T2709); Minneapolis U. of Minnesota ; Paris Arsenal (4° T 2291 et T 2292) ; Paris BN
(D 5957) ; Philadelphia U of Pennsylvania ; New-Hamps, Yale U].
ff. : 455-482 : "De la couronne du soldat. Traduict du Latin de Q. Septim. Tertullian." (Latin
text and facing French translation). ff.456-7 are a dedicatory letter to
"A Monsieur de Malvin, seigneur de Cesac, conseiller du Roy en sa Cour de
Parlement de Bordeaux." In this, 'Florimond de Raemond insiste sur la
difficulté qu'il y a à traduire et surtout lorsqu'il s'agit du latin de
Tertullien... Il complète en citant La Boétie : "Que de tourner d'une langue
estrangere / La peine est grande et la gloire legere."' Then follows the
l'"Advertissement au lecteur" (ff 457-460), in which he places the work in its
historical context and states his intention to translate De praescriptione
haereticorum if the present volume is well-received. However he died
in 1601, two years after this work, and never did so. Revised from
1594 edition.
+ ff. : 482-486 : "Aux Martyrs. Traduict du Latin de Q. Septim. Tertullian."
(texte français seul). Revised from 1597 edition. Dedicated "A
Robert Remond [son] frere de la compagnie du nom de IESUS." (f° 483)
+ M. Monget adds: Florimond de Raemond, parlementaire bordelais
successeur de Montaigne, marié à la soeur du démonologue Pierre De Lancre, est
un controversiste reconnu. Et c'est dans le cadre de la controverse que cette
traduction et la suivante doivent être comprises. Ainsi, il dit (f° 459) : "Or
les Lutheriens, compilateurs des Centuries mensongeres, pour se demesler de
l'auctorité de Tertullian, disent qu'il avoit aprins en l'escole de Montanus,
tout ce qu'il escrit des traditions de l'Eglise Catholique..." mais s'ils le
refusent comme théologien, qu'ils l'acceptent comme historien! au même titre
que Salluste ou que Tacite! Et c'est en effet les éléments historiques
qu'apporte Tertullien qui serve Raemond dans sa défense de l'Eglise.
1600 : Jacob Gretser. Arguments about the meaning
of some passages in Tertullian, against the notes of Junius. Not in Migne. Not
- British Library, 2 copies (Details from Copac):
-- Title: J. Gretseri ... libri duo de modo agendi Jesuitarum cum
pontificibus, prælatis, principibus, populo, juventute, et inter se mutuo,
oppositi ejusdem argumenti libello anonymo et famoso. Accessit vindicatio
locorum quorundam Tertullianicorum a perversis F. Junii Calvinistæ
-- Publisher: Ingolstadii, 1600.
-- Physical Desc.: 4o.
1600 : Edm. Richerius. Paris: Ambros.
Drouart. 8o. Text of De Pallio, with French translation and Latin
notes by Edm. Richerius. PL1 45B. Not checked. Migne gives his
source: "(Cat. de la Biblioth. du Roy. p. 364.)."
1601 : Heidelberg, Pamelius reprint. Folio. (Sand, Cave).
PL1 45C. Not
1601 : Geneva, Pamelius reprint with notes by Du Pin. PL1 45C: "Eamdem
hoc anno Genevae prodiisse Dupinius adnotavit." Not checked.
1601 : Coloniae Agripp. in-12. Tertullian, De praescriptione;
Vincent of Lerins, "adversus profanas omnium haereseon novationes";
Edmund Campion, "certaminis in causa Fidei rationes
decem". Migne gives as his source: "Catal. Bibl.
Regalis Carthusiae S. Martini. Neapoli 1764. f." PL1 45C. Not
1601 : Paris. Tertullian, De spectaculis.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Author : Tertullien
Title : De Spectaculis / Tertullien
Publisher : Parisiis : apud Bartholomaeum Macaeum 1601
Description : 357 p. ; 8°
Notes : 42525RES. F.X. Fabre. Rel. 18° s. veau granité. Boulenger (Jules-César). - Liber de spoliis bellicis, tropha eis,
arcubus triumphalibus, & popa triumphi. Cui accessit liber Onuphirii Panvini... de triumpho & de ludis circensibus
1602 : "In librum de Praescriptionibus notas edidit
Justus Calvinus in libro Moguntiae edito sub hoc titulo: Praescriptionum
adversus haereticos perpetuarum tractatus sex". PL1 45C. Not
1603 : "Theodori Petreii confessio Tertullianica et Cyprianana in
IV libr. digesta. Paris., in-8o". PL1 45D. Not checked.
1603 : WOUWER
: Frankfurt, edited by Jo. Wouwer. Emendationes Epidicticae ad Q. S. Fl.
Tertulliani opera. A book of suggested emendations. Includes readings from the
'lost codex' of Fulvio Orsini. PL1 45D-46A. Not checked
1605 : Cracoviae(Poland): Andr. Petriconius. "Q. Sept. Flor.
Tertulliani de Praescriptionibus adversus omnes haereticos liber, distinctus in
capita et brevibus notationibus, ex Jacobi Pamelii commentariis
illustratus". PL1 46A. Not checked.
1606 : Trium nobilium auctorum. Tertulliani Afri (De
praescriptionibus contra haereticos); Vincentii Lirinensis Galli. Edumdi
Campiani angli. Opuscula Tria vere aurea. 3 parts. Rorschachii,
excudebat Bartholemeus Schnell, 12o. Not Checked. Copies
listed; Oxford Colleges: Campion. (Not from Migne, but courtesy of the Oxford Early Printed Books Project)
1607 : Franeker, reprint of 1597 Franeker
Pamelius. Folio. PL1 46B. Not checked
1607 : Geneva, reprint of 1597 Franeker Pamelius. Folio. PL1 46B. Not
1607 : L'anti-Papesse. Florimond de Rémond. [Ad Martyes, De
Corona, French]. Copy listed in the catalogue of Canterbury Cathedral
library. Not checked.
1608 : Paris, reprint of 1598 Paris Pamelius. Folio. PL1
46B. Checked. Copies: Plume Library; Oxford Colleges: St. Hilda; Personal
copy. Some images of pages: title
page; 66, 67,
68, 69, 70,
- Biblioteca de Catalunya:
Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani ... Opera quae hactenus reperiri
potuerunt omnia : iam postremum ad exemplaria manuscripta collatione facta,
quàm accuratiss, recognita, aliquot etiam libris auctiora, nunc... in
quinque tomos distincta ; cum Iacobi Pamelii ... argumentis &
adnotationibus toti operi interiectis, quibus tum loci obscuriores
explicantur, tum quidquid ad antiquitatem ecclesiasticam spectat,
illustratur ; ab eodem Pamelio recens adiecta Tertuliani vita, scripturarum
citatarum index locupletissimus, aliáque prolegomena ; accessêre ... in
lib. de Pallio Ioannis Mercerii ... commentaria
Publ: Parisiis : [Compagnie de la grand-navire], 1608
Physical: 5 t. en 1 vol. 167 [i.e. 187], [1], 1101, [1] p. : 2º ; 37 cm
Notes: Marca de la Compagnie de la grand-navire a la port. amb els
monogrames dels impr.: Barthélemy Macé, Ambroise Drouart i Michael Laurens
(Renouard (Répertoire) 91) -- Errors en la 1a paginació: p. 137-156
repetides en la numeració -- Signatures: a-p6, q4, A-M6, N8, O-Cc6, Dd4,
Ee-Cccc6, Dddd4, Eeee-Hhhh6, Iiii8, Kkkk-Zzzz6 -- Port. a 2 tintes, retrat
de l'autor p. 16 (1a seq.), estampes p. 440 i 1101, frisos, caplletres orn.
xilogràfics -- Referències.: BLC 323, 63; CCPBE[en línia]; NUC 587,
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Opera quae hactenus reperiri potuerunt omnia. Iam postremum, ad
exemplaria manuscripta collatione facta, quam accuratissime recognita,
aliquot etiam libris auctiora; nunc primum in capita, and certo ordine,
habita quantum fieri potuit temporum ratione, in quinque Tomos distincta
Tertullian] Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens: (Pamelius, J.;
Mercerius, J., ed. and comm.:)
Book Description: Parisiis [Paris], cum privilegio regis 1608. Folio,
pp. 1101, with blank opposite p. 871. Title in red and black with large
woodcut printers ship vignette. Large woodcut portrait of Tertullian,
full-page woodcut cosmography opposite p. 441, engraving of senator in
toga on p. 1101, occasional small woodcuts in text. Light age-yellowing,
stains to extreme edge of top corner (blank), bound in tan half calf and
marbled boards, edges red (faded). Jacobus Pamelius edition of
Tertullian, first printed 1579; Adams (T 416) records an intervening
edition of 1597. Pamelius (1536-1587) was a Belgian priest and
patristics scholar.
Price: £ 375.00 [May 2004]
- From a dealer advert [May 2004]:
Opera quae hactenus reperiri potuerunt omnia. Iam postremum, ad
exemplaria manuscripta collatione facta...Cum Jacobi Pamelii Brugensis
argumentis et adnotationibus toti operi interiectis...5 parts in 1 vol. TERTULLIANUS
Book Description: Paris, 1608, Cont.vellum, bottom corner sl. worn, eng.
titlepage, 167, 1101 pp. 1 engr. plate and a few engravings in the text.
Price: £ 300.23 [May 2004]
1608 and 1609 : Two 'reprints' of Junius of 1597 at Heidelberg; but
probably just exemplars of the 1597 with a new title page. Not checked.
Details from Chronica Tertullianea 2003, §66 (p.421) by Pierre Petitmengin.
1609 : Antwerp: Commelin, listed in Migne as a reprint
of Antwerp Pamelius of 1583( surely 1584?) edition. Copies: Woodbridge parochial
library (with rear portion of a 1597 Junius bound at the back). PL1 46B. Checked
1610 : Paris, reprint of Pamelius. PL1 46C. Not
1612 : Frankfurt-am-Main: Richter press. Emendationes
Epidicticae ad Q. S. Fl. Tertulliani opera. Reprint of Wouwer. PL1 46C. Not checked
1612 : Paris, in 8o. French translation of De
Praescriptione, by Brossaeus. PL1 46C. Not checked.
1613 :
Paris, Plantin Press apud Hadrian Perier, Apologeticus.
Edited by Desiderius Heraldus using Codex Puteanii and Codex
Bongarsii. Otherwise based on Pamelius. Also contains Minucius
Felix. PL1 46D-47C. Not checked.
- Oxford Early Books Project list: Oxford Colleges: All Souls,
Brasenose, Corpus, Christ Church, New, Pusey, University
- From a dealer catalogue:
Q. SEPTIMII FLORENTIS TERTULLIANI. Apologeticus. Desiderius Heraldus ex
antiquis libris emandauit, Commentario Libro illustrauit, Duos digressionum libros,
quibus eiusdem Tertulliani, & aliorum Scriptorum plurima loca emendantur,
explicantur et illustrantur, adjecit. M. Minucii Felicis. Octavivs. Desiderius Heraldus
Ms. Reg. ope emendauit, & Notas addidit. Lutetiae Parisiorum, Hadrianum Perier
1613; in-8 pl. bas. ancienne. Dos à nerfs, 8 ff. nch. , 61 pp. , 3 ff. nch. 310 pp. et, titre,
3 ff. nch. et 99 pp. Rel. défr. Qq. mouill. Rogné.
I have seen this offered at $150.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Apologeticus. Desiderius Heraldus ex antiquis libris emendavit, Commentario libro illustravit, et duos Digressionum Libros, quibus
eiusdem Tertulliani & aliorum.- Desiderius Heraldus Ms. Reg. ope emendavit, & notas addidit.
Tertulliano Quinto Settimio - Minucio Felice Marco.
Book Description: Lutetiae Parisiorum ex Officina Plantiniana apud Hadrianum Perier 1613. 2 opere con autonoma numerazione e frontespizio
in un volume in-4 (230x162), pp. (20), 61, (7), 310 + 1 carta bianca; (8), 99, (1); legatura del primo Ottocento in m. pergamena e angoli con
titolo manoscritto anticamente al dorso e piatti marmorizzati. Al primo frontespizio, impresso in rosso e nero, un ex-libris a copertura di un
buco, un antico timbro di biblioteca estinta, un'impresa tipografica in silografia con la figura di una mano intenta a tracciare un cerchio con
un compasso entro cornice di festoni con motto entro cartiglio: "Constantia labore". Testatine e capilettera ornati e istoriati in
silografia. Edizione parigina secentesca di due delle più celebri opere apologetiche della letteratura latina cristiana, curata nel testo e
nelle note dal noto filologo francese Didier Hérault. Il "Liber Commentarius" a Tertulliano dell'Hérault occupa le pp. 1-190, il
"Digressionum Liber I" e il "Digressionum Liber II" le pp. 191-290. Le "Castigationes et Notae" a Minucio Felice sono alle pp. 57 e sgg. della
seconda opera. Graesse, VII, 70. Bookseller Inventory # 6689.
Bookseller: Galleria
Gilibert (Turin, Italy)
Price: £ 165.09 [May 2004; still for sale July 2006]
- From a dealer catalogue [July 2006]:
Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus; Tertullian with Commentary
By Didier Hérauld. Book Description: Hadrianum Perier, 1613. Hardcover.
Book Condition: Good. Small 4to, [18], 61, [7], 310, [8], 95. Rebacked, with
original end papers retained. Recent spine with raised bands and contrasting
red label. Covers rubbed and corners/edges worn. Library stamp of
"Bibliotheca Puseiana, Oxon" on end paper, dated 1954. Elaborate
woodcut head/tailpieces and initials, and engraved publisher's device on
both title pages. Title page of the first part (Tertullian) is printed in
red and black. Bound with the Octavius of Marcus Minucius Felix, which has a
separate title page. Both parts are primarily in Latin, but with some text
in Greek.Several contemporary annotations, but overall a clean copy of works
by these important, early apologists: Tertullian was an Ecclesiastical
writer of the 2nd/3rd century who converted from paganism to Christianity,
whilst Marcus Minucius Felix is one of the earliest Latin apologists for
Christianity. Bookseller Inventory # 000020. Bookseller: Celsus
Books (Bristol, United Kingdom).
Price: £ 235.00
[July 2006]
- Two copies are listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus. D. Heraldus emendauit, commentario libro illustr.
& duos digressionum libros adiecit. M. Minucii Telicis Octauius. D. Heraldus emendauit & notas
Publisher: Lutet. Par. 1613
Description: <[3 pt.].> ; 4°
Other names: Hérauld, Didier.
1614 : Paris, De Pallio in octavo
printed by Jo. Libertum. Edited by Theodore Marcillius. PL1 47C. Not checked
1616 : Paris, reprint of Pamelius. Folio. PL1 47C. Not
checked. Copies listed; Oxford Colleges: All Souls.
- Tom Littell kindly emailed me a photograph of the
title page. This is signed by his great-uncle, T(homas) Gardiner Littell.
- From a dealer's catalogue:
Title: |
Quae Hactenus Reperiri Potuerunt Omnia, Iam Postrenum, Ad Exemplaria
Manuscripta. Collatione Facta, Quam Accuratiff. Recognita, Aliquot
Etiam Libris Auctiora; Nunc Primùm in Capità, & Certo Prdine,
Habiota Quantum Fieri Potuit Temporum Ratione,... |
Description: |
Lutetia Paris. 1616. Fort in quarto. Reliure du temps Vélin d'époque,
pièce de titre, dos à nerfs. 5 volumes en 1. tome 1: Quo continentur
libri adversus gentes et iudaeos, novis argumentis &
Adnotationibus illuftrati. Tome 2: In quo Habenture libri paraenetici
siue admonitorii ad christianos, argumentis etiam nouis &
Adnotationibus aucti. Tome 3: Qui complectitur scripta adversus
haereseis, cum suis argumentis et adnotationibus, per Iacobum Pamelium.
Tome 4: Quo continentur poemata sacra et operum quae desiterantur
notulae, cum argumentis & Adnotationibus Iacobi Pamelij. Tome 5:
Qui continent ea quae in haeresi sive adversus Ecclesiam scripsit, cum
iis quae aliena funt, nouis Argumentis & Adnotationibus aucta, per
Iacobum Pamelium. Précédé de la vie de Tertulliani par Lacobum
Pamelium. (2) du catalogue des histoires de Tertulliani. (3)Paradoxa
tertillani, cum antidoto Iacobi Pamelii. (4) Proverbiales formulae,
toto opere hoc tertulliniaco contentae, brevibus Scholiis illuftratae.
(5) Index scripturarum sacrarum, a tertullino et novatiano citatarum,
omnium. (6) Index généralis. illustré de bandeaux, vignettes,
lettrines, 1 gravure en fin d'ouvrage, 1101 pages. Rousseurs et
mouillures, tranches noircies par le temps, légère restauration à
la page de titre et léger manque au pages 3 et 5, Mais bon état
d'ensemble pour l'époque. |
Price: |
$506.00 |
(Reprint) : Cologne: apud Antonium Hierat. 'same as above'. Reprint of Pamelius.
Folio. Copy in Cambridge University
Library. PL1 47D. Checked.
- Copy listed in the catalogue of Canterbury Cathedral library.
1620 : "HERM. RATHMANI Theosophia priscorum patrum
Tertulliani et Cypriani fidei antiquae et vitae vere christianae certa et
salutaria tradens documenta, e monumentis eorum propriis reddita et recitata
verbis." PL1 47D. Not checked.
1622 : "In libr. de Praescriptionibus notas edidit Albaspinoeus
annexas ipsius observationum Ecclesiasticar. libb. II. Paris., 1622. Helmstad.,
1672." PL1 47D. Not checked.
1622 :
Paris, De Pallio, edited by Claudius
Salmasius. Octavo. Used a 'vetus codex' - probably the Divionensis - to finish
off his edition. I've seen this one, at the Plume Library in Maldon; also a copy
at Winchester Cathedral Library. Online: Title
page, 1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6,
7, 8,
9, 10,
11, 12,
note title page. PL1 47D-48C. Checked.
- Winchester Cathedral Library: starts with into (online above), then
pp.1-34 are De Pallio; 35-64 are De Pallio New edition; then
the note title page, then 1-452 pages of notes.
- Oxford Early Books Project list: Oxford Colleges: Lincoln, Magdalen, Queens
- A copy is presented at Blicking Hall in Norfolk, which I have seen.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani liber de pallio, C. Salmasius recens., explicauit, notis illustr.
Publisher: Lutet. Par. 1622
Description: <[2 pt.].> ; 8°
Other names: Saumaise, Claude de
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
LIBER DE PALLIO bound with Confutatio Animadversorum Antonii
Cercoetii... .
Price: £ 174.82 [May 2004]
Book Description: Lutetiae Parisiorum Hieronymi Drovart 1622. Very good minor soiling few pen notationsn in margins. 170mm x 110mm bound in
original full vellum covers. Manuscript pen title on spine Includes:
Confutatio Animadversorum Antonii Cercoetii. Notas in Tertullianum de
Pallio. By F Franco. Printed by Simonem Moulert, Midelburgi, 1623. AND
bound with Rufutatio Utriusque Elenchi Cercopetaviani. By Franco.
Printed in Paris, 1623. [16], 64, 452, [84], [28], 270, [18], 100 pages.
Not in Brunet. STC BM French #T187 for first title. Binding is vellum.
- From a bookseller's catalogue:
Title: |
Sept Florentis Tertulliani Liber De Pallio. C. Salmasius Recensuit...[À
La Suite] Saumaise C. Salmasii Notae in Q. S. F. Tertulliani Librum De
Pallio. Lutetiae Parisiorum, Sumptibus H. Drouart, 1622. [À La Suite]
Fr. Francus (Saumaise) Confutatio... |
Publisher: |
Parisiorum (Paris) Sumptibus H. Drouart |
Published: |
1622 |
Description: |
ouvrages en 1 fort volume in 8, (8 ff) 64 pp; 452 pp (41 ff); (14 ff)
269 pp, (9 ff); 10 pp, (1 f) 100 pp. Veau du milieu du XVIIème siècle.
Dans son édition critique du de Pallio de Tertullien, Saumaise (Salmasius)
fait l'inventaire et la description des vêtements des Romains. Il en
profite aussi, protestant zélé, pour attaquer le Jésuite Pétau
("Cercopetavianus", de cercops, le singe à longue queue) en
se couvrant du pseudonyme F. Francus, et à l'adresse probablement
fictive de Midelburg. (Toutes les pièces semblent imprimées par
Drouart). C'est une des querelles érudites les plus acharnées du début
du XVIIème siècle. |
Price: |
$467.00 |
1624-30 : Paris: Mich. Sonnii, edited by J. Lud. de la
Cerda, based on various earlier editions. 2 volumes - vol.1 1624, vol.2
1630. Edition is incomplete. Folio. PL1 48C-49C. Not checked.
Copies listed; Oxford Colleges: All Souls, Corpus, Christ Church [1], Lincoln,
Magdalen, Pusey, Merton (W)[1], Queens, St Johns, University, Wadham.
1625 :
Geneva, first edition of Ad Nationes, in quarto,
printed by Peter and Jacques Chouet. PL1 49D-50A. Not checked.
- Oxford Early Books Project list: Oxford Colleges: Brasenose, Christ Church(A)
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani ad nationes libri duo, publ., notis etiam additis, à I. Gothofredo.
Publisher: Geneuæ 1625
Description: 4°
Other names: Godefroy, Jacques
1625 : Aureliopoli, reprint of Gothofred. PL1 50A. Not
1626 : Lyons. P.Io.Lvdovici. De la Cerda (Juan Luis de la CERDA,
S.J.), Adversaria Sacra. Folio. Contains, after much else,
70pp+2pp of indexe,+2pp index of Greek, of De Pallio, edited by De
la Cerda with commentary (more commentary than edition). Online: Main
Title Page; De Pallio Title
Page; Page 1 of De Pallio.
- There is a copy in Winchester Cathedral Library. Checked.
- PL entry: Lugd. f. Tertull. de Pallio cum comm. de la Cerda. PL1
- From copac: copies in Glasgow
university library,
Adversaria sacra: opvs variorvm ac veluti fax ad lucem quam multorum
locorum vtriusque Instrumenti, Patrumque et scriptorum quorumcunque:
Christianæ antiquitatis et sacrorum rituum pancarpia; politioris denique
literaturæ thesaurus multiplex. Accessit codem avtore, Psalterij Salomonis
ex Græco MS. codice peruetusto, Latina versio, et ad Tertvlliani librum de
Pallio commentarius auctior. Prodeunt omnia nunc primum / [Cerda]
- From copac: Durham University:
Publisher: Lugduni, Sumpt. Ludouici Prost Haeredis Roville (=Louis Prost);
Physical description: [20], 516, [36], 20, [2], 70, [8] p (2o)
- From copac: Oxford: Magdalen,
Trinity, University Colleges:
Physical description: [22], 516, [36], 20, [4], 70, [10] p ; fol.
Added half title; "Psalterium Salomonis" and "Pallium
Tertulliani" also have divisional half title pages and each begin new
pagination and register
Engraved title page ("C. Audran fecit"); Head- and tail-pieces,
initials; Main body of text printed in double columns
Signatures: pi2 (-pi1) a4 e6 A-2Z6 2a-2e6 (2e6 blank) a-f6 g4 (g4 blank)
Text mainly in Latin, some in Greek; includes Greek and Latin versions of
some Psalms
- From copac: Edinburgh: [22], 516,
[36], 20, [4], 70, [8] p ; fol
1628 : Paris. Lutetiae, typis Rob. Stephani apud viduam
Olivarii Varennaei. 8o. Q. Sept. Flor. Tertulliani libri IX. ex
codice MS. Agobardi in Bibl. Reg. obvio emendati et observationibus illustrati.
-- Nic. Rigaltius. Contains de Oratione; ad Uxorem l. 2; de Cultu foeminarum
l. 2; de Exhortatione Castitatis; de Corona; de Praescriptione haereticorum and
Scorpiace. Dedicated to Cardinal Richlieu. PL1 50B-C. Not Checked.
Migne lists 1629 as an alternative date. Was there a reprint?
- Oxford Early Books Project list: Oxford Colleges: Corpus, Queens
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Sept. Flor. Tertulliani libri ix, locis quamplurimis emendati. [With] Nicolai Rigaltii Observationes.
Publisher: Lutet. 1628
Description: <[2 pt.].> ; 8°
Other names: Rigaltius, Nicolaus
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Author : Tertullien, Quintus Septimius Florens Tertulliamus,
Title : Q. Sept. Flor. Tertulliani libri IX, locis quamplurimis emendati ex Bibliotheca regia / Quintus Septimius Florens Tertulliamus
/ Tertullien
Edition : Edité par Nicolas Rigault d'après son épître dédicatoire. - On a relié à la suite Nicolaï Rigaltii Observatione ad Tertulliani libro
IX, publiées la même année avec la même adresse
Publisher : Lutetiae : apud Vam Olivarii Varennaei 1628
Description : pièces limin. 358 p. et l'index ; 8°
Notes : De oratione. Ad uxorem. De Cultu feminarum. De Exhortatione castitatis. De Corona. De Praescriptione haereticorum. De Scorpiace
1630 : Paris, De execrandis diis
edited by Joseph Mar. Suarez in octavo from the Vatican library. "Fragmentum
ex libris Tertulliani de execrandis gentium Diis, erutum e Biblioth.
Vaticana, studio Joseph. Mar. Suarezii." PL1 50C. Not
1632 : Oxford: "Joh. Crojus specimen conjecturarum in quaedam
loca Origenis, Irenaei, Tertulliani, et Epiphanii edidit Oxon. in 8o."
PL1 50C. Not checked.
1634 : RIGALTIUS : Paris : N.
Rigault (Rigaltius) This isn't just a reprint of the
Pamelius, but rather a really new edition. The first real
editor to look at all the material we now have and try to make
sense of it. Had access to various collations and tabulated
what he used for which work. PL1 50D-53B. Checked
Online: Main Title Page.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani opera, N. Rigaltii obseruationibus & notis illustr.
Publisher: Lutet. 1634
Description: <[2 pt.].> ; (fol.)
Other names: Rigaltius, Nicolaus
Folio. This isn't an edition. Unlike most of his
predecessors, Rigaltius didn't just reprint the Pamelius with
minor alterations, but instead did a new edition. However,
this meant that the accumulated reference information - notes by
Rhenanus, etc - that the Pamelius reprints had acquired was
omitted. This volume contains all of that reference
information, as a companion volume to the Rigaltius
edition. Not listed in Migne. Checked. Seen at Norwich
Cathedral & Blickling. Other copies listed; Oxford Colleges: Corpus, Christ Church,
Pusey, Queens, Trinity, University; National Trust: Blickling Hall. Title
page online.
- A copy is listed at the Biblioteca de Catalunya:
Title: Iacobi Pamelii ... Argumenta et annotationes in Q. Sep. Fl.
Tertvlliani opera : quibus adiectae sunt annotationes diuersorum ; omnia
textvi editionis V. CL. Nicolai Rigalti i.c. respondentia. (Pamèle,
Publ.: Parisiis : sumptibus Mathvrini Dv Pvis, 1635
Phys.: [70], 1026 [i.e. 1024], [20] p. : 2º ; 35 cm
Signatures: a3, e6, o6, u6, aa-ee4, A-SSss6
Referències: BLC 323, p. 64; NUC 439, 0047253
Du Puys, Mathurin
1635 : [Possible French translation of the Apologeticum -- see dealer
advertisment uder 1637]
1636 : Paris. 12o. French translation of the Apologeticum,
"studio Ludovic. Gyrii" (Louis Giry - see 1702). PL1 53C. Not checked.
1636 : Wittemberg. "HERM. RATHMANI Theosophia sub
hac nova inscriptione: Theologia speculativa et practica ex patribus ab insigni
quodam theologo collecta et publici juris facta. Witemberg". PL1 53C.
Not checked.
1637 : French translation of the Apologeticum. Paris: Jean
Camusat. Not checked. All information from dealer
- From a dealer advertisment (06/12/2002):
Tertullien. Apologétique, ou Défense des chrestiens contre les accusations
des Gentils. Traduit en François du latin de Tertullien. II édition.
A Paris, chez Jean Camusat, 1637. In-12 de [17] feuillets non chiffrés
(titre-frontispice, préface), 260 pages, [9] feuillets non chiffrés de
table. Plein vélin de l'époque, dos muet (Une mouillure supra-paginale en
fin d'ouvrage). Petite édition rare, dans une version d'abord parue en
Price: US$ 220.14. [In May 2004 was £ 153.25.]
- From a dealer advertisment [May 2004]:
Apologétique ou Défense des Chrestiens contre les accusations des Gentils. Traduit en François du latin de Tertullien.
TERTULLIEN. Price: £ 125.38 [May 2004] Book Description: Paris, Chez Jean Camusat, 1637. Petit in-12 , vélin
ivoire de l'époque (Lég.us.). Beau titre-frontispice gravé sur cuivre.
1639 : A reprint of Rigaltius with modified notes is listed in
Jean JEHASSE, Religion et politique: Le Tertullien de Nicolas Rigault
(1628-1648), in: Actes du colloque de Lyon. Ed. E. BURY et B.
MEUNIER, Paris: Cerf (1993), pp. 227-235. I know of no other reference to
this edition.
1639 : Barcelona: Spanish translation of De Patientia, De
Testimonio Animae, ad Scapulam, (etc) by Joseph Pellecier. PL1 53D. Not
- From Austrian National Library catalogue via Karlsruhe union catalogue:
Tertullianus, Quintus Septiminus Florens hisp. Titel: Obras con version parafrastica i argumentos castellanos de Don
Joseph Pellicer de Tovar.-Barcelona, Mogues 1639. Fussnote: P.1. Nicht mehr erschienen.
1639 : Florence. Quarto. "PAGANINI GAUDENTII Salebrae
Tertullianicae cum ejusdem comparatione dogmatum Origenis cum philosophia
Platonis. Flor., in-4o" PL1 53D. Not checked.
1639 : Barcelona: Spanish translation of De Patientia, De
Testimonio Animae, ad Scapulam, (etc) by Joseph Pellecier. PL1 53D. Not
checked. There is no indication of the difference from the above, but
both entries appear in Migne.
1640 : Paris. French translation of de oratione, in 12o.
Likewise of De Patientia, likewise in 12o. Both "auctore Hobierio".
PL1 53D. Not checked.
1640 : Paris. French translation of de pallio, by
Titreville. PL1 53D. Not checked.
- From Copac (copy at Oxford):
Tertullien Du manteau / Dédié a Monseigneur de Cinq Mars grand escuyer de
France. Par le sieur de Titreville. Publisher: A Paris : Chez Georges
Iosse, ruë S. Iacques, à la Couronne d'espines., M.DC.XL. Physical Desc.:
[36], 274 [i.e. 262], [2] p ; 120. Notes: Numerous errors in pagination;
Ornament on t.p., head- and tail-pieces, initials, marginal notes;
Signatures: a12 e6 A-L12 (L12 blank); Tertvllien Dv manteav
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Tertullien. Du Manteau... [paraphrase] par le sieur de Titreville. [Avec une préface par M. de Grenaille.]
Publisher : Paris : Georges Josse (1640)
Description : pièces limin., 274 p. ; 12°
Notes : On trouve dans les pièces limin. un sonnet signé Dy Pelletier 61078RES. Cachet de l'abbé Flottes. Rel. veau brun.
Other titles : De Pallio. Trad. française
1641 : Paris, 'c. insigni magnae navis'. Folio, 2 vols. Q. Sept.
Flor. Tert. opera, argumentis, explicationibus, notis illustrata, auct. Jo. Lud.
de la Cerda. Reprint. PL1 53D. Not checked.
- Biblioteca de Catalunya:
Title: Q. Septimii Tertulliani ... Opera ; argumentis, explicationibus,
notis illustrata auctore Ioanne Ludovico de la Cerda ...
Publ.: Lutetiae Parisiorum : [Michaëli Sonnio], 1641
Phys.: [8], 785, [35] p. : 2º ; 35 cm
Notes: Sign.:a4, A-Zzz6, Aaaa4
Exemplar: 0101 . R.476034.. Enq. mitja pell deteriorada, exemplar
guillotinat, alg. f. estripat, taques d'òxid, d'humitat, anotacions ms.:
"Libreria de la Victoria de Madrid cas 2 sobre la ventana n5" a
port. TOP: Tor. 308-Fol. Etiqueta: "Biblioteca "Torres Amat"
Sallent" al contraplà post.. 1-Desiderates
1641 : Paris. Rigaltius reprint. "Lutetiae, sumpt.
Math. Du Puis etc. f. Observationibus et Notis atque etiam Glossario
auctior, cujus exemplum cum frequent. coll. Codd. MSS. impr. Agobardini in
Bibl. Baluz. extabat." (PL1 54A). Online: Title
Page, 1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6,
7, 16,
17, note
title page, note p1,
Checked. Supposedly reprinted
1644, 1646, 1650, 1658.
- Winchester Cathedral Library. 'Editio Secunda'. Checked.
- Biblioteca de Catalunya:
Title: Q. Sept. Florentis Tertvlliani Opera ; ad vetustissimorum
exemplarium fidem locis quamplurimis emendata ; Nicolai Rigaltii
obseruationibus et notis illustrata ; cum indice glossario stili Africani.
Edit.: Editio secunda ... avctior
Publ.: Lvtetiae [i.e. París] : M. dv Puys, 1641
Phys.: 2 t. en 1 vol. : 2º ; 35 cm. -- T. 1: [20], 860 [i.e. 862], [2] p.
(el f. RRr4 i l'últ. en blanc); t. 2: [2], 130, [82] p. -- Error a la
paginació (t. 1): el f. sign. RRr4 sense numerar.
Referències: BLC 323, p. 641; CGBNP 152, col. 53 i 184, col. 663; NUC 587,
Rigault, Nicolas 1577-1654 -- Du Puys, Mathurin
Exemplar: 0101 . R.478088.. Enq. perg., port. estripada, taques d'òxid i
d'humitat, alguns senyals de corcs i de paràsits TOP: Tor. 380-Fol..
Ex-libris: "Felicis Torres Amat Eccl. Barcin. Sacrista. An. 1830."
al contraplà ant., ex-libris ms.: "Libreria de la Victoria de Madrid
cax. 2 de la Ventana n 2" al f. de guarda ant., etiqueta:
"Biblioteca "Torres Amat" Sallent" al contraplà post..
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
TERTULLIAN. Opera ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem locis quamplurimis emendata, Nicolai Rigaltii. Observationibus & notis
illustrata. Cum indice glossario stili africani. Observationibus et notis atque etiam glossario auctior. - II. Nic. Rigaltii observationes
et notae ad libros Q. Sept. Flor. Tertulliani. Lutetiae [d.i. Paris], Du Puis 1641. [10] Bll., 860; 130 S., [40] Bll. (Index). Mit einer
Holzschnitt-Druckermarke und einigen Holzschnitt-Vignetten und - Initialen. Editio secunda. 2 Teile in 1 Band. Schweinslederband d. Zt.
über 6 Bünden mit floraler RVergoldung (berieben und stellenweise etwas beschabt, Kapitale etwas angenagt, Ecken bestossen, vereinzelte kleine
Wurmgänge an Rücken und Gelenken). <Bestellnr. A323423> CHF 420,- Zweite Ausgabe der gelobten Ausgabe mit dem Kommentar von N. Rigault
(1577-1654). - Fliegende Vorsätze fehlen. Titel mit teilw. gelöschten Besitzeinträgen von alter Hand. Vereinzelte Fleckchen und Annotationen
von alter Hand. - Ordentliches Exemplar. Dibdin I, 208-09. Price: EUR 272.73
- £190.72 [May 2004]
1643 :
Apologeticum : Latin-English extracts. Quarto. Oxford. 1643. Not checked.
Not in Migne.
- Three copies are listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: A true Christian subiect under an heathen prince: or Tertullians plea for allegeance
[extr. from his Apologeticus. With a transl.]. With a brief application to the citizens of London,
written by a member of the House of commons [signing himself Irenæus Philopolis. Madan 1244].
Publisher: Oxf. 1643
Description: 4°
Other names: Philopolis, Irenaeus pseud.
1644 : "PAGANINI GAUDENYII opuscula tria, quorum ultimum de
philosophicis opinionibus veterum Ecclesiae Patrum, multa de Tertulliano
quaerit. Pisis., in-4o". PL1 54A. Not checked.
1644 : Madrid. Spanish translation of De Patientia. PL1 54A. Not
checked. "Matriti. f. Tertulliani liber de Patientia cum
commentis Orii. Cat. Bibl. Pinell. T. I. v. 89".
1644 : Caesar August., Spanish translation of Ad Scapulam by
Pedro Manero. PL1 54B. Not checked.
1644 : Paris. Rigaltius reprint. See 1641 entry for Migne. PL1 54A. Not
1645 : French translation: "Librum de Poenitentia cum aliis
Patrum de hac materia tractatibus gallice vertit Antonius Arnaldus et Paris.
evulg. inter ejus opp., t. XXVIII, edit. Paris., 1779." PL1 54B. Not
1646 : Paris. Rigaltius reprint. See 1641 entry for Migne.
PL1 54A. Not checked.
1646 : Apologeticus, translated into
French by 'Ludov. Gyrii' (Louis Giry - see 1702). 12o. PL1 54B. Not
1646/48/50 : Tertullianus Redivivus. Paris, ap.
Mich. Solg. via Jacobaea sub signo Phoenicis, 3 vols. "Tertullianus
redivivus, scoliis et observationibus illustratus. In quo utriusque juris forma
ad originem suam recensetur. Et Avitae pietatis Amatoribus
inquirendi norma praescribitur. Auctore P. Georgio, Ambianate, Minorita
Capucino, Parisiis apud suos Professore Theologo." Studies on
Tertullian. PL1 54C-55A. Not checked.
: London. 8o. "Tertulliani opuscula varia. -- inter Franc. Rous Mella
Patrum pag. 293-468". PL1 55A. Not checked.1650 : Paris.
Rigaltius reprint. See 1641 entry for Migne. PL1 54A. Not checked.
: "Tertulliani opp. poetica edidit Andreas Rivinus ac post
Pamelium, Junium Barthium breves notas addidit, Goth., 8." PL1 55A. Not
1655 :
Brown, H :
Apologeticum. London, English translation. Not in Migne.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Tertullians Apology, or Defence of the Christians, against the accusations of the gentiles,
made Engl. by H.B. (H. Brown).
Publisher: Lond. 1655
Description: 4°
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Tertullians Apology, Or Defence Of The Christians, Against The
Accusations Of The Gentiles.
Tertullian, Quintus Septimus Florens. Henry Brown, trans.
Price: £ 218.53 [May 2004], £197.01 [April 2005] Book Description: London: 4to. Thomas Harper, sold by Thomas Butler,
1655. a-c4,A-Z,2A-2B4,2C2.[Lacks a1, licence leaf?]. [26],179, [1],
[20]pp. Modern calf-backed marbled boards, title-label, old library
stamps on t.p., paper browned, edge chipping and tears (no text losses).
First Edition Thus. ... Wing T785.
- From a dealer advert [May 2004]:
Tertullians Apology, or Defence of the Christians, against the
Accusations of the Gentiles. Now made English by H[enry] B[rown] Esq
Tertullianus, Quintus Septimus Florens
Price: £ 1165.49 [May 2004] [Then unsold for at least 2 years]
Book Description: London: Printed by Tho. Harper and are to be sold by
Thomas Butler, 1655. The first edition of one of the classics of the
early Christian fathers, in interesting early armorial binding.
Tertullian ( c. 145-220 AD), said to be of African (Carthaginian)
origin, and believed to have been educated in Rome in law, is one of the
greatest writers of the early Christian fathers -- famous for his sharp
rhetoric, remorseless logic, and pugnacity. His APOLEGETICUM, a stirring
defense of Christianity against the charges of its early persecutors,
lies at the heart of his central work, and appears here in English for
the first time FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Small 4to. [28], 179, [20] pp.
Contemporary calf with gilt-stamped arms in center of upper cover,
rebacked; contents slightly darkened, title a bit soiled, with old
signature of W.H. Pratt, and with Pratt descendancy charted in ink on
front pastedown; some damp staining at end, last 2 leaves torn and
repaired without text loss, old owner's notes on pastedowns, lacks free
endpapers. Wing T785.
1655 : Herm. Rathmann, Theosophia. 3rd edition;
Wittemberg. New title: "Medulla Patrum, hoc est Consensus harmoniacus
Patrum fidei antiquae et vitae vere Christianae...". Theological
extracts. PL1 55B. Not checked.
1656 :
SALMASIUS : Leiden: Io Maire; De Pallio, edited by Claudius Salmasius. Octavo. (Reprint?).
PL1 55B.
- Four copies are listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani liber de pallio, C. Salmasius recens.,
explicavit, notis illustr.
Publisher: Lugd. Bat. 1656
Description: 8°
Other names: Saumaise, Claude de
- From a dealer catalogue (2004):
TERTULLIANUS, Q.S.F., Liber de Pallio. Claudius Salmasius ante mortem recensuit, explicavit, Notis illustravit. Accedit vera ad vivum ejusdem
Effigies. Lugd. Bat., J. Maire, 1656.
(16), 1-58, (2), 61-475 pp + Index (76 pp). Contemp. vellum, gilt blindstamped emblematic centre-piece, lines stamped in blind on covers.
Ties missing. 58 (faulty 48) pages text, 474 pages commentary by Salmasius with separate title-leaf. Large engraved fold. portrait of
Salmasius by N. van Negre - I. Suÿderhoef, probably extra inserted as it
is the same portrait appearing in Salmasius' 'Epistolarum'. Title and a few pages stained in inner margin. Intressant arbete om mantlar och
Price: SEK 2000.00 SEK[Appr.: EURO 218.50 US$ 260.60 | £UK 145.75 | JP¥ 28305].
[Advertised still for £ 167.72 in May 2004]
- From a dealer catalogue (2006):
Sept. Florentis TERTULLIANI Liber de Pallio. Claudius Salmasius ante mortem
recensuit, explicavit, Notis illustravit. Accedit vera ad vivum ejusdem
Book Description: Leiden.Joannis Maire. 1656., 1656. [xiv], 1-475pp, [76]pp.
Engraved vignette on title. Parchment-backed vellum boards with paper label
to heel of spine. Octavo. Binding rather soiled; spine browned; front corner
of head of spine worn; small tear at heel of spine; corners a little bumped;
some spotting to endpapers; some occasional spotting and browning to
margins; fore-edges browned; ownership inscriptions to front free endpaper
and to lower title; else a good plus copy. Bookseller Inventory # 3998.
Bookseller: The
Canterbury Bookshop ABA ILAB (Canterbury, United
Price: £ 132.00
(July 2006)
1657 : Migne indicates a report of an edition from Strasbourg
(Argentorat., 8o, "Tertulliani opera, opera Boecleri"), but not listed
by another of his sources. PL1 55B. Not checked.
1658 : Paris.
Rigaltius reprint. See 1641 entry for Migne. PL1 53D. Not checked.
: Parisiis ap. Jac. Dallin sub signo S. Stephani et Thomam Joly sub
signo scuti Hollandiae, via Jacobaea. Folio. 3 vols. Tertulliani
Omniloquium Alphabeticum Rationale Tripartitum, sive Tertulliani opera omnia in
novum ordinem, hactenus intentatum et facilem, omnibus utriusque fori
Oratoribus, Rerum humanarum divinarumque Professoribus ac Scriptoribus utilem,
disposita, exposita, illustrata opera fratris Caroli Moreau
Augustiniani Ordinis Eremitarum Communit. Bituricens. Conventus Reginae
Margaritae, in suburbiis S. Germani Paris. PL1 55B-57B. Not checked.
: Louis Giry, French translation of the Apologeticum. Paris: Pierre
le Petit. Details from dealer catalogue.
- From a dealer catalogue [October 2005]:
TERTULLIEN (Quintus Septimius), Apologetique ou Défense des chrétiens contre les accusations des
Gentils. Mis en français par Louis Giry.
Paris, Pierre Le petit, 1660. In-16, 32 + 260 + 18 pages. Plein veau brun époque, dos à nerfs orné de caissons dorés, tranche mouchetée
rouge, titre frontispice gravé sur bois. (Coiffes usées, coins légérement émoussés). Hoefer 44, 1019 à 1034. (ab)
Price : 150 EUR
: Paris: Le Petit. French translations of De carne Christi and De
resurrectione carnis.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue
Author : Tertullien
Title : De la Chair de Jésus-Christ, et de la Résurrection de la chair, ouvrages de Tertullien
Publisher : Paris : Pierre Le Petit (1661)
Description : pièces limin., 475 p. et la table ; 12°
Notes : De la traduction de Louis Giry
: Rothomagus: Folio. Reprint of Pamelius (1597 listed, but surely
not?). PL1 57B. Not checked.
1662 : "Le Génie de
Tertullien", by "de Fayolle". Paris, quarto. PL1 57B. Not
1664 :
Paris: impensis societatis typographicae
librorum officii ecclesiastici. Q. Sept. Flor. Tertulliani Opera. Rigaltius
text with notes by Ph. Priorius, etc, and works by Novatian from the Pamelius
edition. PL1 57C-58B. Checked. 11 pages
online, including title page.
- Migne: Paris: impensis societatis typographicae
librorum officii ecclesiastici. Q. Sept. Flor. Tertulliani Opera. Rigaltius
text with notes by Pamelius, Ph. Priorius, etc. PL1 57C-58B.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Q. Septimi Florentis Tertulliani Opéra ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem sedulo emendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii... cum
ejusdem annotationibus integris et variorum commentariis seon sim antea editis. Ph. Priorius argumenta et notas in libros omnes de novo adjecit
et dissertationem... concinnavit. [Se quuntur incerti auctoris versus : Adversus Marcionem libri V ; de Judicio Domini ; Genesis ; Sodoma.]
Accedunt Novationi Tractatus de Trinitate et Cibis judaïcis, cum notis, ut editione [sic] Pamelii / Tertullien
Publisher : Lutetiae Parisiorum : impensis Societatis typographicae (1664)
Description : pièces limin., 736 p. ; 2°
- From a dealer catalogue (August 2004)
Opera emendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii I.C. Cum eiusdem annotationibus
integris, & variorum commentariis seorsim antea editis Accedunt
Novatiani Tractatus, De Trinitate, & Cibis Iudaicis.
Book Description: Lutetiae Parisiorum, impensis Societatis Typographicae ,
1664. The title-page in red and black with large woodcut, pages (68), 312,
315-576, 587-706 ; (2), 705(bis)-735, (1), complete thus in spite of erratic
pagination, folio, strongly bound in later half calf : the binding a little
worn but sound and strong and the line of privilege statement beneath the
date on the title-page touched, otherwise a very good copy.
Price: £ 189.75
: Herm. Rathmann, Theosophia. 4th edition. New title: "Aurifodina
Patrum theologica, tum speculativa ...". PL1 58B. Not checked.
: French translation of de pallio, de patientia, de exhortation castitatis.
Tr. "Mannesierus". PL1 58B. Not checked.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Livre de Tertullien, du Manteau, traduction nouvelle [suivie du texte latin]
Publisher : Paris : Pierre Promé 1665
Description : 2 parties en 1 vol. ; 12°
Notes : Traduit par F. Manessier d'après le privilège Le Texte latin est celui de l'édition de Rigault avec quelques corrections
43392RES. Cachet de l'abbé Flottes.
Other titles : De Pallio. Texte latin, trad. française
[No mention, tho, of the other texts-- RPearse]
1673 :
French translation of ad martyres, by Paul Columesius.
"Rupell.". Octavo. PL1 58B. Not checked.
: Brussels. Quarto. "Tert. liber de praescriptionibus contra
haereticos c. schol., et notis Christiani Lupi." PL1 58B. Not
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Q. Florentis Septimii Tertulliani,... liber de Praescriptionibus contra haereticos, scholiis et notis illustratus per
Fr. Christianum Lupum,... / Tertullien
Publisher : Bruxellis : typis Francisci Foppens (1675)
Description : pièces limin., 769 p. et l'index ; 4°
Notes : On trouve à la fin des mièces limin. une pièce de vers, signée Guilielmus Wynants
44629RES. Cachet de l'abbé Flottes. Rel. veau brun.
Other titles : De Praescriptione haereticorum. Texte latin
1675 : Paris: Pierre le Petit/Edmundum
Couterot/Carolum Angot. Rigault reprint, plus the spurious poems. Copies: Fr. Michael Blain (Wellington,
NZ); National Trust: Blickling Hall (*). PL1 58C. Checked.
Reprint of 1664, plus carmen de Jona et Ninive.
- Copy listed in the catalogue of Canterbury Cathedral library.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Q. Septimi Florentis Tertuliani Opera ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem desulo amendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii... cum
ejusdem annotationibus integris et variorum commentariis seorsim antea editis. Ph. Priorius argumenta et notas in libros omnes de novo adjecit,
et dissertationem... concinnavit Sequuntur incerti auctoris versus : Adversus Marcionem libri V ; de Judicio Domini ; Genesis ; Sodoma.
Accedunt Nova tiani tractatus de Trinitate et Cibis judaïcis, ut in editione Pamelii. Item et huic postremae editioni... accessit Carmen de
Jona et Ninive cum notis Francisci Jureti / Tertullien
Publisher : Lutetiae Parisiorum : apud P. le Petit, E. Couterot et Angot (1675)
Description : pièces limin. 736 p. ; 2°
Notes : 137RES. Vittorio Alfieri, Firenze 1794.
- From a dealer catalogue:
TERTULLIANUS Quintus Septimius Florens, Opera ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem sedulo emendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii I. C. cun
eiusdem annotationibus integris... Ph. Priorius argumenta & notas in libros omnes de novo adjecit... accedunt ... De Trinitate, & Cibis
Iudaicis. Lutetiæ Parisiorum, apud Petrum le Petit, Edmundum Couterot et Carolum
Angot, 1675.
In-folio, (250x370 mm), pp. (64), 736, grande marca xilografica al frontespizio a due colori. Legatura coeva in piena pelle
(tracce d'uso e difetti alle punte) con 6 grandi nervi, riquadri decorati in oro, tassello in marocchino, tagli colorati. Tertulliano
nato fra il 150 e il 160 a Cartagine fu, forse, il primio scrittore latino cristiano. Africano di origine, nato da famiglia pagana, si
convertì al Cristianesimo dopo aver osservato l'eroica pazienza dei primi cristiani durante il martirio. Lasciò numerosi scritti
apologetici, di morale e contro gli eretici, ma, dopo avere visto la decadenza della prima chiesa cristiana, si avvicinò, per non
allontanarsene più, all'eresia montanista. Morì, molto vecchio, verso il 240. La prima edizione dell'opera omnia di Tertulliano vide la luce a
Basilea, presso Froben, nel 1521. Brunet, V, 728-729: ""Cette édition est plus belle et plus correcte que celle de Paris, 1664, donnée par le
même Le Prieur"". Graesse, VI, p. 70: ""Voici la meilleure et la plus complète édition des oeuvres de Tertullian"".
Price: Lira 1100000.00 (approx. US$ 517.00) [Still for sale at £ 397.05,
May 2004; still for sale at same price July 2006]
- From a dealer catalogue:
Q Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Opera ad vetustissimorum exemplarium
fidem sedulo emendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii. Cum eiusdem
annotationibus integris, & variorum commentariis seorsim anteà editis.
Tertullianus, Quintus Septimus.
Book Description: Ph. Priorius argumenta & notas in libri omnes de novo
adjecit, & dissertationem apprimè utilem concinnavit. Accedunt Novatiani
tractatus, de Trinitate, et cibis Judaïcis, cum notis, ut in editione
Pamelii. Item et huic postrema editioni, à pluribus mendis quæ in
præcedentem irrepserrant expurgatæ, accessit carmen de Iona et Ninive.
Paris: Le Petit, Couterot & Angot 1675. Gr.-Folio (37,5 x 25 cm). Titel
In Rot und Schwarz, mit großer Holzschnitt-Druckermarke, 31 Bl., 735
(r.:727) S., 1 nn. S. Marmoriertes Kalbsleder auf sechs Bünden mit rotem
Rückenschild und reicher floraler Rückenvergoldung. (Gelenke angerissen,
Kapitale und Ecken beschädigt, insbesondere der Vorderdeckel mit einigen
Bezugsdefekten durch Wurmfraß). - Graesse VI/II, 70: "Voici la meilleure
et la plus complète édition des oeuvres de Tert. Ce fut Rigaud qui,
ayant reconnu le grand nombre d'interpolations du texte, essaya le
premier de le rétablir dans son (sic) pureté à l'aide du vieux man.
inalteré d'Agobard et par la propre analogie du texte. Sa première éd. a
paru Paris., Dupuis 1634. in-fol. et en suite augmentée de notes et d'un
glossaire ib. id. 1641. in-fol. Depuis Le Prieur retint le même texte et
le reproduisit avec un apparatus exeget. complet: Paris., soc. Typogr.
1664. in-fol. De cette éd.-ci les deux édd. ci-haut (1675, 1695) sont
des réimpr. plus correctes et augm. du poème de Jona et Ninive." - Im
Oberrand teils schmaler Wasserrand, sonst nur stellenweise geringfügig
altersfleckig, zu Anfang und Schluß etwas stärker. - Insgesamt gutes
Exemplar in einem soliden und trotz seiner Erhaltungsmängel dekorativen
zeitgenössischen Einband. Bookseller Inventory # 000190. Bookseller: Antiquariat
Martin Sartorius (Köln, Germany)
Price: £ 208.97 [May 2004; still for sale July 2006]
From a dealer catalogue [September 2005]:
Tertulliani, Q Septimii Florentis [ Tertullian ] - Rigault, Nicholas [Rigaltius ] & Pamelius of Bruges [editors]: Opera. Ad Vetustissimorum
Exemplarium Fidem Sedulo Emendata, Diligentia Nic. Rigaltii I.C. Cum Eiusdem Annotationibus Integris, & Variorum Commentariis, Seorsim Antea
Editis. Ph. Priorius Argumenta & Notas In Libors Omnes, De Novo Adjecit,
& Dissertationem Apprime Utilem Concinnavit. Accedunt Novatiani Tractatus, De Trinitate, & Cibis Ludaicis, Cum Notis, Ut Editione
Pamelii. Item & Huic Postremae Editioni, A Pluribus Mendis Quae In Praecedentem Irrepserant Expurgatae. Accessit Carmen De Iona & Ninium,
Lutetiae Parisiorum [Paris] apud Petrum Le Petit, sub signo Crucis Aureae, Edmundum Covterot, sub signo Boni Pastoris Et Carolum Angot, sub
signo Leonis Aurei, Via La Cobaea 1675 2nd edition. Full contemporary calf, VG. [64]+735+1pp, [a2 e4 i4 o4 u4 2a4 2e4 2i6 A-4X4] title printed
in red & black, title page vignette, folio edition with good wide margins, printed in double column, with attractive woodcut borders &
capitals. Leather rubbed, tear to leather on rear panel, hinges cracked. Ownership signature pf Peter Clarke & the Rector of ?Sinarden. Complete.
A reprint of the 1664 edition which contains the Rigaltius text with notes by Ph. Priorius, etc, and works by Novatian from the Pamelius,
with the addition of the Carmen de Jona et Ninive.
Price: UK£285.00 (app.EUR 421.17)
From a dealer catalogue [July 2006]:
Tertullian. Quintus Manlius Servus Tertullianus (sic). Opera. Book
Description: Apud Petrum le Petit, Edmundum Coutero, Carolum Angot, Paris,
1675. Folio. [xxiv]. 736 pp. Contemporary blind tooled boards, with a
professionally placed modern spine. The complete works of Tertullian in
Latin. Bookseller Inventory # r0072. Bookseller: Bowen's
Books (Waterbury, CT, U.S.A.).
Price: £ 417.73
[July 2006]
From a dealer catalogue:
Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Opera ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem
sedulo emendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii. Cum eiusdem annotationibus
integris, & variorum commentariis seorsim ante?ditis. Ph. Priorius
argumenta & notas in libri omnes de novo adjecit, & dissertationem
apprimè utilem concinnavit. Accedunt Novatiani tractatus, de Trinitate, et
cibis Judaïcs, cum notis, ut in editione Pamelii. Item et huic postrema
editioni, à pluribus mendis quae in praedentem irrepserrant expurgatae
accessit carmen de Iona et Ninive. Book Description: Paris: Le Petit,
Couterot & Angot, 1675, 1675. in-folio, (37,5 x 25 cm). titre en rouge
et noir avec grande vignette gravé + 31 feuilles + 735 p. (r.:727) + 1 ff.
reliure en veau, dos à 6 nerfs richement orné or. Bel exemplaire Graesse
VI/II, 70: Voici la meilleure et la plus complèt de l'édition des oeuvres
de Tertulianus. Ce fut Rigaud qui, ayant reconnu le grand nombre
d'interpolations du texte, essaya le premier de le rétablir. Bookseller
Inventory # 75746. Bookseller: Harteveld
Rare Books Ltd. (Fribourg, Switzerland).
Price: £ 361.48
[July 2006]
1675 : DE LA MOTTE, Histoire de Tertullien et d'Origène, Paris
(1675). repr. Leiden 1702. Octavo. PL1 58C. Not checked.
1676 : Prague. Edition of De
Patientia. Petr Kitzler, who owns a copy and supplied the photos, gives the
following details: it was printed in a Jesuit printing house in Prague's Jesuit College "Klementinum" and it was published by the Charles University
(in at that time called Universitas Carolo-Ferdinandae). The book is bound in parchment and has 33 pages.
102x63mm (12°). He adds: If any of the "Tertullianists" have any further information
about this edition, I would be grateful to hear it. The size of the pages is duodecimo;
the handwritten inscription in the first page reads "Bibliothecae Slanensis 1685"; and according to the title page it was
the property of the Piarist School in Slaný (a town approx. 40.km westward from Prague) which was founded in
Additional note (2007): "there are two more copies of this edition known - one is in Wien,
Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek, sign. 71.Aa.120, and the second one in Monastery Library
Strahov, Prague, sign. Vyš.Kap.II.B.g.67. I have had no time sofar, to check these copies in person,
but I am going to do so... Another thing; this edition was printed at the
Clementinum's printing house in Prague and it was probably ordered by some private person and
was not the initiative of the Society of Jesus itself."
Not in Migne. Not checked. Page images: cover1,
cover2, titlepage,
1680 : Petri ALLIXII de Tertulliani vita et scriptus. Paris,
octavo. PL1 58C. Not checked.
1680 : "NATALIS ALEXANDRI dissert. de Doctrina Tertulliani et de
sacramento confirmationis, in ejusd.
Hist. Eccl. V.
et N. Test., t. III. saec. II. art. VIII, p. 293. Venet. 1778". PL1
58D. Not checked.
1682 : "Carmen de Jona et Ninive,
cum animadv. Juret, Barthii, Gronovii, ad calcem Paullini Petricorii,
editum a Chr. Daumio. Lips., in-8o." PL1 58D. Not
1682 : Lüneberg. German translation of Ad
Scapulam by Abraham Hinckelmann, 12o. Also Ad Martyres,
12o. First German translation. PL1 58D. Not checked.
- From Goettingen
(same volume? or different?):
Title: Apologeticus : German. ... / Tertullianus; Author: Tertullianus; Published: Lüneburg, 1682
1683 : Paris. French translation of de
Praescript., de virginibus velandis, de habitu ornatuque feminarum
translated by D. Hebert. PL1 58D. Not checked.
- From COPAC
catalogue, copy at the British Library:
Tertullien. Des prescriptions contre les hérétiques. De l'habillement des femmes, de
leur ajustement, et du voile des vierges. De la traduction de M. H(ebert). (Eclaircissemens du livre
de Tertullien des prescriptions, etc.). Publisher: Paris : Simon Trouvin, 1683.
Physical Desc.: 3 pt. ; 12o.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Tertullien. Des Prescriptions contre les hérétiques, de
l'Habillement des femmes, de leur Ajustement et du Voile des Vierges. De la traduction de M.H
Publisher : Paris : Simon Trouvin (1683)
Description : 3 parties en 1 vol. : bandeau aux armoiries du dédicataire, F. de Harlay ; 12°
Notes : Traduit par Hébert, d'après son épître dédicatoire et le privilège
43089RES. Cachet de l'abbé Flottes. Rel. veau brun marbré.
Other titles : De Praescriptione haereticorum. Trad. française
- From a bookseller's catalogue:
Des prescriptions contre les Hérétiques. P.
S. Trouvin, De l'habillement des Femmes, de leur ajustement, et du Voile des
Vierges. De la traduction de M.H. 1683. In-12, 6 ff-132-148-47. Basane
granitée, dos à nerfs. Reliure d'époque très usée, les coiffes
manquent, les coins sont émoussés.Price: US$ 116.25 (Seen, Feb. 2004)
1684 : Paris: Jean Jombert. 12°. French translation of the Apologeticum
by Giry, with Latin text.
- From a dealer catalogue (October 2005):
Tertullien - Apologetique de Tertullien ou Defense des Chretiens contre les
accusations des gentils. A Paris, Chez Jean Jombert 1684. In-12 relié plein veau moucheté, dos à
nerfs orné à motifs dorés, pièce de titre maroquin rouge. Tranches rouge. Petit manque en coiffe.1 feuillet blanc, titre, 11 feuillet de
préface non chiffrés + 274 pages + 7 feuillets de table + 1 feuillet blanc.
De la traduction de Monsieur Giry, nouvelle édition avec le texte latin à coté.
Euro 100.00
1686 : Cambridge. "Cantabrigiae, ex
off. Jo. Hayer imp. Henr. Dickinson et Rich. Green. 12. Q. S. Fl.
Tert. Apologeticus et ad Scapulam liber, accessit M. Minucii Felicis
Octavius.---Apologeticus ad edit. Heraldi, capit. argumentis ex ed. Lacerdae
additis, liber ad Scapulam ad ejusdem La Cerdae ed. exscripti sunt."
PL1 59A. Not checked.
- Copy listed in the catalogue of Canterbury Cathedral
library. Wing T784. [8], 135, [3], 11, [1], [66], 74, [2] p.:
12mo. Octavius with own titlepage and pagination. Advert for
Green at end.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Price: £ 225.00 [May 2004]
Book Description: Cambridge 1686. Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani
Apologeticus et ad Scapulam liber. Accessit M. Minucii Felicis Octavius.
Cambridge: ex officina Joan. Hayes, Almæ Academiæ typographi; impensis
Henr. Dickinson & Rich. Green, 1686. (8), 135(1), (2), 11(1), (66), 74
pp. + a final leaf of bookseller's advertisements (Richard Green). 12mo,
contemporary panelled calf. The first edition printed in England of any
Latin text by Tertullian, the first of the great Church Fathers. His
Apologeticus was written in Carthage in 197 AD; the shorter Ad Scapulam
was composed shortly after 212. Also included, as often, is the slightly
earlier Octavius of Minucius, a dialogue in the Ciceronian manner
between a pagan and a Christian, and one of the earliest of all
surviving Christian apologetic texts; this has a long preface by Fr.
Baldwin. A fine crisp copy of a university textbook in a pocket format;
early signature of Lowndes of St. John's College, Cambridge. Wing T784.
1695 : Rigaltius-Priorius reprint. PL1 59A. Not
1699 : "E. SAL. CYPRIANI. Diatriba
academica qua expenditur illud Tertulliani: Haereticorum Patriarcha
Philosophi, in-4o. Helmst." PL1 59A. Not checked.
1701 : Venice, folio. Q. S. Fl. T. op. c.
variorum notis selectis ad voluminis calcem. PL1 59A. Not checked.
- Biblioteca de Catalunya:
Title: Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani ... Opera omnia : juxta
correctionem ... cum indicibus necessariis ... ; opus summa fide & cura
elaboratum ... Joannem Dominicum Calegari ...
Publ.: Venetiis [Venècia] : ex Typographia Hieronymi Albritii ..., 1701
Phys.: [2], 457, [1] p. : 2º ; 34 cm. -- Sign.: A-Qq6
Albrizzi, Girolamo
Exemplar: 0101 . R.476120.. Enq. perg., senyals de corcs, taques d'òxid i
d'humitat TOP: Tor. 305-Fol.. Etiqueta: "Biblioteca "Torres
Amat" Sallent" al contraplà post.. 1-Desiderates
- From a dealer advert [May 2004]:
Opera Omnia juxta correctionem Pamelii, de la Cerda, Ambianensis,
Rigaltii, Priorii, Albaspinaei, aliorumque Doctissimorum Catholicorum
Virorum fideliter castigata, quorum Scholiis adjectae sunt Notae ex
Salmasio, Rhenano, Heraldo, Mercerio, Lupo.
Tertullianus Quintus Settimius Florentis
Book Description: Venetiis Typis Aloysii Pavini 1701. In-folio antico
(340x220mm), pp. (68), 477, (5), 206, (72), legatura coeva p. pergamena
rigida con titolo in oro su tassello al dorso. Tagli a spruzzo blu.
Frontespizio in rosso e in nero con vignetta tipografica incisa su rame
e antiche note manoscritte di possesso. Capilettera e testatine ornate,
testo su due colonne. Duplice frontespizio. Dedicatoria dello stampatore
a Muzio Dandini, vescovo di Senigallia. Ex-libris al contropiatto del
teologo Giacomo Maria Gays, cavaliere dell'ordine dei santi Maurizio e
Lazzaro. Bell'esemplare con qualche brunitura. Monumentale e
filologicamente apprezzabile edizione - tra le migliori del XVIII secolo
- delle opere complete di Tertulliano, il grande apologista cristiano
vissuto tra il 160 e il 230 d.C. ca., tra i massimi scrittori della
letteratura latina cristiana. Il volume contiene, oltre a vastissime
note e ad un altro amplissimo indice delle cose notabili e dei passi
della Sacra Scrittura citati, una breve vita dell'autore e un sunto
della sua imponente produzione letteraria.
Price: £ 487.61 [May 2004; still for sale July 2006]
1701 : "SAL. CYPRIANI Commentat. de
Doctrina Tertulliani Evangelica inter ejusd. dissert. varii argumenti.
Coburg." PL1 59A. Not checked.
1701 (or 1712) : Paris, Latin-French edition of the Apologeticus, by
M. Giry. Not in Migne. Not checked. Some images of this edition online here.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
TERTULLIAN. Apologetique ou defense des chretiens contres les accusations des gentils. De la traduction de (L.) Giry. Nouvelle edition
avec le texte latin a cote. Augmentee d'une dissertation critique touchant Tertullien & ses ouvrages. Suivant la copie de Paris.
Amsterdam, Th. Lombrail, 1701. Gestochenes Frontispiz, Titel in Rot-Schwarz-Druck, 60, 156 (recte 256) S. Mit hübschen Initialen,
Zierstücken u. Vignetten. Ldrbd d. Zeit m. Rückenvergoldung (Einbd etwas berieben, Ecken bestoßen, Außengelenke aufgeplatzt, gering, einige
Seiten etwas stärker braunfleckig, Frontispiz m. kl. Eckausriß). "Nachdruck der Ausgabe Paris 1636, erweitert um die Dissertation.-Graesse VII,71; Ebert 22582."
Price: EUR 100.00 - £ 69.66 [May 2004; still unsold at same price,
September 2005]
1702 : DE LA MOTTE, Histoire de Tertullien et d'Origène,
Leiden (1702). Octavo. Reprint of 1675. PL1 58C. Not
1702 : "JOH. CROYI. conjectur. in quaedam loca Tertull. Oxon.,
PL1 59B. Not checked.
1702 : Louis Giry, Apologétique de Tertullien, ou Défense des Chrétiens
contre les accusations des Gentils. traduite en français par Louis Giry,
avec le texte latin à côté; édition augmentée d'une Dissert. critique
touchant Tertullien et ses ouvrages; Amsterdam: Thom. Lombrail (1702).
Octavo. Migne adds: "Versio haec Ludovici Giry (in Senatu regio
Paris. advocati, 1665), ab anno inde 1636, aliquoties prodiit absque textu
PL1 59C. Not checked.
1702 : "Beatus card. Joseph. Mar. Thomasius primum suarum
Institutionum Theologicarum vulgavit tomum, in cujus capite edidit librum
Tertulliani de Praescriptionibus adversus haereticos. Rom. in-4o."
PL1 1335-6 Addendum. Not checked.
1703 : "Anonymi Dissertatio, qua ut verum genuinumque Tertulliani
opus vindicatur catalogus haereseon libro praescriptionum subjectus. -- Mémoires
de Trévoux, fév. 1703, p. 133 (auctore P. Tournemine?)". PL1 59C. Not checked.
1704 : JO. JOACH. ZENTGRAV, Exercit. de Lapsu Tertulliani ad
Montanistas, Strasbourg (Argentorat.). 4o.
PL1 59C. Not checked.
1705 : "ADAM RECHEMBERGII Dissert., an Haereticorum
Patriarchae Philosophi ex illo Tertulliani advers. Hermogenem, cap. VIII.
Lips., in-4o." PL1 59D. Not checked.
1708 : Michel VIVIEN, Tertullianus Praedicans, Venice, 6 vols.
Quarto. PL1 59D. Not checked. I have no idea what this
book contains!
- Details from dealer catalogues:
- Vivien, Michaele. Tertullianus Praedicans. Et Supra Quamlibet
Materiam. Omnibus Anni Dominicis, Et Festis Non Ordinariis Solum, Sed
Etiam Extraordinariis; Singulisque Quadragsimae Feriis Praedicabilem. Apud
Perisse Fratres Bibliopolas. Lugduni France? 1864 In 6 volumes. Light
preliminary foxing. Leather spines worn with minor chipping on edges.
Price: US$ 79.10
- Vivien, R. P. Michaele. TERTULLIANUS PRAEDICANS. Simon Cioffi
Naples 1843 1st ed VG-/--, 8vo, half leather HC with marbled boards,
ex-lib, cover heavily worn but intact, gutter splitting, text block dry
but clean. Price: US$ 50.00
- VIVIEN,R.P.M., Tertullianus praedicans, et supra quamlibet materiam
omnibus anni dominicis, et festis non ordinariis solum, sed etiam
extraordinariis, singulisque quadragesimae feriis praedicabilem. Ordine
alphabetico copiose dispositam, sex ad minus formans conciones. Editio
sexta, correcta et emendata. Bd 1 (von 2). Passau 1717. Fol. 632 S.
Kart. d. Zt.; 1717 Band 1 der erstmals 1681 erschienenen
Tertullian-Bearb. - Vord. Deckel geknickt u. verzogen, tlw. leicht gebräunt;
ab S. 615 Wurmspuren. Price: US$ 73.54
SUPRA QUAMLIBET MATERIAM Omnibus Anni Dominicis, & Festis non
ordinariis solum, sed etiam extraordinariis; singulisque
Quadragesimae Feriis praedicabilem ORDINE ALPHABETICO COPIOSE
Manfre, Patavii: MDCCXXIX [1729]. Sixth edition, in two volumes, Tomus
Primus: lxxx; 632 pages, Tomus Secundus: xvi; 688 pages. Both volumes in
folio, 34 cm, still in worn original 18th century publisher's paper
wrappers (spines of wrappers largely missing, paper boards intact, still
sewn up tight but no initial or final blanks. This copy ex libris St.
Ignatius Loyola, New York. Quality of the paper is generally fine, an
occasional page slightly browned. Price: US$ 400.00.

1710 : London, English translation;
Apologeticus, together with that of Justin, Minucius Felix and
Vincent of Lerins' Commonitorium, with preface and notes, by
Reeves in two volumes octavo. PL1 59D. Not checked. The
Apologeticus text was reprinted in the 19th century and is online.
1711 : "J. HENNINGI BOHMERI Dissertationes Juris ecclesiastici
antiqui ad Plinium Secundum et Tertullianum. Lips., in-8o." PL1
60A. Not checked.
1713 : "Patavii, 4. Tertulliani liber de Oratione
completus cum notis Guid. Panciroli et Ludovici Antonii Muratorii. -- In
Muratorii Anecdotis, t. II, p. 1. 56. Ex Codice Biblioth. Ambrosianae Mediolani.
Notas Guidonis Panciroli jurisconsulti olim celeberrimi Regiensis, ex Comm.
plenioribus in omnia T. opera in bibliotheca P. Joh. Bapt. Cattanei,
Franciscani, tum latentibus, ut. salivam popularibus suis moveret ad delicias
istas tamdiu neglectas in lucem proferendas edidit." This I think is
the editio princeps of the back portion of De oratione. PL1 60A. Not checked.
???? : Edition of the spurious poems, of uncertain date.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani carthaginensis presbyteri Libri carmine conscripti / Tertullien
Publisher : [S. l. n. d. ?]
Notes : 221(2). Reliure basane XVIIIe s. Ex-libris ms. Vittorio Alfieri Firenze 1800 ; cachet F.X. Fabre.
Opera et fragmenta veterum poetarum latinorum profanorum & ecclesiasticorum. Vol. II. - Londini : apud J. Nicholson : B. Tooke : &
J. Tonson, 1713. - pp. 1525-1537 (i.e. 1637) ; 2°
Contents : Adversus Marcionem libri. De Judicio domini liber Senatori. Apostatae. - Carmen de Jona et Ninive
1714 : "LAUR. BRORSON de Infantariis apud Tertullianum ad
Nationes, Lib. I, cap. II, Hafn., in-4o." PL1 60B. Not checked.
1714-15 : Paris: Columbat. Quarto. French translation of the Apologeticum
by Vassoult. Twice edited in 1714 & seq. PL1 60B. Not checked.
- From a dealer advert [May 2004]:
Apologétique de Tertullien ou défense des premiers Chrétiens contre les
calomnies des Gentils. Avec des notes pour l'éclaircissement des faits &
des matières.
Price: £ 125.38 [May 2004]
Book Description: Paris, Chez Jacques Collombat, 1714. In-4 , veau brun
moucheté, dos à nerfs orné, tranches rouges (Reliure de l'époque, us.).
Vignette gravée sur le titre, et bandeau en taille-douce, dessiné et
gravé par Le Pautre. Edition donnée par J.B. Vassoult. Ex-libris gravé
du couvent des Carmes Déchaussés de Lyon.
1715 : "Tertulliani poemata inter opp. vett. poetar. latinor.
edita cur. Mich. Maittaire. Lond. 2. in-fo." PL1
60B. Not checked.
1715 : Paris. D. Nicol. LE NOURRY's dissertation
on the Apologeticum, Ad Nationes, and Ad Scapulam. Migne mentions this often. PL1
60C. Not checked. Reprinted in vol. 3 of Oehler's Editio Maior.
1715 : "AUGUSTI HEUMANII Emendatio libri Tertullianei de
Praescriptionibus, in actis Eruditor. Lipsiens. anno 1715, p. 299-305." PL1
60C. Not checked.
1717 : "Anonymi expositio de: Caligata militia in libr.
de idololatria, cap. XIX (nouveau recueil des pièces fugitives de l'abbé
Archimbaud, t. IV, p. 116-119. Paris)." PL1 60C. Not checked.
1718 :
HAVERCAMP, Apologeticus : Leiden, edited by Sigebert Havercamp,
printed by Isaac Severinus. Apologeticus, from 2 Leyden
mss and old editions. Title page online. PL1 60D-61C. Checked.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Tertullian, Quintus Septimus Florens. Apologeticus. Leyden, Isaac Severinus, 1718. (38), 443, (53) SS. Titel in rot und schwarz gedruckt.
Mit gest. Portraitfrontispiz, gest. Titelvignette (J. Goeree delin. / P. Sluyter sculp.), einer mehrf. gefalt. gest. Tafel und 22 Münzkupfern im
Text. (Beigebunden) II: Mosheim, Johann Laurentius. Disquisitio chronologica-critica de vera aetate apologetici a Tertulliano
conscripti. 64 SS. Mit Holzschnittvignette am Titel. Zeitgenössischer Paneel-Lederband mit mehrf. Deckelfileten und Resten eines goldgepr.
Rückentitels sowie von Stehkantenvergoldung. Dreiseitiger gesprenkelter Rotschnitt. 8vo.
Vom Philologen und Numismatiker Sigbert Havercamp (1684-1742) besorgte Ausgabe des "Apologeticums", welches "das Christentum in Form einer
durchlaufenden, meisterhaft komponierten Gerichtsrede [verteidigt]. Tertullian deckt eingangs mit advokatorischer Gewandtheit und Schärfe
die Inkonsequenz und Ungerechtigkeit des staatlichen Verfahrens gegen die Christen auf, widerlegt in der Ausführung systematisch alle
denkbaren Einwände gegen sie, schildert wirksam ihr zuchtvolles Gemeindeleben und entlarvt mit Sarkasmus die Unmoral und dämonische
Verblendung der Staatsreligion" (Lex. d. alten Welt III, 3017). - "Ontre les edd. anterieures Havercamp a consulte deux mss. de la bibl. de Leide
et les variantes tirees du "codex Agobardii" et de deux autres mss. de Heribert Rosweyd" (Graesse). "Neue Rec. nach 2 neuen Mss. und 2
Variantensammlungen, mit vortrefflicher Erläuterung. [...] Dazu kann man fügen: J. Lr. Moshemii disquisitio [...] Doch gehört diese Schrift,
welche in s. dissertatt. ad hist. eccl. [...] wiedergedruckt ist, nicht nothwendig zu obiger Ausg." (Ebert). - Papierbedingt vereinzelt stärker
gebräunt bzw. braunfleckig; Text auf S. 169f. unten knapp beschnitten (kein Verlust). Vereinzelt einige zeitgenöss. Marginalien und
Korrekturen in Tinte. - Engelmann/Preuss II, 664. Lipsius/L. 394f. Ebert *22576. Graesse VI, 70. Brunet V, 729f. Jöcher/Adelung II, 1829.
[SW: Theologie, Philosophie, Antike, Klassische Philologie] Price: EUR 500.00
- £348.29 [May 2004]
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Price: £ 116.55 [May 2004]
Book Description: Isaac Severin, 1718. First Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" -
9¾" tall. With commentary by Sigbert Havarcamp. Stiff full vellum boards
soiled and curling, leather over top edge of front cover has lifted.
previous owner has penned on end-papers. text has moisture wrinkle but
no water staining. some minor foxing marks here and there, pages
browned. Binding in very good condition with it just beginning to pull.
a couple minor occ urences of marginalia. Lovely engraved frontispiece
and title page, large engraved fold-out approx. three page widths in
very good condition. 443pp. plus index. Text in Latin.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Septimii Florentis Tertulliani... Apologeticul... studio et industria S.
Havercampi... Lugduni Batavorum, apud I. Severinum, 1718, in-8 vélin,
frontispice-19 ff. n.c.-443 pp.-25 ff. n.c;(index)-1 pl. dépliante gravée
sur cuivre h.-t.-fig. gravées sur cuivre dans le texte. Papier bruni.
Prix avant remise: 114€ - 747.79FF - $133.83 - £69.88 [Actually sold
for 79.80€ inc. P&P]
1719 : "Anonymi adnotationes in librum de Oratione Tertul.---(Mémoires
de Trévoux, ann. 1719, p. 1202. -- Journal des savants, ann. 1719, déc., p.
663.)." PL1 61D. Not checked.
1721 : "LAUR. MAGALOTTI lettera sopra un passo di Tertulliano (in
lettere scientifice ed erudite del comte Magalotti, p. 192-198. Firenze, in-4o.)."
PL1 61D. Not checked.
1722 : Joseph BETTY, English translation of De praescriptione.
Oxford. 12o. PL1 61D. Checked. Personal copy. Online.
1722 : "ARN. GREVE Tertulliani Testimonium 'Apoqew&sei
de Christo a Tiberio decreta defensum. Vitemb., in-4o." PL1 61D.
Not checked.
1722 : "CHPH. AHEUMANNI Epistolae quibus emendantur atque
illustrantur caput I et II Apologetici in ejus Poecile, t. I, p. 25-33, 197-212.
Halae, in-8o". PL1 62A. Not checked.
1724 : "JOH. LAUR. MOSHEIM Comment. chronolog. hist. de aetate
Apologetici Tertulliani et initio persecutionis christianorum sub Severo.
Helmst., in-4o, et in ejus dissert. ad Histor. eccles. pertinent. t.
I." PL1 62A. Not checked.
1729 : French translation of de praescript., Paris, 12o. PL1 62A. Not
checked. "VERSIO GALLICA IV, tract. de Praescription. prodiit. Paris.
in-12 (Journal des savants, t. LXXXVIII, p. 499). V. Versio. eod. anno prodiisse
memorant Ephemerides trivultianae, mense mart."
1729 : "Locus in Tertulliani libro de Praescriptionibus advers.
Haer., cap. XLIX. Joh. Harduini cura, interpretatus (Mémoires de Trévoux, an.
1729, m. mai, p. 842)." PL1 62B. Not checked.
1730 : D. Remig. CELLERIUS O.S.B., Hist. générale des aut. ecclésiast.,
etc., t. II. PL1 62B. Not checked.
1733 : "Anonymi observationes in Tertullianum et Cyprianum in
Miscellan. observat. in auct., vol. III, t. I. Amstelodam., in-8o, p.
45-54". PL1 62B. Not checked.
1733 : Paris. Octavo. French translation of Ad Martyres.
Ed. Caubère. PL1 62B. Not checked. Probably the same as the
- Biblioteca de Catalunya:
Mathieu CAUBÈRE (tr), Traités de Tertulien sur l'ornement des femmes,
les spectacles, le batême & la patience : avec une lettre aux martirs ;
traduits en francois. Paris: Jacques Rollin (1733). XVIII, [4],
377 [i.d. 397], [13] p. : 12º ; 17 cm. Pag. duplicada 69-88. Sign.: a8, b4,
c2, (A-E)8-4, F12, [ ]2, (G-Ii)8-4. Refs: CGBNP 184, col 688; NUC 587,
0109955. Notes: 0101 . R.447391.. Enq. pell, talls tenyits, guardes
marbrejades, taques d'òxid i d'humitat, anotacions ms.: "Par le P.
Caubere jesuite" al f. de guarda ant., i "Par le Pe. Caubere,
jesuite" a port. TOP: Tor. 558-12º. Etiqueta: "Felicis Torres
Amat Eccl. Barcinon. Sacristae anno 1817." al contraplà ant., i
"Biblioteca Torres Amat "Sallent" al contraplà post..
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : Traités de Tertullien sur l'Ornement des femmes [livre I] les Spectacles, le batême et la Patience, avec une Lettre aux martirs,
traduits en fraçois [avec des remarques]
Publisher : Paris : Rolin fils (1733)
Description : XXII-377 p. et la table : épître dédicatoire ; 12°
Notes : Traduit et commenté par le P. Mathieu Caubère, d'après la permission
75689RES. Cachet de l'abbé Flottes. Rel. 18° s. veau granité.
Other titles : De cultu feminarum. Trad. Française
1735 : JOH. HENR. BLUMEMBACH, de Senatusconsulto Q. Septimio Florente
Presbytero et jureconsulto Tertullianis liber, Lipsiae, 4o. PL1 62C. Not
1738 : JOH. WUILL. HOFMANNI dissertatio Q. Septimii Flor. Tertulliani,
quae supersunt, omnia in Montanismo Scripta videri, Vitembergae, in-4o.
PL1 62C. Not checked.
1739 : CHPH. A. HEUMANNI observationes criticae ad posteriora
Apologetici capita in Miscell. Groning., t. II, fasc. 3, p. 479-485. PL1 62C. Not
1741 : CHR. LOERERI Progr. librum Tertulliani de Poenitentia ipsi
vindicans. Altenb. 1741. PL1 62C. Not checked.
1743 : JUST. CAR. WIESENHAUER Disputatio de Jure consulto et Q. Sept.
Flor. Tertulliani. Hildesiae. PL1 62D. Not checked.
1744 : Venice: typis Gasparis Gerardi. Folio. Q. S. Fl. Tert.
Opera. A reprint of the 1675 Rigalt-Priorius, with Havercamp's notes on
the Apologeticum, and Mosheim's notes on the chronology of the
Apologeticum. PL1 62D-63A. Not checked.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Apologeticus.comment.Havercamp Price: £ 210.42 Book Description: Venice, typis Gasparis Girardi, 1744. 200pp folio. red & black vignette title, a
few charming text ills. of pagan rites. With a 20pp Disquisition to rear by Mosheim. The first
comprehensive analysis of the works of Tertullian, from all sources and with extensive footnotes.
Folding copperplate from a roman frieze. Original gilt 1/2 calf, marbled boards. (BT 1116 from the
Gest Collection) Fine.
1744 : J. MART. CHLADEN de Stationibus vett. Christianorum.
Commentarius ad illustr. maxime Tertullianum comparatus, Lips. 1744. PL1 63A. Not
1752 : D. CORBINIANI THOMAE. O. S. B. observationes et notae in
tractatum de Praescriptionibus. Salisburg, in 8o. PL1 63A. Not
1753 : J. E. IMM. WALCH de Apostolorum literis authenticis a
Tertulliano commemoratis. Jen. 4. PL1 63A. Not checked.
1755 : D. CORBINIANI THOMAE. O. S. B. observationes et notae in libr.
Tertulliani de Baptismo et Poenitentia, Salisburg, in-8o. PL1 63B. Not
1756 : Lady Selvatica BORGHINI of Pisa (domina Selvatica Bargini,
nobili Pisana), Italian translations of catholic and moral works, Rome: apud
Nicolaum et Marcum Pagliarini. Migne says this promises to also do adversus
Judaeos; de Praescriptionibus; contra Hermogenem, but he doesn't
know whether these appeared. He goes on, "In Florentinis literasiis foliis
legitur a Cl. V. Bottari italico sermone reddita ea opuscula quorum versionem D.
Bargini omiserat (Lumper ex Argelato et Paitonio de Volgarizatori
bibliotheca)". PL1 63B. Checked.
- From an advert on EBay [August 2004]:
Opere di Tertulliano tradotte in Toscano. Roma 1756.
Selvaggia Borghini Nobile pisana. Bella e fresca opera in 4°, pagg.
503, rilegatura in pergamena coeva con titoli in oro, datata 1756, l'opera
e' stata tradotta in toscano e anche questo ne accresce l'interesse
letterario ....
Title page. EUR 200.00
- Personal copy: the works contained are: Apologeticum (p.1); Fulda
Fragment (p.104); De Testimonio Animae(p.109); Ad Scapulam (p.121); De
Spectaculis (p.131); De Idololatria (p.173); De corona (p.213); De Pallio
(p.243); De Paenitentia (p.267); De Oratione (p.293); Ad Martyras (p.311);
De Patientia (p.321); De cultu feminarum (p.351); Ad uxorem (p.379); De
virginibus velandis (p.407); De baptismo (p.439). In each case the
text is in two columns, the left being Latin, the right Italian
(Tuscan). In total there are 502 pp.
Title page; Page
1 of preface; table of
1756 : J. GE. GERET Pr. in quemdam Tertulliani de terrarum motibus
locum. Onold., in-4o. PL1 63C. Not checked.
1757 : JOH. AUG. NOESSELTI Dissert. de vera aetate ac doctrina
scriptorum quae supersunt Q. Septimii Flor. Tertulliani, Halae. Ejusd. III,
diss. ad Hist. Eccl. pertin. 1817. PL1 63C. Not checked.
1758-9 : AUG. HEUMANNI appendix ad varias annotationes in
Tertullianum, cum analysi accuratiore libri de Praescriptionibus in act.
Eruditor. lipsiens. Supplem., t. VI., sect. 5. PL1 63C. Not checked.
1758 : CHR. W. FRANC. WALCH de Pompis Satanae ad Tertull. de
spectaculis, Gotting., in-4o. PL1 63C-D. Not checked.
1759 : C. GE. SAM. BERNHOLD Progr. Tertulliani Apologeticus ab
iniquiore reprehensione vindicatus. Erlang., in-4o. PL1 63D. Not
1762 : JO. DAN. VAN HOVEN. spec. annot. ad Tertull. in Musaeum critic.
II, 26. PL1 63D. Not checked.
1764 : C. A. BEGER Ep. quo sensu Tertullianus Deum dixerit corpus,
Lipsiae, in-4o. PL1 63D. Not checked.
1766 : EF. WERNSDORF de veste Palmata ad
Tertulliani Apologet., c. 50. Wittemb., in-4o. PL1 63D. Not
1769 : "Cum easdem Vener. beati Thomasii Institutiones
Theologicas antiquorum Patrum recenseret ac denuo in lucem ederet Ant. Franc.
Vezzosi, C. R., iterum eodem curante prodiit liber de Praescriptionibus
nonnullis, auctus notis quae sanam sapiunt doctrinam eximiamque eruditionem.
Romae, ex typogr. Marci Palearini. In-4o.". PL1
1335-6 Addendum. Not checked.
1769-1776 : Halae: ap. Salam, ap. Jo. Chr. Hendel. Q. S. Fl.
Tert. Opera recensuit JO. SALOMO SEMLER, 6 vols. PL1 64A-D. Not checked
1770 : J. CHR. WERNSDORF Progr. de Ecclesia, Columbae domo simplici,
ad loc. Tertulliani advers. Valentinianos, cap. III, Helmst., in-4o.
PL1 65A. Not checked.
1772 : H. A. ZEIBICH Prog. de Tertulliani sententia de Columba in
Christum devolante, Gerae, in-4o. PL1 65A. Not checked.
1774 : ENGELB. KLUPPFEL. Mens Tertulliani de indissolubilitate
matrimonii in infidelitate contracti conjuge alterutro ad fidem Christi
confesso. Frib., in-4o. PL1 65A. Not checked.
1776 : CHR. F. ROSSLERI Bibliothek d. Kirchenvaeter in Ubersetzungen
u. auszügen, a. 1. f., t. III. Lips. PL1 65A-B. Not checked.
1776-7 : JO. DANIEL. SCHUMANN Obss. in veterib. Ecclesiae Scriptoribus
saec. III et IV de interpollationibus quibusdam codicis, N. T. Tertulliano
perperam afflictis conjectura. Hannov. in-4o. PL1 65B. Not checked.
1780 : Franz OBERTHÜR, Q. S. F.
Tertulliani opera omnia, in two volumes (also under the title.: Opera omnia SS. PP.
latinorum, vol. I, II), published in Würtzburg (Wirceburgum) by 'Libraria
Staheliana.' Migne writes: Wirceburgi in off. libr. Staheliana: Q. S. F.
Tertulliani opera omnia, t. I, II, etiam sub tit.: Opera omnia SS. PP.
latinorum, vol. I, II. Editor celeb. OBERTHUR secutus est editionem Halensem,
sed ita ut compararet editionem Pamelianam, Paris, 1608, recusam et variantes
illius lectiones partim in calce subjiceret, partim, raro tamen et circumspecte,
illam emendaret. Quod fecit in volumine secundo, ut ipse fatetur paullo
liberius, substituendo, vel ex Parisina editione, vel ex varietatibus lectionum
ab Halensi editore collectis, hinc inde vel voculas alias, vel, rarius tamen,
integras etiam sententias. Praeterea ordinem librorum chronologicum ex Noesselti
auctoritate adoptavit, hac tamen cautela, ut libros contra Marcionem, non aliis
interjectos, prouti viri illius Chronologia exigebat, sed conjunctos una serie,
seque immediate excipientes publicaret. Addidit etiam Carmina Tertulliano olim
tribui solita, contra Marcionem scilicet, de judicio Domini, de
Genesi, de Sodoma, de Ligno vitae, a Pamelio praetermissum, et ad
senatorem. PL1 65B-C. Not checked.
- Glasgow: Tertullian, ca.160-ca.230; Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani
Opera omnia.; Publisher: Wirceburgi : In Officina Libraria Staheliana,
[1780]-; Physical Desc.: 2v. Details from COPAC.
- From a dealer catalogue (September 2005):
OBERTHUER, FRANZ. Tertullian, Opera omnia. 2 Bde. Würzb., Stahel, 1780 - 81. 24, 627; 16, 738, S., 27 nn. Bl. Mit gest. Vignetten.
Rotschnitt. Pbd. d. Zt. m. Rvg. und Rsch. (berieben). - Opera omnia sanctorum patrum latinorum Vol. I - II. - NaV. Unterstr. von alter Hand
auf ca. 2 S. Sonst sehr gutes und sauberes Exemplar. Hrsg. von F. Oberthür.
Price: EUR 120.00
1780 : "In Collect. Poetar. Vett., edit. Pisauris, t. V,
Prodierunt carmina omnia Tertulliano ascripta." PL1 65C. Not checked.
1780 : CHR. GOD. SCHUTZ explicatio loci Tertulliani (de
Praescriptionibus XVI-XVII), de eversione stomachi aut cerebri ex congressione
scripturarum. Jen., in-fo. PL1 65D. Not checked.
1780: French translation - L'apologétique et les prescriptions de
Tertullien / revue et corrigée d'après les manuscrits, les editions & différens
ouvrages de Tertullien, avec la traduction & des remarques par l'Abbé de
Gourcy. Nouvelle edition. Revue & corigée ... par M. l'Abbé de Gourcy ...;
A Paris : Chez Sorin ..., 1780. Physical Desc.: xxxiv, 423, [39] p. (12o).
Not in Migne. Details from COPAC.
Copy at Durham.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Tertullian. L'apologethique et les prescriptions. Nouv. ed. Ed. par Gourcy. Paris, Sorin 1780. Kl.8°. XXXIV, 423 S., 3 Bll., 31 S. Lederband
der Zeit m. Rsch. u. Rverg. Price: EUR 82.00 - £ 57.12 [May 2004]
1781 : D. P. DOMIN. SCHRAM O. S. B. analysis opp. Tertulliani in suo
magno opere, t. III. PL1 65D. Not checked.
1781 : Italian translation of De cultu feminarum, tr. Domenico
Pacchi. Florence: Pagani &c. Details from dealer catalogue:
- From a dealer catalogue [October 2005]:
TERTULLIANO Quinto Settimo (Cartagine 155 - 220 ca.) Degli abbigliamenti e delle acconciature delle donne. Opuscolo di
Tertulliano recato in lingua toscana da Domenico Pacchi. Firenze: Anton Giuseppe Pagani e Comp. 1781 18x12 graziosa legatura coeva in cartoncino
decorato 2) VII (1) - 52 (2)
Price : 380,00 EUR.
Un fregio ornamentale al frontespizio e una testatina decorativa incisi in legno. Il traduttore, Mons. Domenico Pacchi, nativo di Castelnuovo
Garfagnana, fu Cappellano d'Onore di Papa Pio VI e scrittore di storia della Garfagnana. "Nel "De cultu foeminarum" l'autore vuole combattere
il lusso femminile, ma si diffonde pure su argomenti più vasti e importanti. L'opera consta di due libri (...), il primo del lusso, delle
vesti e degli ornamenti, il secondo degli artifici e dei belletti. (...) A uno a uno l'autore passa in rassegna, per prendersene gioco, tutti gli
artifici che la moda impone, soffermandosi soprattutto sulla varietà delle acconciature del capo e sull'uso delle parrucche; la sua opera è
notevole anche per la storia del costume che egli osserva e riproduce con grande vivacità e realismo" (Ercole Pasini, in Bompiani 1959: vol. I
pag. 3). Lievi bruniture. Esemplare in ottimo stato di conservazione. Prima edizione in lingua italiana.
1783 : JOS. ANT. CANTOVA de Septimio et S. Epiphanio dissertt. IIo
Theol. critic. in quibus anthropomorphismo neutrum laborasse ostenditur.
Mediol., in-8o. PL1 65D. Not checked.
1784 : CHR. GOD. SCHUTZ Prog. de Regula fidei apud Tertullianum.
Jen. PL1 66A. Not checked.
1784 : "In Assisi 8. Osservazioni sopra l'Analisi de
libro delle prescrizione di Tertulliano. -- Praecedit eum versione italica
textus latinus Pamelii ex ed. Franeckerana, 1597 (mendose scriptum 1697), et
Variantibus LL. Rigaltii ad Venetam, 1744, Liber ille, ad quem haec
observationes spectant, prodierat Ticini, 1783, 8o, de utroque Oelrichsius
noster, ut puto, lectores monebit." PL1 66A. Not checked.
1785 : H. CHR. BALLENSTEDT. Tertullians Geistes faehigkeiten,
Religions Kenntnisse u. Theologie. E. Vershuc. in-8o, Abhadll.
Helmst. in 8o. PL1 66A-B. Not checked.
1786 : French translation of Apologeticum. Paris: Michel
- From a dealer catalogue [October 2005]:
Gourcy (Abbé de) : Anciens apologistes de la religion chrétienne, Saint-Justin, Athenagore,
Théophile d'Antioche, Tertullien, Minucius Felix, Origène; traduits ou analysés.
Paris, Imp. Michel Lambert, 1786. Complet en 2 volumes de 411 + 362 pp, in-8 . Reliure en demi-cuir brun avec papier marbré, dos (frotté) lisse
et orné, titre doré.
Price : 140,00 CHF.
1790 : C. CHR. BIRCH dissert. quosdam ex Q. Sept. Fl. Tertulliani
collectos atque illustratos locos theologicos sistens. Havn. in-4o.
PL1 66B. Not checked.
1790 :
Sir David DALRYMPLE, English translation of Ad
Scapulam. Edinburgh, 1790.
Listed as 1780 by Migne, PL1 65D, but COPAC has
several 1790 copies and no 1780 ones. I have seen the Bodleian copy, which
is now partly online.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: The address of Q. Sept. Tertullian, to Scapula Tertullus, tr. by sir D. Dalrymple.
Publisher: Edinb. 1790
Description: 8°
Other names: Dalrymple, David sir, 3rd bart, lord Hailes,
- Copy listed in the catalogue of Canterbury Cathedral library.
viii, 139 pp. Edinburgh: printed by Murray & Cochrane.
8vo. Err. & additions to text at end, & advt. for
Dalrymple. Text in English and Latin. ESTC t072517. Not
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
The Address of Q.Sept Tertullian to Scapula Tertullus, Proconsul of
Tertullian Q Sept
Book Description: Edinburgh: Murray & Cochrane 1790. Sm4to. viii 139pp.
Translated by Sir David Dalrymple, (later Lord Hailes). 6pp corrections
and additions plus one page advertisement at rear. A few pp. browned at
edge. Boards, paper spine, soiled. ESTC t072517.
Price: £ 120.00
1791 : J. GE. ARN. OELRICHS commentarii de Scriptoribus Ecclesiae
latinae priorum VI Saeculorum, cura Arn. Herm. H. Heeren, in-8o. PL1
66B. Not checked.
1792 : "VERSIO HISPANICA Apologetae
Religionis christianae antiquae, interprete Em. Ximenes de Urieta, Madrid. in-4o."
PL1 66B. Not checked. This appears to be a translation into
Spanish. of several early apologists: Justin, Tatian, Athenagoras, Tertullian,
Minucius Felix and Origen. Translated and commented by Manuel XIMENO
Y URIETA. Published at the
Royal Press, Madrid. 2 vols, in quarto; xxxvi+357, 358 pages.
- From a bookseller's catalogue (on www.iberlibro.com):
Colección de Apologistas Antiguos de la Religion Cristiana, San Justino,
Taciano de Siria, Atenagora. Ximeno y Urieta, Manuel. Descripción: RELIGION
Teofilo de Antioquia, Tertuliano, Minucio Felix y Origenes, traducidos o
analizados Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1792. 2 vols. pasta española, cortes
pintados, XXXVI+357 y 358 págs., 4º 21109.
Price: 225.00 EUR
(March 2006).
historico-literaria PP. latinor., t. I, p. 2-53. PL1 66B-C. Not checked.
: German translation of the Apologeticum: Des Q. Sept. Flor. Tertullianus
vertheidigung D. Christl. Sache gegen d. heiden. A. d. L. Francof., in-8o.
ed. J. F. Kleuker. PL1 66C. Not checked.
1799 : D.
GOTFRED. LUMPER O. S. B. histor. Theol. de vita, scriptis atque doctrina SS.
PP., t. VI, de vita et scriptis Tertulliani. PL1 66C. Not checked.
: JOH. MATTH. SCHROECKHII Christl. Kirchengesch. Lips. XXXV, d. 3, 317. PL1 66C. Not checked.
: G. H. SCHARFENBERG. comment. acad. de Justino, Tertulliano et Cypriano adv.
Judaeos disputantibus. Lund. Goth. 4o. PL1 66D. Not checked.
: Tertull. opp. Mediol. (J. A. Moehler., ex opere posthumo Patrologie oder
christliche litteraergeschichte II.) PL1 66D. Not checked.
: French translation. Apologet. Tertulliani, interprete D. Meunier, prior. S.
Martini in campis in suburbio cabillonensi, optimae notae ac majoris famae
digna, diu post. auct. obitum edita. PL1 66D. Not checked.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Author : Tertullien
Title : Apologétique de Tertullien / traduite par l'abbé Meunier ; et publiée par A.-H. Dampmartin
Publisher : Paris : Hubert (1822)
Description : XLII-218 p. ; 17 cm
: J. A. COENEN Commentat. de Tertulliano, Christianorum et Relig. Christ.
advers. gentes Apologeta. -- In Annal. Acad. Rheno-traject. Ann.
1823-1824. PL1 66D-67A. Not checked.
1823 : French
translation of the Apologeticum.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Title : L'Apologétique et les Prescriptions de Tertullien, traduction de l'abbé de Gourcy. Nouvelle édition... suivie de l'Octavius de
Minucius Felix, traduction nouvelle. Avec le texte en regard et des notes
Publisher : Lyon : J. Janon (1823)
Description : XXXVI-624 p. ; 8º, 21,5 cm
Notes : La traduction de l'Octavius est d'Antoine Péricaud, et les notes signées C. B. de C. Breghot du Lut, d'après Barbier
Other titles : Apologétique. - Texte latin, trad. française
1825 : A. NEANDER
Antignostikus, Geist des Tertullianus und Einleitung in dessen Schriften, mit
archaeologischen und dogmenhistorischen Untersuchungen. Berlin. 8o.
PL1 67A. Not checked. An English translation also exists: Antignostikus
or Spirit of Tertullian. Issued in Bohn's library (personal copy).
: French translation of Apologeticum and De Praescriptione, tr. DE
GOURCY. Paris, Octavo. PL1 67A. Not checked.
- From a dealer catalogue [October 2005]:
Gourcy (abbé de), L'apologétique et les prescriptions de Tertullien. Vanlinthout et Vandenzande, Bibliothèque Catholique de la Belgique 1825.
1 vol. - 189 pp. 13 x 21 reliure, dos toilé. Book condition, Etat : Moyen coins de pages pliés, reliure défraîchie,
très légères rousseurs, cachets du Collège jésuite Saint Stanislas à Mons.
Price : 63 EUR
1827 : Tertulliani
Apologetici edit. nov. cum varr. Lectt. JOS. IGN. RITTER. Eberfeld, in-8o.
PL1 67A. Not checked.
1827 : A. RDPH. GEBSER Biblioth. lat.
Veterum Poetar. Christianor. Jenae. Praeter primum tomum nihil ulterius prodiit.
PL1 67B. Not checked.
1827 : French translation of the
Apologeticum by J. Fr. ALLARD. PL1 67B. Not checked.
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Author : Tertullien
Title : Apologétique de Tertullien. Nouvelle traduction précédée de l'examen des traductions antérieures, d'une introduction... accompagnée
du texte en regard... suivie des variantes et d'un commentaire / par M. l'abbé J. - Félix Allard...
Publisher : Paris : Dondey-Dupré père et fils (1827)
Description : 448 p. ; 21 cm
Other titles : Apologétique. - Texte latin, trad. française
1827-9 :
Edition: "Halae Magdeburgicae apud Joh. Christ. Hendei,
iterum prodiit in tom. VI, ed. Semler." PL1 67B. Not checked.
: FR. MUNTER, Primordia Ecclesiae Africanae, Havniae,
in-4o, p. 128. PL1 67C. Not checked.
1829 :
"In collectione selecta SS. Ecclesiae Patrum complectente exquisitissima
eorum opp. cura A. B. Caillau et M. N. S. Guillon, prodiere libri Tertulliani,
fere omnes exceptis tantum sex partim editis, nempe de Anima, de Fuga in pers.,
de Pudicitia, de Jejunio, de Exhortat. castit. de Monogamia. tom. VI, VII."
PL1 67C. Not checked.
1832 : French translation of de
Testimonio animae. In: Annall. Philosophiae Christianae 24, June
1832. No name listed, but Migne says he found out the translator was D.
MELCH. DU LAC DE MONTVERT. PL1 67C-D. Not checked.
1834 :
"Tertulliani libri de Praescriptionibus adv. haeret. de Baptismo, de
Poenitentia, de Oratione, seorsim editi sunt, praemissa praefatione germanica,
sumptibus ac typis Aloys. Attenkover, 1834, in-8o." PL1 67D. Not checked.
: "François Antoine Étienne de GOURCY, Tertullien. Vingt trois Traités [translated by C. de G., etc.]."
Listed in COPAC as held in the British Library. Same physical volume also
labelled as by "Audebert MACÉRÉ" and by
"Louis GIRY". Not checked.
: Work of uncertain contents. Translations?
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Author : Buchon, Jean-Alexandre-C.
Title : Choix de monumens primitifs de l'Eglise chrétienne... / Jean-Alexandre-C. Buchon ; Tertullien
Publisher : Paris : A. Desrez (1837)
Description : 27,5 cm
Notes : Apologétique. Traité des Prescriptions contre les Gentils. Traité du Baptême. De l'Ornement des femmes. Contre les spectacles.
Traité de la Patience, Aux martyrs. Traité du Manteau. Du Vêtement des femmes. Du Voile des vierges. Traités de la chair de Jésus-Christ. De la
résurrection de la chair. Epître à Scapula. Exhortation à la chasteté. Du témoignage de l'âme. De la Fuite pendant la persécution. De
l'Idolâtrie. De l'Oraison dominicale. A sa femme. De la Pénitence. Aux nations. De la Couronne de Soldat. Contre Marcion extrait.- Panthéon
Franz Anton von BESNARD,
Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus:
Sämmtliche Schriften. Uebersetzt und bearbeitet von F.A.v. B.
Augsburg: Verlag Der Karl Kollmann'schen Buchhandlung (1837-1838). 2 vols.
(350; 394p.). In Fraktur. This is NOT a set of translations as might be thought,
but a study giving descriptions of work chapter by chapter. (Personal copy)
: C. JOS. HESELE, Tertullian als Apologet. in Drey et all. Tubinger
Theolog. quartals Schrift.---P. I, p. 30. PL1 67D. Not checked.
: E. G. Gersdorf's Bibliotheca PP. ecclesiasticorum latin, selecta, ad optimorum
libror. fidem edita... in 2 vols: Io Libr. Apologeticos, ad
Martyres, de Spectacul. de Idolol. Apologet. ad Nat. lib. II, de Testim. Anim.
de Corona mil. de Fuga in persec. Scorpiace, ad Scapul. 2o Libr. ad
ritus et mores Christianor. pertinentes de Orat., de Patient., de Baptismo,
de Poenit., ad Ux. lib. II, de Cultu foem. lib. II, de Exhort. cast., de Monog.,
de Pudicit., de Jejuniis, de Virginib. veland., de Pallio. Lips. 1839. 2. vols.
12o. Edited by E. F. LEOPOLD. Phil. D. AA. m. in gymn. Annaberg. Praecept.
ordin. PL1 67D-68A. Not checked.
1839 : E. F. LEOPOLD Ueber die
Ursachen der verdorbenen latinitat bei dec schriftstellern nach dem Zeitalter d.
K. Augustus, hauptsaechlich bei den Kirchenvaetern, mit besonderer berücksichtigung
des Tertullian inserta V. S. V. Higenii Zeitschrift. f. d. histor.
Theol., vol. VIII, p. 1 e. sqq. Lips. PL1 68B. Not checked.
: "Inter Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum opuscula praecipua quaedam Martin.
Jos. Routh, S. T. P. collegii S. Magdalenae Oxon. praeses, duos Tertulliani
libros, de Oratione nempe ac de Praescriptione haereticorum, edidit, notisque
aliorum et suis ornavit, nec non et novo lectionum ad calcem rejectarum ex
Ambros. cod. acceptarum spicilegio adauxit. Edit. altera, Oxon. Dolendum istud
eximium opus non, nisi toto hoc nostro opere absoluto, in manus nostras
devenisse, cui tamen qualemcumque in tertio tomo, ubi indici, locum dabimus."
PL1 1335-6 Addendum. Not checked.
: D. De GENOUDE, Les Pères de l'Eglise traduits en français, t. XII, Paris, in
8o. French translations of all Tertullian's works, or 22 of them
(Migne says both these things). The translator is in fact H. DENAIN, of
whom Migne says "de Septimii nostri studiosis bene meritus, notarum tamen
omnino expers, et omnis commentarii mole expeditus, elegans potiusquam
fidissimus interpres, qui africanae loquelae asperitatem splendenti ornavit
sermone, egregiaque interdum et ad vivum expressa interpretatione
recreavit." The ANF translator commented on how little it reflected
Tertullian's thought or style. PL1 68B-C. Not checked.
- From a dealer catalogue [October 2005]:
Les pères de l'église, traduit en Français par M. De. Genoude. Sapia Dix volumes in 8 reliés demi maroquin à grains longs ,vert foncé.
Paris 1837. Bon exemplaire.
Price : 400 EUR
1843 : Apologeticum, H.A. Woodham. Latin text; English
introduction and notes. Cambridge 1843. Listed in Migne: PL1 1335-6
Addendum. Not checked.
- A copy is listed in the Bodleian online catalogue:
Title: Q.S.F. Tertulliani Liber apologeticus, with Engl. notes and a preface by H.A. Woodham.
Publisher: Cambr. 1843
Description: cm.22
Other names: Woodham, Henry Annesley.
- Copy listed in the catalogue of Canterbury Cathedral library. [4],
lx, 174 p.
1844 : MIGNE : Paris, by Jacques-Paul
Migne, Patrologia Latina, vols I and II. The complete works of
everyone in 221 volumes, the first two of which deal with Tertullian. Migne's
text is a somewhat careless collection of everything he could lay hands on. As
such, it is a far more complete collection of the fathers than anything
subsequent. In print. Also on CDROM. Online: De codicibus (The Manuscripts)
also in
The real editor of the Tertullian volumes was Cardinal Pitra.
- From a dealer catalogue [May 2004]:
Quinti septimii florentis Tertulliani presbyteri carthaginiensis opera
omnia, tomus primus " Patrologia Latina, I"
Tertullian; Migne, J.P. (editor)
Price: £ 29.14 [May 2004]
Book Description: Paris: Excudebat Migne, 1844. 668 pp. Half leather in
good condition, worn cover with 2 large nicks on back, ex-libris.
Minorum patrum qui seculo tertio floruerunt in ecclesia latina a
Terulliano ad Cyprianum opera, et in primus minucii felicis octavius,
tomus unicus " Patrologia Latina, III"
Tertullian & Cyprian; Migne, J.P. (editor)
Price: £ 29.14 [May 2004]
Book Description: Paris: Excudebat Sirou, 1844. 806 pp. Rebound cloth in
good condition, ex-libris.
- From a dealer advert [May 2004]
Minorum Patrum qui seculo tertio floruerunt in ecclesia latina a
Tertulliano ad Cyprianum. Opera nempe Celereni, Luciani, Caldonii,
Moysis, Maximi. et in primis Minucii Felicis Octavius (ad intergerrimam
unius codicis existantis fidem expurgatus cum variorum notis et
dissertationibus) Tomus unicus
Price: £ 62.69 [May 2004]
Book Description: 1844. LXXXVIII + 1612 columns, halfcloth binding, some
foxing in text, good condition, [text in latin], in the series
"Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Migne" Tomus III. Tertulliani Tertius,
Minucii Felicis, Celerini, Luciani. Tomus unicus].
1844 : French translation (reprints). (Personal copy).
- From the Montpellier
library catalogue:
Author : Tertullien
Title : Oeuvres de Tertullien. Apologétique. Prescriptions contre les gentils. Du Baptême. De l'Ornement des femmes. [Contre les spectacles.
De la Patience. De la Couronne du soldat. Contre Marcion, extrait. De la Chair de Jésus-Christ. De la Résurrection de la chair. Aux nations]
Publisher : Paris : Charpentier, (1844)
Description : III-504 p. ; 18 cm
Other titles : Oeuvres choisies. - Trad. française
The bibliography should be
consulted for full details where appropriate.
1. Migne, J-P, Patrologia Latina, I (1844), column
35ff. Checked. PL1+col no is sometimes listed above.
2. For more info about the Editio Princeps, see A. Horawitz
in Sitzungsberichte der phil.-histor. Kl. der kgl. Akad. der Wissensch. zu Wien,
1872, lxxi. 662-674. (I don't recall where I got this reference). Not checked
3. The information also gave a paper reference to a catalogue
of an exhibition which included this volume:
In aedibus Aldi: the legacy of Aldus Manutius and his
press. Paul J. Angerhofer, Mary Ann Addy Maxwell, Robert
L. Maxwell: with binding descriptions by Pamela Barrios.
Provo: Friends of the Harold B. Lee Library of Brigham Young
University, 1995, 183 p. Ill. ISBN: 0-8425-2329-4.
A copy can be purchased for $30.00 from the Harold B. Lee
Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 84602.
The catalog and this digital exhibition were designed and
created by Robert Espinosa, Conservator and Preservation
Librarian, Harold B. Lee Library. Send comments to r_espinosa@byu.edu. Not
4. An extensive bibliography of the editions of Lactantius by
Prof. Jackson Bryce is now online at
http://www.acad.carleton.edu/curricular/CLAS/lactantius/biblio.htm. He
indicates for each entry what it contains. Most of these codes relate to
Lactantius. However TA = Apologeticum, TS = Sermo de vita aeterna (wrongly
attributed to Tertullian by Benalius). [+] = "Annotations are preceded by
the symbol [+]; annotated items and some others I have either seen myself or
verified in a way that seemed reliable."
Here are his codes:
AP | De Ave Phoenice |
CD | St. John Chrysostom, De Coena Domini in a Latin version by Hieronymus Donatus |
DI | Divinae Institutiones |
EDI | Epitome Divinarum Institutionum |
acEDI | the acephalous EDI, beginning with ch. 51 [56], Nam si iustitia |
ID | De Ira Dei |
MA | fragment de Motibus Animi |
MP | De Mortibus Persecutorum |
OD | De Opifico Dei |
PD | De Passione Domini |
PT | Adhortatio Philippi ad quendam Theodosium Iudæum |
RD | De Resurrectionis Dominicæ Die (Salve, festa dies), ascribed to Venantius Fotunatus |
acRD | an acephalous version of RD beginning at the verse Tempora florigero rutilant |
SA | Symposium or Symphosii Aenigmata |
TS | 'Tertullian', Sermo de Vita Æterna |
TA | Tertullian, Apologeticus |
VM | Lorenzo Valla, De Mystero Eucharistiæ |
5. The Illustrated Incunable Short Title Catalogue CD-ROM
(IISTC) is a British Library product, partly funded by the taxpayer, and so only
available commercially at a price which the vendor is afraid to mention online.
For more details about it, see "http://www.bl.uk/collections/epc/hoinc.html".
Copies are available for use at the British Library, Cambridge University
Library, and the Bodleian; and doubtless elsewhere.
6. The Italian Indice SBN, a union catalogue of their
libraries, is available online: Indice SBN.
7. An excellent introduction to rare books, and the late MSS
and the transition from one to the other is given by Brian RICHARDSON, Printing,
Writers and Readers in Renaissance Italy, Cambridge University Press
(1999). This details how the books and signatures are composed. Checked.
This page has been online since 11th December 1999.
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